
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Ch-4: Fellow Outworlder

Jinzo's heart pounded in his chest as he faced the four beasts advancing toward him. Fear gripped him, and he knew that he was no match for them. His mind raced as he desperately searched for a way out.

Jinzo's left arm throbbed in pain, and he felt hopeless, thinking that in his second chance, he would die without living life to the fullest. But he refused to accept this fate and tried to muster his strength, despite the overwhelming odds against him.

Jinzo's heart raced as he heard the loud footsteps behind him, getting closer and closer. He quickly turned around, his eyes fell upon a sight that was both unexpected and yet somehow familiar.

There, standing before him, was a man dressed in olive-colored medieval mercenary clothes. His attire was complete with a leather jerkin, metal bracers, and boots that appeared to be well-worn from long travels. In contrast to his rugged clothing, however, he wore a neatly tied black headband.

Jinzo saw the man and felt relieved. As he looked closer, he noticed the man's narrow black eyes and long black hair, which was tied in a short ponytail. He also noticed a faint green aura emanating from him, something he had never seen before.

As he took a step closer, he noticed the man's distinct hilt of a katana protruding from his belt. The weapon seemed to be well-cared for and had a slight sheen to it as if it had been recently polished.

The sight of the sword and the man's attire immediately brought to mind images of ancient Japanese warriors, but there was something different about this man. His face was stoic and unreadable, yet there was a sense of calm and purpose that emanated from him, along with the green aura.

He heard him shouting, "Hey, I heard shout--!".As the man's gaze fell upon Jinzo, his smile broadened. It was a warm and welcoming smile, as if he had been searching for someone and had finally found him.

As the man saw the beasts running towards them, his smile faded, The man's eyes narrowed as he saw the beasts closing in on them. Without hesitation, he drew his katana and shouted at Jinzo to duck.

As Jinzo obeyed, the man unsheathed his katana, and for a moment, he paused, his hand resting on the hilt. His narrow eyes flickered toward Jinzo before returning to the beasts charging at them. With lightning speed, he drew his katana in a flash, the blade glinting in the sunlight.

Jinzo was amazed by the man's swift and precise movements. In just one fluid motion, the man drew his katana and made a curved slash that cut down all the beasts at once, even though he was several feet away from them.

The monsters fell to the ground with a loud thud, and the forest fell silent once again. Jinzo watched in awe as the beasts fell to the ground, their bodies sliced in half.

The man sheathed his katana, as the man approached Jinzo, he noticed the injury on his left arm and swiftly took out a small bottle with a slightly green-colored liquid. Jinzo thought it was a healing potion, and his relief was palpable.

The man said, "I have a healing potion that can help you but be prepared, it's going to hurt."

Jinzo nodded and braced himself, "I'll do whatever it takes to heal this wound."

The man poured the green potion onto Jinzo's bitten hand, causing him to wince in pain. "Just hang in there," he said, "It'll be over soon."

As the green liquid touched the wound, Jinzo felt a burning sensation that intensified with every passing second. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, trying his best not to scream out in agony.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain finally subsided, and Jinzo could see that the wound had healed. But his arm still bore the bite marks, and his skin was red and inflamed from the potion's effects.

The man looked at Jinzo and spoke in a calm and measured tone, "The potion will heal your wound, but there is a chance the beast's bite might have infected you. You may feel some nausea and weakness, but there should be no major complications."

The man said urgently, "We don't have much time. We need to get out of here before more of these creatures show up. Follow me."

Jinzo followed the man, feeling grateful for the man's help. He didn't know who the man was or where they were going, but he knew he was safer with him than on his own. As they ran towards the river on the south side, Jinzo couldn't help but feel a slight weakness in his legs.

His injured hand also made him slower than he would have liked. The man, on the other hand, seemed to be moving with ease despite the long journey they had just taken.

The man stopped abruptly, causing Jinzo to almost run into him. He turned around and faced Jinzo, his eyes scanning him for any signs of weakness or infection. Satisfied with what he saw, he spoke in a low, steady voice.

