
Eldritch Reckoning

In a world where Arcanelords reign supreme, Roy, a once-ancient being, finds himself reborn as a humble peasant. But his destiny takes a thrilling turn when his dormant memories awaken during the elemental magic awakening ritual, revealing his true identity and a monumental quest. Roy discovers he was once tasked with crafting the legendary Celestial Nova Core, an Eternal relic crucial for defending against eldritch threats. Now, with his rebirth as a mere mortal hindering his access to the relic's full power, Roy must embark on an epic journey. With the aid of the relic and his newfound mastery over magic and the natural laws of the world, he must ascend to the pinnacle of power, facing formidable adversaries along the way. Join Roy on a gripping adventure as he harnesses the Eternal relic to confront ancient enemies and shape the fate of his world.

StaidLynx · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Whispers of Destiny

In the ethereal embrace of the forest, Aurora's silhouette materialized in the distance, seeking sanctuary on the loftiest tree branch.

Cloaked in mystery, she patiently awaited the impending arrival of Roy and the group. As if heeding her silent prayers, a luminous beam graced her countenance, gently rousing her from slumber.

The tranquil symphony of birds added its mellifluous notes to the dawn, and the crisp morning air enveloped her senses in its refreshing embrace.

Capturing the faint sounds of distant movement, Aurora's eyes swiftly fixated on an object resembling a carriage.

A surge of emotion welled within her, and with teary eyes, she gracefully descended from the tree, lithely running towards the approaching figure. Her movements, a delicate dance, echoed the depth of her emotions as she closed the distance with an eager heart.

Roy's face radiated with a heartfelt smile as he gracefully descended from the carriage, patiently awaiting Aurora's approach.

"Whimper!" Aurora's heartfelt cries echoed through the air, marking the emotional culmination of their reunion. Closing the distance, she reached Roy, who, in response, opened his arms wide. The two embraced in a tight, reassuring hug—a gesture of comfort, a silent acknowledgment of the solace she sought after enduring the trials she faced.

"It's alright now; we're here. Nothing bad is going to happen to us," Roy reassured, his fingers delicately running through her disheveled and greasy hair.

In his words and touch, there was a promise of safety—a comforting embrace against the uncertainties they faced.

Upon hearing Roy's comforting words, Aurora's emotional floodgates burst open, and she sobbed like a baby, releasing the weight of her sorrows.

After a few minutes, as the storm of tears subsided, a faint pink tint adorned her blood-stained cheeks.

In the aftermath, Aurora became acutely aware of her bountiful chest pressing against Roy's well-defined one.

The realization struck her with a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability—a contrast to her usual role as the eldest mistress of the Flamescion family.

Roy, sensing her unease, couldn't help but chuckle. However, ever considerate, he chose not to make things difficult or awkward for her. With practiced ease, he pretended as if he hadn't noticed anything, allowing her a moment to regain composure without added discomfort.

"Better now?" he questioned, a concerned gaze fixed on Aurora.

She answered with a reassuring nod, a silent exchange conveying more than words ever could.

"Alright, we should get you cleaned up. I'm sure you're not feeling comfortable. But iait a moment and let me check up on Selene's condition before we continue our journey."

Aurora's eyes filled with concern as she inquired, "Did something happen to Selene? Is she okay?"

Letting out a relieved sigh, Roy consoled Aurora, "She's fine, just exhausted from the battle. No need to worry." With a reassuring smile, he swiftly moved towards the carriage, eager to resume their journey.

Approaching the carriage, Roy found Selene meditating gracefully in a lotus position. As she opened her eyes, their sapphire brilliance momentarily captivated him. Shaking off the brief distraction, he swiftly briefed her on their plans.

Selene, true to form, responded with a nod of understanding.

She was already awake when Aurora arrived, but she chose to remain within the carriage, subtly sensing Aurora's emotional state. This decision spared any potential awkwardness as Aurora tearfully leaned on Roy's shoulder.

In the morning sun's embrace, Roy rode with Aurora in the box seat while Selene rested in the carriage.

Upon reaching the riverbank at noon, Aurora and Selene decided to refresh themselves. They gracefully removed their garments, the sunlight accentuating the contours of their figures.

Under the morning sun's gentle caress, Aurora revealed her curvaceous silhouette, the water embracing her wide hips as she washed away the traces of battle. Her firm chest stood unwavering as she moved gracefully, cleansing herself with every splash.

Beside her, Selene, with an ethereal elegance, engaged in the bathing ritual. Her slender figure moved with regality, fingers traversing from a flat stomach to a plump chest. The river's gentle flow accompanied their cleansing dance.

Engrossed in the soothing river's embrace, both women suddenly sensed a fierce gaze upon them.

Selene's cheeks flushed as she identified the culprit — none other than Roy, who observed their ritual with a playful gleam in his eyes.

