


Unending and cold, it stretched on.

Within it a single figure freely floated, naked of any apparel.

It groggily turned its head as if just woken up from a long and deep slumber and looked around to search for something, anything to reveal any hint as to where it might be and how it got there.

A deep, low rumble shuddered through the void, startling the figure. It slowly spun, trying to figure out what made the sound, or where it might be.

Another rumble sounded out, echoing through the empty space, and the figure spun around and gazed out into the black, and soon realized that around a kilometer away was a gigantic wall, stretching in all directions with seemingly no end to its width or height. The figure observed rhis anomaly blocking it view and noticed it was segmented into large overlapping plates, as if they were.....scales.

Another deep rumble sounded this time deafening, sounding like a mixture between a groan and a moan and a gust of wind slammed into the figure, sending it hurtling further back away from the wall. It spun through the air, tumbling head over heels and eventually came to a halt and it turned back to face this strange large obstruction and another deafening groan sounded out, and the figure watched with a small bit of horror, filling its being as the wall slowly raised up, revealing a humongous eye the size of a small galaxy. This eye gazed back at the lone floating figure, a whirlpool of red and purple streaks spiraling inwards towards a single concentrated point of inky blackness, seeminly darker than the void around them yet somehow emitting an ethereal glow that slightly brightened the empty space, though not enough to actually see anything.

The figure gazed into the eye transfixed and unintelligible whispers slowly and quietly filled the air, growing louder as the eye seemed to slowly draw closer, growing larger by the second.

Soon the whispers were deafening and a searing pain assaulted the figure's chest, causing the figure to writhe in pain as they felt as of their heart was boiling inside the body, soon its screams echoing alongside the whispers is a gruesome, bone chilling symphony.

The eye continued to gaze curiously at this floating figure as the whispers and its screams grew louder, filling the void.

Slowly the whispers began to cease, disappearing as the figure continued to writhe in pain, its screams ceasing as well as the burning pain in its chest persisted but then that too faded, turning into a dull ache and the figure gazed at the eye once more. It's unfathomable deeps seemed to hold a hint of amusement along with warm adoration, as if it was a mother gazing at its newly birthed child and was holding them for the first time, before it's eyelid slowly lowered itself back down. Plunging the figure back into darkness once more, left alone with nothing else except the void and a dull ache in its heart for comfort.

Soon another sound started, a quiet beeping noise that grew louder and louder until!....

Hey guys!

brand new author and this is my first official chapter! Yippee!

I think I did pretty good in setting the mood but I feel as if I've set it too well....

oh well! gotta stick with it now!

let me know what u can improve or of there are any mistakes!

Venator_Deorumcreators' thoughts
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