"We have arrived." Jinzo collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily as his injured hand throbbed with pain. The man knelt beside him, checking his pulse and examining the wound. "You're going to be okay," he said reassuringly. "We just need to get you some rest and let the potion do its work."

As they sat by the river, Jinzo took in his surroundings. The water flowed peacefully, and the trees rustled gently in the breeze. He couldn't believe that just moments ago, he was running for his life from monstrous creatures.

"My name is Jinzo Watanabe," said Jinzo with a start.

"My name is Kenji Matsumoto." Kenji Matsumoto extended his hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Watanabe-san."

Jinzo clasped Kenji's hand and bowed his head slightly in respect. "Thank you for your help earlier. I owe you one."

He was exhausted and needed a break. They sat by the river, drinking water. After catching their breath, Jinzo turned to Kenji and inquired, "Do you have any idea where we are at the moment?"

There was a momentary pause before Kenji replied, "Honestly, I don't have much information myself. However, what I do know is that we're currently in the state of 'Ironfall' and currently situated in the forest adjacent to the ruined city of 'Ashenveil'."

"Before we head into the city, let me cover you up," Kenji said as he pulled out an olive cloak and draped it over Jinzo's shoulders, concealing his modern and bloodstained clothes.

"We need to be careful. The mercenaries might suspect you if they see you dressed like that," Kenji explained, gesturing to Jinzo's original outfit.

Jinzo followed Kenji as they walked, the scent of the air gradually changing from the original spot where Jinzo had woken up. The air was now redolent of damp earth and decaying leaves, reminiscent of a dense forest after a rainstorm.

After some time, Jinzo and Kenji came upon a medium-sized wall that was partially collapsed, with chunks of masonry scattered about haphazardly.

Jinzo's eyes surveyed the wall, tracing the outline of what had once been a formidable structure. Despite its grandeur, the lower portion was now crumbling and discolored, marred by streaks of mud and debris.

As Jinzo drew closer to the entrance, he noticed a group of mercenaries stationed nearby. Clad in olive garb, the guards carried an array of weapons, some even brandishing the remains of slain monsters. Jinzo observed as one of the men hoisted a bundle of fur onto his back, while another slung a backpack filled with what appeared to be bones over his shoulder.

Jinzo raised his gaze and spotted several guards perched atop the wall, their figures adorned in gleaming silver armor. Despite the wall's damage, the guards remained ever vigilant, their eyes scanning the surrounding terrain for any signs of danger.

The pungent odor of decay and destruction wafted through the air as Kenji and Jinzo drew closer to the city gates. What had once been a vibrant and lively city now lay in ruins, its once-grand structures reduced to rubble and debris.

The streets were filled with rubble and debris, and Jinzo could see that some of the larger buildings had been reduced to nothing more than piles of rubble.

Jinzo looked around and noticed several groups of armed men standing together in hushed conversation. They were mercenaries, their rough clothing and weapons marking them as experienced fighters.

Jinzo could see the weariness etched on their faces, the exhaustion of a hard-fought battle weighing heavily on them. They moved with a sense of purpose, some carrying sacks of supplies or weapons, while others tended to wounds or prepared for the next skirmish. As Jinzo walked through the city he sees even more destruction.

Many of the sturdy brick and stone buildings that had lined the streets were now partially submerged and badly damaged. Some had collapsed completely, leaving piles of rubble in their place. The floodwaters had receded, leaving behind a thick layer of mud and debris that coated everything in sight.

Despite the destruction, there were still signs of life in the inner city. Small groups of survivors could be seen huddled together, tending to their wounds and attempting to rebuild their shattered homes. The sounds of hammering and sawing echoed through the streets, as the resilient residents of Ashenveil worked to carve out a new life in the aftermath of the flood.

Some of the larger buildings, such as the town hall and the marketplace, still stood defiantly, though their facades were badly marred and scarred by the floodwaters.

Jinzo while looking around at the devastation and destruction turned to Kenji, "What happened here?" he asked Kenji

Kenji with a grim expression said in a low and hushed voice, "It was because of the Reign Of Terror."

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