
Chapter 1 It Begins

Forlorn Village Church-

Azar:"Well I guess I should be going"

There was the sound of an explosion


Father Pendras:"That doesn't sound good, child please hurry and leave"

Azar does so

Pendras steps out

Pendras:"What's the meaning of this?"

Glacian Soldiers:"Father Pendras please go back inside it's not safe! Salavanian Troops are attacking!"

Glacia the Nation of the ice element known for being a peaceful yet power nation known for their great medical skills, and to be more precise Hexo Village, a village not just covered in snow but also beautiful ice crystal, a silver blue wolf walking through the village

Blizz:"Aww another wonderful day"

A snow rabbit walks up to Blizz with a broken arm

Arc:"Heya Blizz" he sounded weak

Blizz:"Arc What happened!? He looked super worried

Arc:"Oh I had an accident while working hehehe"

Blizz hugs Arc tight, Arc blushed

Blizz:"Oh I thought someone hurt you, I wouldn't know what I'd do"

Arc:"Blizz I'm ok, please relax" he gives a warm smile

Blizz:"Oh ok"

Arc:"By the way Elder Xento(Zen-to) wanted to see you, good luck" he walks off


Xento, an elderly Polar Bear, was tending to his garden of Diamond Flowers, Flowers that were known for being crystal clear, Blizz walks up to him

Blizz:"Elder Xento, you wanted to see me?"

Xento:"Yes? Oh well you see I've reserved troubling news about an attack in Forlorn Village, I'm assembling Troops to travel there to settle things"

Blizz:"But I've never fought! Sir why ask me!?"

Xento:"You're father was the general and an expert swordsman, I'm sure you'll learn fast, we'll practice on the way there, better get prepared"

Blizz:"Oh ok...."

After Blizz said his goodbyes to Arc and gives him a hug and heads to the village entrance where Xento, Glacian soldiers, and a buff Jackalope in basic chainmail armor and a sword

Blizz:"Oh Leduke(Lee-Duke) you're here?"

Leduke:"I could say the same for you pup"

Blizz:"I hate that nickname"

Xento:"Now Now boys no need to fight, men we're ready"

The Glacian soldiers whistle a horde of quadruped dragon like creatures made of ice soon arrive, the group hops onto them and ride to Forlorn

Forlorn Path-

Leduke:"Hey Elder Xento those Blizz even know how to fight?"

Xento:"Actually no"

Leduke grins cracking his knuckles

Leduke:"I'll teach him"

Blizz:"Oh boy" he sweats and gulps nervous

The two dismount their Frostagons and head to a near by forest

Leduke:"Now lets start pup!"

Blizz:"Stop that!"

Battle Begin!-

Blizz;600 HP

Leduke;800 HP

Leduke:"So we both have hp and it's turned based, but if you take to long to use a move your turn will automatically end so, Sword Slash!"

He slashes at Blizz, Blizz-450 HP

Blizz:"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!!!!!!! That hurt jerk! Sword Slice!" He slashes back, Leduke-700 HP

Leduke:"Hehe that tickled pup, now punk let me show you a special move! Blizzard Blast!!!!"

He makes a ball of ice energy and kicks it with his powerful legs!, Blizz-100 HP, Blizzard Blast Cooldown-2 more turns

"Also Special moves have cool down, so you can't spam them, that's basically the basics pup" he smirks

Blizz coughs almost throwing up

Blizz:"Grrrrrr take this!!!!!!, Frost Cut!"

His sword is covered in ice as he slashes Leduke,

Leduke-400HP, Frost Cut cooldown-1 more turn

Leduke just simply smacks Blizz for 100 damage, then heals him with a potion

Leduke:"Also extra advice, when someone reaches 0 HP they have a few minutes before dying"

Blizz:"Wait, THAT SLAP COULD'VE KILLED ME!!!!????!"

Leduke shrugs, they both call Frostagons catch up to the group and arrive at Forlorn and see the chaos, the war has finally begun.

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