

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

A World Woven in Twilight Part 2

A shiver, a sensation alien to his years in this twilight realm, snaked down his unfamiliar body. This wasn't their usual harmless mischief; this was a deliberate ritual, a ceremony steeped in an unfamiliar energy that threatened the fragile balance of Elgin. He crouched behind a gnarled tree, observing the scene with a mixture of fascination and concern. Was this some forgotten knowledge passed down through generations, or a corruption infecting their innocent magic? 

The chanting reached a crescendo, the glow from the mushrooms intensifying until it threatened to engulf the clearing. A sudden gust of wind ripped through the forest, plunging the clearing into darkness. The pixies shrieked, not in terror, but in surprise, their movements flustered. Then, a sound unlike anything in Farid's experience filled the air – a primal growl, a guttural roar that spoke of forgotten nightmares and hungry shadows. 

He watched, breath caught in his unformed lungs, as tendrils of darkness writhed in the air, drawn to the pulsating symbols on the ground. Something was answering their call, something monstrous and ancient stirring in the unseen depths of Elgin. But then, as quickly as it began, the darkness receded, the echoes of the growl fading into the distance. The symbols on the ground, devoid of power, crumbled back into dust. 

The pixies, disoriented and shaken, looked smaller now, their usual playful spirit dimmed. As dawn's first blush painted the sky, they flitted away into the deeper reaches of the forest, leaving behind an unsettling silence and a lingering sense of confusion. 


Farid's tale, as chronicled in the whimsical pages of "Farid's Magical Odyssey," concluded on a note of heartwarming triumph. After countless encounters and lessons learned within the fantastical realm of Elgin, his unwavering curiosity and respect for the twilight world finally garnered the attention of Aetheria, the embodiment of Riaf.

wever, the emotional satisfaction of Farid's story was overshadowed by the stark reality of Khaled's situation. The children's book, while whimsical, offered a crucial clue – blackened sigils as a harbinger of a corrupted summoning. This detail resonated deeply with the events unfolding in Elginn.

Yet, undeterred by skepticism, Khaled recognized the need to transcend the limitations imposed by preconceived notions. He acknowledged that, in the realm of magic and mysticism, truths often wore veils of paradox, and wisdom could be found in the most unexpected of places. The children's book, with its vibrant illustrations and deceptively simple prose, held a key—a thread that, when pulled, promised to unravel the mysteries that eluded him. 

With the accumulated knowledge as his guide, Khaled embarked on the task of devising a plan—a strategic unraveling of the layers obscuring the truth. The library, became the crucible where his thoughts melded with the alchemy of ancient wisdom. His contemplation, fueled by the urgency of understanding, transformed into a focused determination to navigate the intricate web of clues that surrounded him. 

In the silent recesses of the library, Khaled envisioned the events that had transpired between Jahith and Samad, seeking to decipher the catalyst that had prompted the once harmonious bond to descend into darkness. 

With renewed focus, Khaled meticulously reread the passages surrounding the Moonlit Glade. This time, he saw beyond the playful adventures. The ethereal glow of the willow tree could represent the delicate balance of magic, while the whispers carried by the wind might hold hidden knowledge passed down through generations.The corrupted ritual, then, wouldn't be a mere act of mischievous pixies, but a distorted interpretation of that knowledge.The monstrous entity – its chilling growl echoing in his mind – took on a new meaning. Was it a forgotten horror awakened by the pixies' folly, or a manifestation of the imbalance created by the corrupted ritual? The silence of the library seemed to amplify these questions.

"Where to next?" Khaled muttered to himself, his voice a soft murmur in the silent expanse of the library. His contemplation echoed through the ancient corridors, a call to the unknown. 

Just as he delved deeper into his thoughts, pondering the next steps on his journey for understanding, a familiar voice pierced through the quiet. "Khaled!" Nina, his classmate, called out. Startled, he turned to see her approaching with a curious expression, her eyes reflecting a blend of concern and inquisitiveness. 

Nina, ever perceptive, could sense the weight on Khaled's shoulders. "Hey, what are you up to?" she asked, her gaze probing. Khaled hesitated for a moment, a brief internal struggle playing out on his face. He quickly decided to conceal the true nature of his quest for knowledge. 

"Oh, just some late-night reading," Khaled replied with a forced nonchalance, adjusting the tome in his hands. "Telekinesis and hypnosis, you know? Trying to optimize my skills for the upcoming exam." He flashed a practiced smile, hoping to divert her attention from the depth of his true pursuits. 

Nina's brow furrowed with suspicion, her intuition telling her that there was more to Khaled's dusk endeavors than met the eye. She had observed the struggle etched on his face, and the air of tension that seemed to cling to him like a shadow. The issue of his limited Riaf abilities was a topic that had been lingering over him, and she couldn't shake the feeling that it was still haunting him. 

"Telekinesis and hypnosis, huh?" Nina raised an eyebrow, her tone laced with skepticism. "Is that really all you're reading about, Khaled? You seem a bit... preoccupied." 

Khaled sighed inwardly, realizing that his attempt at diversion hadn't been entirely successful. Nina saw through the facade, and her concern deepened. "Look," she began gently, "if there's something bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right?

He appreciated Nina's sincerity and he opted for a reassuring smile."Thanks, Nina. It's just exam stress, you know? But enough about me. What brings you to the library at this hour?"

Nina's expression softened as she considered Khaled's words. She understood the pressure they were under, but a lingering worry for her Classmate persisted. "I was looking for some advanced spellbooks," she admitted. "Trying to brush up on my offensive spells. The Tag Team Exam is no joke." 

The mention of the exam shifted the focus, and Khaled seized the opportunity to change the subject. "Offensive spells, huh? Maybe we should compare notes sometime. Help each other out." 

Nina smiled, appreciating the offer. "That sounds like a plan. We'll each give it our best shot, right?" 

"Absolutely," Khaled agreed. 

 As they chatted further, Khaled's mind remained consumed by thoughts of the failed summoning. The impending Tag Team Exam, where he and Nina would be pitted against each other, was a distant concern compared to the enigmatic puzzle that captivated his attention