
Emergence of a New World

Isaac and Laila Hall were spending a usual evening in their residence when a peculiar event took place in the sky. Through mysterious powers, they were both taken to an alternate world with magic and monsters that were once considered mere fiction. The siblings must now search for a passage back home while struggling to survive.

MysteryJD · Fantaisie
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151 Chs

Chapter 133- A Talk Between Three

Another productive and informative meeting had passed. A large amount of data had been exchanged between the participants and a collective objective had been established. Our main priority is to ensure that a conflict between humans and athios does not occur. Seeking peace with another humanoid species will do wonders for both in the long run. Turning this planet into a wasteland of war and misery is something both sides probably do not want. However, this Cardinal Nicholas fellow wants to be the spark that starts it all. Though he will soon find out that we are aware of his plans, and it's only a matter of time until he is stopped…

It's been ten minutes since the meeting ended. Mr. Reed had kindly taken the notebook which Laila had lent him and will be producing multiple copies of her work to distribute to the other departments and the president. Inside the encyclopedia is a detailed section of monster anatomy and their supposed weaknesses. We were familiar with a few, but there was a great deal more that we were unaware of. Laila had procured such a valuable piece because of her extensive research back on South Osmen, a place rich in knowledge. I truly believe that Laila will find the answers she seeks if she wishes to return.

"Maybe I should've joined her instead," I mumbled under my breath.

I was seated on a bar stool, drinking a martini which Paul had prepared. The flavor stung my throat like an open wound being dabbed with alcohol. I wasn't too fond of sweets or anything like that. I'd rather consume foods or drinks that have a kick to it, and this Dry Martini has the sort of kick I needed. The fatigue that had reached its boiling point had seemingly collapsed, and my head was in the clouds. I stared at the shelf of liquor with a frown, yet the still liquid gazed back with a smile. The only noises to be heard were Paul polishing a glass cup and the sound of water dripping from a nearby tap. Though it was quiet, that silence was soon disrupted when I heard a faint voice in the distance.

"…How's mom?"

My curiosity was piqued when I recognized the voice. It was the young and brash voice of Darion. If I remember correctly, he was one of the first to exit the shed. The reason being is that he received a phone call from a relative. So, he excused himself and went somewhere private. If his voice was loud enough that those in the open kitchen could hear him, that would mean he's nearby.

"It's none of my business, so I'll tune him out."

Despite my promise to overlook him, when I was about to take a drink, a comment he made had me immobilized. Darion assumed a soft tone, like a pre-school teacher soothing a crying child.

"I hope everything's going well without me. Dad has done nothing weird, right?"

I set the glass down gently and gazed at the perspired exterior, my mind racing with thoughts. Who was Darion speaking to and was he always able to talk like that? For as long as I've known him, he's serious and a tad rude, but that doesn't sour our relationship. Darion had only taken on a kinder tone only once, and that was when we were attacked by Shadow Oni. If I had to guess, it must be a family member or someone extremely close to him. Even then, what does he mean by that last sentence? When he mentioned his father, there was a drop of hostility in his tone…

"Eavesdropping isn't good," said Paul, as he whipped out a yellow feather duster.

"I didn't ask to have such good hearing," I grumbled, drowning every drop of Gin. "Darion never talks about his family, and I was just curious. Since he doesn't mention them, I don't pry. We all have stuff that can't be shared easily with others."

"Right you are, Joel."

After asking for a refill, Paul and I chatted about what we've been up to these days and all that jazz. As we talked for a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps approaching from behind, though I dared not turn. I heard the crunch of fabric to my right, and a voice spoke.

"Hey, old man Paul. Can I get a glass of water?"

Paul nodded and said, "With a pinch of lime, right?"

"Just how I like it."

I gave the person next to me the side-eye because of his abnormal request. "I really don't see the appeal of water with lime. You love that atrocious combination way too much."

"Don't berate something you've never tried."

I just shrugged at his answer and took another sip. "How's high school been going for ya? Working under Mr. Reed and attending high school is no easy feat, Darion."

As Darion spoke, he received a glass of lime water. "…It's manageable. No need to worry about me."

…And there it is, the end of the conversation. Whenever Darion says that last bit, that's his way of saying 'don't pry into my life any further'. It's quite frustrating whenever he pulls this. I ask a simple question about life, and he gives a vague answer. It's no wonder Darion barely interacts with the group. Heck, he probably doesn't have that many friends outside of work. Only time I've seen him chatting happily was with that boy Isaac. Maybe it's the age gap that's the problem? Boys tend to open up more to those similar in age. If they click, then their relationship rapidly progresses.

As I gulped down my liquor, Darion asked me a weird question.

"You ever wonder what it means to be free?"

I damn near spit out my drink at his question. As I coughed and wheezed, Paul simply sighed and tossed me a glass of water, which I greedily devoured.

"T-That came out of left field! What made you say that?"

Darion swiveled in his chair and gazed at the fireplace. "Everyone is given a responsibility to uphold. That is a similarity that everyone shares. However, the difficulty of that responsibility and how many you carry is a different ball game. The responsibility can be as simple as taking out the trash whenever it's full. Or a CEO of an established company hiring promising individuals and making sure the company doesn't fall under. If you want to kick it up a notch, you might shoulder the responsibility of murdering a specific group of people."

"What are you getting at here, Darion? This is very uncharacteristic of you. Talking this much…"

Darion paused for a moment, creasing his eyebrows. His eyes seemed lost and distant, as if he was in an entirely different world. He was silent for a few minutes as he gulped down his lime water. Paul and I glanced at each other worriedly.

"…I lost myself there for a moment. Don't mind me, old man. I was just venting."

With a loud thud, Darion placed the empty cup onto the marble countertop and stood up.

"Just see this little conversation as the futile ramblings of a kid."

Without another word, Darion shuffled away from the area and exited out of the mansion.

"…Joel. You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

I nodded grimly without answering. Darion was most likely seeking advice from Paul and I. Taking into consideration the strange telephone call we heard and Darion's sudden change of attitude, it seems likely that the young man desired to seek counsel. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what caused this sudden turn of events.

I ruffled my hair as I addressed Paul. "Let's keep this to ourselves. If Darion doesn't want to talk about it, then so be it."

Paul snorted at my proposal as he rubbed a wine glass with a cloth. "I'm not tactless, Joel.

"I know."

We stayed in tranquil silence, appreciating each other's presence as the time went on. Before I knew it, the day of the Second Stage had begun.