
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs

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The next morning, the group was stretching after training all morning. They had decided it was time to travel to another city to gather some information about the Generals of the Demon King. However, they couldn't decide where to go. Chris and Kazuma had nothing to say on the matter and simply played cards, while the others fiercely debated to determine their destination.

Aqua insisted on going to Arcanletia, claiming it was the ideal place to look for clues. Of course, her suggestion was quickly rebuked by Megumin, who accused Aqua of wanting to relax in the hot springs instead. Megumin insisted on going to the Crimson Demon Village since they regularly traveled to the Demon King's castle to try and take down the barrier.

As for Darkness, she didn't want to go there yet and instead wanted to go to the Royal, although she didn't disclose the reason, making it hard to agree with her. So the decision fell on Jack and Yunyun, who were engaged in the discussion and hadn't proposed any other place to visit.

Jack listened intently to the arguments, taking in the opinions of each member of the group. He understood the merits of each suggestion but also knew that they needed to come to a consensus. He glanced at Yunyun, who seemed deep in thought, and decided to address her.

"Yunyun, what do you think?" Jack asked, his tone filled with genuine curiosity. "You've been part of this group for some time now, and your perspective is valuable. Do you have any thoughts on where we should go?"

Yunyun blinked, slightly surprised to be directly asked. She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, and then spoke up. "Well, if I may, I think it could be beneficial to go to the Crimson Demon Village. As Megumin mentioned, the Crimson Demons have a history with the Demon King's castle and might have valuable information to share. Plus, it would also be a chance for me to reconnect with my fellow Crimson Demons and see if they can offer any insights."

Aqua and Darkness exchanged determined glances, their stubbornness evident in their expressions. "Fine! If you two are so set on going to the Crimson Demon Village, we'll just go our separate ways," Aqua declared, crossing her arms.

Darkness nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with resolve. "Indeed, if the Crimson Demon Village is the chosen destination, then I shall embark on my own path. I have matters to attend to in the Royal Capital, and I will not be deterred."

Jack sighed and walked over to Darkness, who stood with a determined expression. "Darkness, I thought we made a promise to stay together and support each other. Are you really going to go against that so easily?"

At Jack's words, Darkness avoided his gaze guiltily. 'I... apologize,' she said with those parting words before leaving the room. But she wasn't the only one; Aqua followed Darkness's lead and also left the room.

Jack felt a pang of confusion and concern as he watched both Darkness and Aqua leave the room, each in their own mysterious way. Something seemed off, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper reason behind their sudden departure.

Turning to Kazuma and Chris, who were still engrossed in their card game, Jack raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen? Do you guys have any idea why they would just leave like that?"

Kazuma shrugged nonchalantly, his attention focused on his hand of cards. "Who knows? Women are complicated creatures. Maybe they just need some time alone or have something on their minds. They'll come back when they're ready."

Jack shook his head. "Actually, I don't think they will." He sighed before looking apologetically at Chris and Kazuma. "Sorry if it's too much to ask, but I want you two to travel with them. Kazuma, you will go with Aqua, and Chris with Darkness."

Kazuma raised an eyebrow, surprised by Jack's request. "Wait, you want me to go with Aqua? Why? What's going on?"

Jack looked at Kazuma with a serious expression. "I have a feeling that there's something bothering Aqua, something she hasn't shared with us. I believe she needs someone she trusts by her side. And Kazuma, I know you have a unique... bond with her. Please, take care of her and try to find out what's troubling her."

Chris nodded in agreement. "And what about Darkness? Why do you want me to go with her?"

Jack hesitated for a moment before answering. "Darkness made a promise to me, and I want to honor that promise. But I also know that she's been carrying a heavy burden for a long time, and maybe she needs someone to lean on. Chris, I trust you to be there for her, to support her."

Chris raised an eyebrow. "But wouldn't you be more suited for that role in that case?" After all, she knew what those two did yesterday.

Jack ruffled his hair. "No, just now she avoided me. Whatever is going on with her, she will refuse to share it with anyone, let alone me. I asked you because I'm aware you have known her longer than any of us, Chris."

Chris nodded. "I see. You're right. I have known Darkness for a long time, and maybe there are things she feels more comfortable sharing with me than with you. Leave it to me, Jack." She gave him a coy smile and winked.

Kazuma sighed and nodded. "Alright, Jack. We'll do our best to support them."

Jack smiled gratefully. "Thank you, both of you. I know it's a lot to ask, but I believe in your abilities to be there for them. We'll continue our journey to the Crimson Demon Village, and hopefully, our paths will cross again."

Megumin and Yunyun approached Jack, concern evident in their eyes. Megumin crossed her arms and frowned. "Jack, are you sure about this? I mean, isn't it better for us to stick together as a group?"

Yunyun nodded in agreement. "I understand that Darkness and Aqua have their own issues to deal with, but couldn't we postpone our trip to the Crimson Demon Village and support them? It feels like we're abandoning them when they need us the most."

Jack listened to their concerns and sighed. "I understand how you both feel, and I appreciate your concern for our friends. However, we can't afford to waste any more time. Lately, I've been sensing a growing unease, as if someone is observing us, watching our every move. I can't shake off the feeling that our enemies are preparing something big, and I'd rather strike first than wait for them to make their move."

He looked at Megumin and Yunyun, his gaze determined. "Going to the Crimson Demon Village is a crucial step in our journey. We need to gather information about the Demon King's generals. It's not just about our personal quests; it's about protecting the world from the threat that looms over us."

