
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Ch-5: Hunting

Jinzo woke up to the soft glow of dawn streaming through the window. He stretched his arms and legs, feeling the stiffness of the previous day's adventures in his muscles. Glancing around the small room, he saw that Kenji was still sound asleep in the bed next to him.

Quietly slipping out of bed, Jinzo tiptoed towards the window, careful not to wake his sleeping friend. He peered out at the world outside, taking in the sights and sounds of the new day. The air was crisp and fresh, and the first rays of sunlight were just beginning to filter through the trees.

As he stood there, lost in thought, Jinzo felt a sense of anticipation building inside him. Today was the day he would learn to hunt, to fend for himself in this strange new world.

After a few minutes, Kenji began to stir, his body stretching and groaning as he awoke from a deep sleep. With a yawn, he turned to Jinzo and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good morning," Kenji said, his voice still rough with sleep. "How did you sleep?"

Jinzo returned the smile, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on his face. "I slept alright, thanks," he said, stifling a yawn. "What's the plan for today?"

"We'll head to the town hall for breakfast, and then we can take a bath," Kenji replied, stretching his arms above his head. "It's not too far from here, just a short walk."

Jinzo nodded in agreement, feeling the excitement of the day ahead. He got up from the bed and quickly dressed, eager to get started. Jinzo and Kenji arrived at the town hall.

As Jinzo and Kenji entered the town hall, they noticed that the number of mercenaries had increased since the last night. They joined the line to get their breakfast, and their eyes were drawn to an unusual dish on the menu: grilled fish, but the meat looked exotic and unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Jinzo and Kenji hesitated at first, unsure of what to expect from this new world's cuisine. But their curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to take a chance and try the exotic fish.

As they took their first bite, they were pleasantly surprised by the explosion of flavors in their mouths.

Jinzo and Kenji cautiously took their first bite of the exotic grilled fish, expecting a burst of flavors they had never tasted before. But to their dismay, the flavors were unfamiliar and strange, leaving an odd aftertaste in their mouths.

As they forced themselves to swallow, they exchanged a bewildered look, both wondering if they were ready for the culinary customs of this new world.

"It's different," Kenji said with a grimace, "But maybe we just need some time to get used to it."

Jinzo nodded in agreement, still trying to push the taste down his throat. "I guess we'll have to keep exploring and trying new things to adapt to this world's cuisine."

With that, they finished their breakfast, determined to keep an open mind and embrace the unfamiliar flavors of this new world.

As they stepped out of the town hall, Jinzo looked at Kenji and asked, "Where are we going to take a bath?"

Kenji looked around and pointed toward the eastern side of the town. "There's a public bathhouse that we can use."

They started walking towards the bathhouse, passing through narrow alleys and ruined buildings. Jinzo couldn't help but comment on the state of the town. "It looks like a flood hit this place," he remarked.

Kenji nodded in agreement. "Yes, it seems like this town has seen better days. But the people here are resourceful. They manage to make do with what they have."

Jinzo looked around, taking in the surroundings. "I wonder how they manage to get enough food to feed everyone."

Kenji replied, "I think they must have used some kind of magic to repair the ruins. And as for the town, it's funded by the lord of Ironfall."

Hearing the word "magic" got Jinzo excited and wondered if Kenji would teach him magic. As their conversation came to an end, they arrived at the entrance of the bathhouse.

The building was a large, wooden structure with a thatched roof and a chimney protruding from the top. The walls were made of mud and straw, plastered over with a layer of white clay.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the musty smell of old wood and damp stones. The reception area was small and cramped, with a desk made of rough-hewn planks and an attendant ready to check them in. A corridor with peeling paint and rusted metal doors led to the changing rooms and bath areas.

Both of them removed their shoes and placed them in the cubbies provided before making their way to the changing area. The floors were made of uneven stones and creaked underfoot as they walked toward the lockers. They changed into their bath robes made of simple cotton cloth and tied them closed with the frayed sashes provided.

As they entered the bathhouse, they were greeted by the sound of running water. They followed the sound to a room where they saw a large pool of water in the center. The water was being supplied by a stream that had been diverted from the nearby river, which had overflowed during the flood.

The bath area was dimly lit by candles and torches, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The pools were made of cracked stones and had a few missing tiles, but the water was still clear and inviting. Wooden benches and stools were provided for sitting, while a bucket and ladle were available for rinsing off.

