
Perverted Exhibitionist Thief 掉落

Tranferring Program: 1%

Time to finish: 3 days • • •

The 20 inch screen displays the progress of a loading screen. Transferring Program: 1%, the total progress done by the transfer. Time to finish: 3 days, the time it will take for the machine to finish loading.

"Geh! That long!?"

Standing in front of the somewhat see-through screen is a middle-aged scientist. His face cannot be seen clearly at this angle, but his startled voice can be clearly heard. He is obviously startled by the 3 day time needed to finish whatever it is he is doing.

"Guess I'll just go take some coffee. There's no way I'm gonna wait for that long"

The scientist in the pristine white lab coat complained as he touched a part of a wall and then the wall slides open for him as he leaves. The wall is made of solid metal which is as thick as a concrete wall.

The light at the place dimmed until it was pitch black with nothing to see but the light in the screen. It's unclear with all the darkness but you could make out a feature of a human body lying on the table. The light hitting the feet of the body shows the pale white skin this body is blessed with.

Transferring Program: 25%

Time to finish: 3 days • • •

The progress screen o-so-slowly inched it's way to the quarter mark. But then something weird happened.

Transferring Program: 25%

Time to finish: 10 minutes • • •

The speed of the loading screen suddenly accelerated. It only took 10 minutes for it to finish even though it was supposed to take 2 days and 6 hours more. You can't really trust a loading screen, no?

Starting • • •


Suddenly the toes of the feet lit by the light twitched as if to wake up. Then the silhouette of a naked young female formed behind the feet. It turns out that the feet belonged to this young female now sitting on the table.


The pleasant young female voice suddenly resounded across the pitch black laboratory. Her tone confused.

Done ^_^

The loading screen now finish. It is a wonder whether it is a coincidence that she woke up at the same time the loading finished.

In a long metal corridor, a sliding metal door suddenly slid open. What walked out is a naked young female with blonde hair reaching her waist.

She looked left and right before heading to her right. Her footsteps strangely silent even with all the metal used as flooring.

Her eyes looked confused as if she is a baby. Her facial expression one to take pity of.

After winding around various corners, long stairs and various doors for who knows how long. She reached the exit of the facility.

The night sky is fuzzy as the sky is polluted with all the light around the facility. Looking behind, it seems that the lab was located deep underground.

"There's no one?"

The young female wondered as she wandered around the alleys surrounding the facility. The place is so quiet it's strange. There was no guards watching around.

"Ow!" "Hieee!!"

She reached an alley near the facility where she bumped into a young male as young as her. Of course, she couldn't have looked straight when she's looking around so much that she looks comparable to a shady thief you can find in dark alleys.


Nelson is a young male, he is neither ordinary nor too handsome to be a playboy. He is handsome enough that everyone would feel at ease with him.

Tonight, Nelson is going to his friend's house. Though he could have taken a hoverbike with him, he decided not to. Nelson liked the peace and quiet at this time of night.

But before he could enjoy it further, as he is arranging his clothes as he walks. He suddenly bumped into someone. Of course it hurts, that's why he shouted "Ow!" in pain.

He looked up and saw a naked girl in front of him. Yes, naked. Exhibitionist? Pervert? Thief? Exhibitionist Thief?? Really Perverted Exhibitionist Thief???? Questions popped up in his mind as he looked straight at the naked girl. His face couldn't be more confused.

The naked girl screamed in horror. With a resounding slap, Nelson crashed facing the ground. He was slapped silly by the naked girl in front of him.


For who knows how long, the night sky still shone down from the sky. The towering sky scrapers around them still glowing with light.

"Ugh... what happened?"

With a grunt, Nelson raised his head, a big gouge on his forehead. The blood has already clotted but it looks really serious.

"You fell asleep?"

The sweet voice of a girl sounded behind Nelson's right ear. Turning his head towards the right, he saw her. A beautiful girl wearing familiar clothes.


Nelson shouted as he stood up and backed away from her. Nelson immediately noticed the clothes she wear looks all too familiar. Familiar and too boyish.

She is sitting with her two knees on the stone floor. Her legs kept together as she sat comfortably. She wore his T-shirt and shorts. As for the third one, it's stepped on by Nelson.

"My favorite undies!"

Nelson looked in fright under his feet, though that's not the only revelation he found when he looked down. He also saw a small bird flying through the night sky. Cold. That's what he thought.

"Oh that? It smelled so bad I don't want to wear it while the others can barely pass. It feels better with clothes on, right?"

The girl smiled innocently as if she is just talking about trivial things. Her smile couldn't be more innocent with all the indecency her words really implied.

"You did what!?"

I'm gonna continue writing this story. The story looks amusing 8 months into the future. Wish me luck

Daoist_Little_Yuncreators' thoughts
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