

It is a story about a boy who becomes a hero out of necessity as fate pushes him into it to protect his loved ones in a world where gods, aliens, mutants, wizards, celestials walk among the mortals. A world where a snap of the finger decides your fate. A world where a single thought could create havoc of undetermined proportion. In this world where death surrounds every inch around you, Chris, goes on a path where he will fight anyone to keep his family and his world safe along with his friends and companions.

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9 Chs


I heard 'awakening successful' in my mind and then my surroundings became dark but suddenly I started to feel a surge of power assaulting my body and all my senses started to go haywire. First it started with my body becoming light like I was one with air, then my body started to get heated up as if I was inside a volcano, then it felt like flowing, then sturdy. After which I could feel lightning coursing through my body, warping as I moved from one place to another, then I felt as if I was starting to slowly grow up through teenage, adulthood and old age and finally it all went black again, then I saw a planet going KA-BOOM destroying all space around it and I also saw a sprout of plant in middle of a destroyed planet from a horizon.

 It was a rollercoaster ride through what I think as the formation of cosmos and its element. After it suddenly came to a stop, I started to look around and there was nothing around as far as my eye could see. After coming out of that ethereal feeling I called out internally "Ava, open status".


Ding Marvel System opening

[Name] Christopher Glenn Carbonell

[Age] 5

[Species] Meta-Human

[Class] Low Tier Theta

[Affiliation] None


 X gene- Activated

 Elements acquired-Nil

 Genius Intellect



Empty dungeon- Opened

"Ava, can you explain about my status"




As per your wish, the X-gene has been activated and it has been connected to a dimension predominantly with all types of elements. As for other functions like shop and dungeon, it is as you thought. You can use shop to purchase items and for that you need to complete missions through dungeon. A dungeon is a place where you can train as well as get points to buy items from shop. Dungeons can also be made according to your criteria but you cannot get any points from the dungeons created by you.

"Then explain what this low tier theta?"


As you can see, your species have been converted to Meta-human or as this world says Mutants. It has been divided into four major levels and three minor levels. Major levels are Theta, Alpha, Beta and Omega and minor levels are Low-Tier, Mid-Tier and High-Tier.


"Okay. So how does this dungeon work?".


 Dungeons can only be opened while you go to sleep. One hour outside may equal to one year in the dungeon. But some dungeons it may change to ten or even hundred years according to the mission.


"Then can you make a dungeon which have a trainer who is a master in all the martial arts in this world".


Are you sure? There are 169 martial arts in this world.


"Yes, I am sure. One more thing, when I finish mastering a martial art, I want to learn the next one without the influence of ones before. Can it be done?"



Yes, Chris but when you are out of the dungeon you will remember both.


"Is there any way which can make selectively forget or suppress some of my abilities?"


Yes, you can buy it from the shop but it can only be accessed after you control an element and finish missions in the dungeons.


"Okay, where am I?"


In the empty dungeon. In this dungeon one hour outside is half year in here.


"Hmm, let's start my training. Wake me up after eight hours."


Okay, Chris


I sat down with crossed legs and closed my eyes as I tried to feel air. After hours of sitting still and trying to feel around the place and my body, I finally got it. After getting the feel of air, I started to try to control it to flow in certain direction. It took me a thousand tries to make it move in a certain direction. Then I slowly started to move it in mass amounts. Slowly but surely, I was gaining control over the element of air. In the four years I was in the dungeon, I was finally able to control the air to make me fly in the air and also slightly affect the climate.

Next day morning, I woke up, freshened up myself and went down to the dining room. When I reached downstairs, dad was reading newspaper while mom was in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Dad, Mom" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Son. Belated Happy birthday" they both said simultaneously.

"Thanks Mom, Dad. What's for breakfast?" I asked

"Pancakes, have you freshened up?" mom replied

"Yes, Mom" I replied

"OK food will be ready in ten minutes" mom replied

After ten minutes, we all sat at the table and started eating while dad said some things about what's going on around the world. While in between the talks mom asked "Since you were in the hospital yesterday, your birthday celebration have been moved to tomorrow. So, we have to set up the decorations again today. Do you want to add anything?"

"Do we really have to celebrate, mom?"

"Of course, we have to. And your aunts, uncles and cousins are all coming." Mom said

"Okay." I replied as I got out of the chair with the plate in my hand and walked to the dishwasher. I put my plate there and cleaned them up myself. Then me and mom started to decorate the place while dad went to work. In the evening, dad came and also helped us. After a day's work of decoration, we were tired, so we ate early and went to sleep.

 In the sleep, I started to train in martial arts while also integrating and improving the proficiency in using air element.