As Jinzo and Kenji relaxed in the warm water, Jinzo picked up a bar of plain, unscented soap from the nearby shelf. He lathered it up in his hands and began to scrub himself clean.

The soap was simple but effective, producing a thick lather that easily removed the dirt and sweat from their skin. Kenji took another soap and did the same, remarking on how much cleaner he felt already.

As they continued to bathe, they both felt their muscles relax and their minds calm. The warm water and the sensation of being clean were rejuvenating, and they both felt grateful for the opportunity to take a break from their travels.

Jinzo and Kenji emerged from the bathhouse, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed after their soak. As they stepped out into the cool air, Jinzo turned to Kenji and asked, "So, where to next?"

"We'll be going hunting," Kenji said with a determined tone. "Do you have your sword with you?" he asked, turning to Jinzo.

Jinzo nodded, patting the hilt of his sword in affirmation. "I'm ready," he said, his voice filled with anticipation.

As Jinzo and Kenji approached the city gates, they noticed a group of mercenaries gathering nearby. The mercenaries were gearing up for a journey beyond the city walls, and the air was filled with the sound of clinking armor and murmured conversations.

Once beyond the gates, Jinzo and Kenji parted ways with the mercenaries and struck out on their path. They were on a mission, and their focus was unwavering as they journeyed deeper into the wilderness.

Jinzo and Kenji walked cautiously through the dense forest. Kenji, though unfamiliar with the area, had a keen eye for the terrain and was quick to spot potential hazards. Jinzo followed closely behind, watching his companion's every move.

The scent of pine and damp earth filled the air. As they continued deeper into the forest, the terrain grew more rugged. Fallen trees and large boulders made the path difficult to navigate, and Kenji was forced to frequently stop and reassess their route. Jinzo remained alert, keeping his sword at the ready in case of any sudden attacks.

Kenji signaled for Jinzo to be quiet and they both crouched down, listening carefully. They heard rustling in the bushes and a chewing sound, and soon discovered the beast they had encountered before. It was eating a deer-like creature, its long antlers and spotted fur unmistakable even in the dim light of the forest.

"Be careful," Kenji whispered, "that wolf is corrupted. It's not wise to engage it head-on. While it has excellent eyesight, its sense of smell is lacking. It also has decent hearing. Your best bet is to approach it from behind and aim for its weak points, the neck and stomach area. Don't worry, I'll distract it."

Jinzo moved with caution, making sure not to create any noise as he crept up behind the beast. Kenji distracted the creature by throwing a stone in the opposite direction.

While the creature was turned, Jinzo seized the opportunity to strike. With swift and precise movement, he plunged his sword into the beast's neck. The creature let out a low growl before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. Jinzo retrieved his sword and wiped it clean on his pants.

Kenji came over to Jinzo and patted him on the back. "Great job," he said, admiring the clean kill. "You're a natural."

Jinzo smiled, "Thanks," he replied. "I couldn't have done it without your help."

Kenji grinned back, "That's what I'm here for. I'm going to skin the beast now, look out for danger."

With his gloves on, Kenji struggled a bit as he began the process of skinning the beast. The skin was tough and resistant, and it took a considerable amount of effort to make the first incision. But Kenji was determined, and with each cut, he gained more confidence and precision.

Jinzo couldn't help but feel a little sick to his stomach as he watched the process. He still couldn't get used to the sight of the blood and guts.

"Why do we have to skin it?" he asked tentatively, his voice trembling slightly.

Kenji paused his work for a moment, wiping the sweat from his brow. "In the city of Ashen Veil, monster parts are used as currency," he explained patiently. "The skins, furs, nails, and eyes of these beasts are traded for weapons, food, and other necessities."

Jinzo nodded, though he still couldn't quite shake the feeling of unease. He looked away from the gruesome sight and scanned the surrounding area, alert for any potential threats.

After Kenji finished packing up the beast parts, he turned to Jinzo and said, "We need to hunt more to gather enough materials to trade for your equipment." Jinzo nodded in agreement, realizing the urgency of the situation.

Over the next few hours, they continued their hunt, taking down five more corrupted wolves. Jinzo's skills with the sword had improved with each kill, and Kenji couldn't help but be impressed. He watched in amazement as Jinzo moved with the agility and precision of a seasoned hunter, making no sound and leaving no trace.

As they hunted the last beast, Jinzo's foot accidentally snapped a twig, causing a loud cracking sound that echoed through the forest. The creature's ears perked up at the sound, and it immediately let out a ferocious growl. Before they knew it, the beast charged toward them with full force.