Megumin and Yunyun exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They nodded, their expressions resolute. "You're right, Jack," Megumin said. "We can't let our guard down. We'll trust your instincts and follow your lead."

Yunyun added with a determined smile, "And once we have gathered the knowledge we need, we'll be even better equipped to help our friends when the time comes."

Jack nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you, both of you. Let's stay focused and push forward. Our friends may be physically separated from us, but they will remain by our side in spirit."

Jack's brow furrowed as he pondered the best route to reach the Crimson Demon Village. He was deep in thought, considering various options, when Yunyun's voice broke through his concentration.

"Um, Jack?" Yunyun's voice snapped him out of his contemplation. He blinked and turned to her, slightly embarrassed. "Yes, Yunyun? What is it?"

Yunyun tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I was just wondering when we are planning to leave. You see, I have a teleportation spell that can take us directly to the village, but I didn't want to interrupt your thinking."

Jack's embarrassment deepened as he recalled Yunyun mentioning the teleportation spell before. He realized he had completely forgotten about it, caught up in his own thoughts. "Ah, right... I'm sorry, Yunyun. I completely forgot about your teleportation spell. That would certainly save us a lot of time and effort. Thank you for reminding me."

Yunyun smiled kindly. "No problem, Jack. I understand you have a lot on your mind. Whenever you're ready, we can use the teleportation spell to reach the Crimson Demon Village."

Jack nodded, grateful for Yunyun's patience and understanding. "Let's do that then. I apologize for the oversight. We should take advantage of your spell and reach our destination swiftly."

Yunyun's smile widened, and she nodded eagerly. "Great! I'll prepare the spell right away."

Megumin stood to the side, arms crossed and a pout forming on her face. She watched with a mix of annoyance and envy as Yunyun effortlessly stole the spotlight once again. "Hmph! Just because she can teleport doesn't mean she's better than me!" She muttered under her breath, casting a sidelong glance at Yunyun.

Jack noticed Megumin's reaction and couldn't help but chuckle. He walked over to her and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Megumin. You have your own unique talents that make you special. Yunyun's teleportation spell is impressive, but your explosive magic is unrivaled."

Megumin's pout slowly turned into a small smile as she looked up at Jack. "You're right. I guess I just got a little jealous."

Their surroundings warped, and in an instant, they found themselves in a grassland. They looked around for a moment before concluding that their teleportation was a little off. Before they could decide anything, a group of female orcs started running towards them.

Yunyun and Megumin immediately took up defensive stances, readying their magic, while Jack stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation. "Hold on, there must be some misunderstanding here." he called out, his voice firm but calm.

The orcs surrounded them, their eyes fixed on Jack, their intentions unclear. Megumin gritted her teeth, prepared to unleash a powerful explosion if necessary, while Yunyun's hands glowed with magical energy, ready to strike. Jack held his ground, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of an escape route.

One of the orcs, a burly female with a mischievous grin, stepped forward, eyeing Jack with a mix of curiosity and mischief. "Well, well, look at this! A human boy all alone in our territory. How intriguing!" she exclaimed.

Jack raised an eyebrow, trying to assess the situation. "I assure you, I'm not here for any trouble. We're simply passing through."

The orcs burst into laughter, their voices loud and boisterous. 'Oh, we know you're not here for trouble. We're just looking for some fun!' another orc chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eye as she placed a hand on Jack's shoulder.

Megumin couldn't hold back any longer. She raised her staff, charging it with explosive magic. "You better let him alone, or you'll regret it! I'm Megumin, the Arch Wizard of the Crimson Demon Clan!"

Yunyun's hands crackled with lightning, ready to unleash her own magic. "Release him immediately! We won't tolerate any harm coming to our friend!"

The orc leader grinned, unfazed by their threats. "Oh, don't be so serious! We just wanted to have a little bit of fun with the cute human boy."

Jack felt slightly uncomfortable with the attention. "I appreciate the interest, but I'm afraid I'm not available."

The orcs laughed even louder, their boisterous voices echoing through the air. "Well, aren't you modest? Don't worry, we won't force you into anything. We're just here to have a good time!"

Suddenly, Jack's expression turned serious. He slowly raised his hand, and with a swift motion, a pillar of light formed a few yards away, scorching the ground beside him. The orcs recoiled, their laughter quickly silenced.

"I suggest you back off," Jack said, his voice low and commanding. "We mean you no harm, but we won't hesitate to defend ourselves."

The orc leader's mischievous grin faded, replaced by a hint of respect and caution. "You're stronger than you look, human. Very well, we'll leave you be."

As the orcs begrudgingly dispersed, the group took a moment to regroup and catch their breath. Megumin looked at Jack with a mixture of awe and surprise. "That was amazing! I didn't know you had that kind of power."

Jack smiled, a touch of humility in his eyes. "Sometimes, you have to show a little force to make your point clear. But let's not dwell on it. We should keep moving."

Yunyun nodded in agreement. "He's right. We can't waste any more time here. We still have our mission to accomplish."

Jack stretched his arm a bit as the village came into view. He didn't know what to make of the situation that had transpired. Those orcs... What would have happened if he were just a traveler? Should he go back and wipe them out like any other monster? But more importantly, he got so angry that he momentarily used Holy magic. That's not good. If the other side catches word of this, it will give them a chance to prepare against it.

Jack made a mental note to be more mindful of his emotions and the display of his abilities. It was crucial to keep his true strength hidden, to be a shadow in the enemy's eyes until the time was right to strike. The last thing he wanted was to give their enemies an advantage by revealing their trump cards too soon.