Kenji drew his katana and ran toward the beast. He dodged its charge and quickly closed the distance between them. With a swift and precise slash, he aimed for the beast's weak spot and managed to slay it in a single stroke, ending the fight before it could even begin.

Jinzo watched in awe as Kenji sheathed his sword and turned to him with a calm expression. "You need to be more careful," he advised. "But you're getting better."

Jinzo's attention was drawn to a strange sight. He noticed a faint, greenish glow emanating from Kenji's body. Curious, he gazed at Kenji intently, trying to discern the source of the mysterious aura.

Kenji noticed Jinzo staring at him and raised an eyebrow. "What's up?" he asked, sensing something was off. "You're looking at me funny."

Jinzo paused for a moment before speaking, trying to choose his words carefully. "I couldn't help but notice a faint, greenish glow emanating from your body," he said.

Kenji looked at him confused for a moment before realization dawned on him. "To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what it means," he admitted. "But I do know that it's connected to magic. I can see it too."

As Jinzo heard the word magic, he gets excited. "Can see mine?" he asked with excitement.

Kenji looked at Jinzo and furrowed his brow in concentration."It's a bit of a grayish hue, almost like a mist."

Although he didn't know if the gray glow was a good or bad thing, Jinzo couldn't help but wish it was red - his favorite color.

Kenji glanced at the sky, noting the position of the sun. "I think it's time to wrap this up for today," he said, turning to Jinzo. "We've collected enough for now. Let's head back."

Jinzo nodded and they prepared to leave the forest. As they walk, Kenji says with a start "So what kind of weapon do you want? Now don't ask for a katana"

Jinzo took a moment to think over Kenji's question. He had never really considered what type of weapon he would want, having always relied on his instinct.

Finally, he replied to Kenji's question, "I think I want a spear. It's versatile and has good reach, which would be useful against the larger beasts we might face."

Kenji nodded in agreement, "A spear it is then. Spears are versatile weapons, great for both close and long-range combat. But they can be difficult to handle, requiring a lot of practice to master. I assume you chose it because you prefer to keep your distance from the beasts?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Jinzo nodded in agreement, and they turned to leave the forest.

Jinzo and Kenji walked through the ruined streets of Asenveil until they arrived at a small encampment. The sounds of bartering and trading filled the air as they approached. Jinzo took in the scene, trying to understand the ways of the mercenary culture.

He watched as people haggled over weapons, food, and supplies. Some were exchanging monster parts, while others were trading valuable trinkets and treasures. The whole scene was chaotic and overwhelming, but Jinzo couldn't help but feel intrigued.

Kenji noticed Jinzo's fascination and chuckled. "Welcome to the world of mercenary trading," he said. "It may seem chaotic, but it's how we survive in this world."

Kenji approached a man who was busy sorting through a collection of weapons displayed on a nearby counter. He looked up at them with a mix of curiosity and suspicion as Kenji requested a spear and some basic equipment.

"What do you have to offer?" the man behind the counter asked in a gruff voice, eyeing them up and down.

Jinzo presented with the collection of beast's fur and eyes they had gathered from their hunt, and as the man looked upon the spoils, his face softened with a sense of satisfaction.

"Ah, you've been busy," the man said, eyeing the fur and eyes Kenji had laid out on the counter. "Very well then, let's see what we have," he continued as he started rummaging through various items on the counter, examining each one closely.

After a few moments, the man pulled out a decent spear, The spear had a sturdy, straight metal handle that was smooth to the touch. The blade was made of sharp steel and had a long, pointed tip that gleamed in the light. The weapon felt balanced in Jinzo's hand, and he could imagine the power he could wield with it.

As for the olive mercenary clothes, they were made of thick, durable fabric with reinforced stitching in key areas. The outfit had plenty of pockets to store various items.

Upon receiving the beast's fur and eyes from Kenji, the man inspected them briefly and nodded in approval, while Kenji nodded in appreciation. "Good trade," he said, before turning to the next customer.

As Kenji and Jinzo were about to make their way towards the town hall, a deep voice suddenly called out to them from behind, "Halt Comrade" The voice was a bit familiar, and the two friends exchanged wary glances before turning around to face the speaker.

They recognized the tall man and woman approaching them - it was the same duo they had seen at the recruitment center. they couldn't help but be curious as to why these individuals were seeking them out. The surprise was evident on their faces as the tall man spoke up, "It's a fortunate encounter to see you both here. Might we have a word with you?"

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