Roy, at an age where desires stirred within, found himself stirred by the alluring sight. However, swiftly regaining composure, he shifted his focus. Proceeding with the care of the horses and fetching fresh attire, he approached the river to join the maidens after their cleansing ritual.

In the dappled sunlight, Roy approached the riverbank where the maidens, momentarily taken aback, swiftly dismissed any discomfort. Battle-hardened and united by shared trials, a mere gaze held no weight in their current journey.

With a subtle reminder, Roy tactfully brought their forgotten belongings, placing them on a nearby stone as the maidens continued their refreshing moment by the riverbank. The camaraderie they'd forged during their trials seemed to erase any embarrassment in such mundane matters.

Under the serene caress of the river's whispers, Aurora's spontaneous words danced in the air.

"Oops! Thanks, Roy!" Her cheeks painted in a subtle blush, revealing an unspoken camaraderie that had evolved amidst their shared trials and adventures.

Roy, with a resolute nod, allowed his gaze to linger on the enchanting allure and sensuality emanating from their figures.

Yet, he tactfully withdrew, granting them a moment of privacy. Shortly thereafter, he gracefully discarded his attire, revealing meticulously defined, toned muscles. A flush adorned his face as he plunged into the river, unwavering in his determination to cleanse every nook and cranny, washing away the weariness that clung to their shared journey.

A resonant laughter echoed between the maidens as Roy found himself in an unexpected moment of embarrassment, a side of him yet unseen.

Their own cheeks adorned a deeper hue as his modesty briefly vanished, playing an elusive game of hide-and-seek with the river's caress.

Concluding their bath, they elegantly adorned themselves, patiently awaiting Roy's completion.

In mere moments, Roy rejoined their company, and together, they advanced towards the awaiting carriage, their camaraderie enriched by shared laughter and the revitalizing touch of the river.

Perched in the carriage's coach box, the trio ventured toward the capital, weaving lively conversations to fill the passing days and fortify their newfound bond. As the week unfolded, Syndria's grand palace emerged on the horizon, a beacon of their approaching destination.

Intrigued, Roy inquired, "Are both of you also bound for the capital, drawn by the call of the entrance exam?" Despite the ongoing exchange of words, the purpose behind their collective journey remained veiled.

Aurora, brimming with anticipation, confirmed, "Absolutely, we're en route to the capital for the entrance exam, which I presume it's just a week away. Isn't that right cuz?" Selene nodded in agreement, solidifying their shared quest.

Roy, nestled between the two maidens, conveyed with a charming smile, "Alright! I entrust myself to your care in the times ahead." His infectious radiance left both maidens blushing, charmed by his captivating presence.

After a few hours of travel, the trio arrived at the capital city of Sydria-Starhaven, greeted by a sprawling queue anticipating entry. Patiently, they joined the line, immersed in the charged atmosphere of anticipation.

Approaching the entrance, a stern guard demanded, "Declare your name, birthplace, and the purpose that brings you to these gates!"

Aurora, poised at the forefront, confidently declared, "I am Aurora Flamescion from Oakville Town, here to partake in the entrance exam at the prestigious Hexcraft Institute."

The guard, acknowledging her with a nod, replied, "That will be 10 silver each.

Without hesitation, Aurora produced the coins, securing their passage into the bustling capital city.

Handing her a badge adorned with the city's insignia, the guard informed, "Here's your temporary proof of residence; it'll expire in 7 days. Keep it safe, as there'll be no replacement if it gets lost." Selene and Roy followed suit in the process.

Upon crossing the threshold, they found themselves immersed in a landscape of ornate buildings and streets aglow with a tapestry of lights. The night air resonated with the lively hum of citizens, unveiling Starhaven as a city pulsating with energy, whether under the sun's rays or the enchanting veil of night.

Roy's gaze sparkled with awe, unaccustomed to such a vibrant scene in his village where night perpetually embraced obscurity. Eager to unravel the city's enigmas, he couldn't contain his anticipation to explore and plunge into this uncharted realm.

Aurora and Selene, also shared Roy's insatiable curiosity, thus they continued and secured two chambers in a nearby inn.

Once settled, they summoned hot water and sustenance, indulging in a leisurely bath before converging in Roy's haven to devise their strategy.

A polite knock echoed through the room, met by Roy's welcoming, "Enter." The maidens stepped inside, and in the absence of seating, gracefully perched upon the bed.

Roy, acknowledging their shared purpose, initiated, "Ladies, I'm certain you seek intel on the entrance exam. Well I've gathered a bit, though it's somewhat nebulous. The innkeeper spilled the beans, but its reliability is up for debate." He paused, preparing to unveil the information.

With animated enthusiasm, Roy disclosed, "Alright, here's the lowdown on the exam prerequisites. They scrutinize your age, magical prowess, talents, elemental vibes, and combat skills. It's like a mystical resume, and voilà, they assign a class label."

Leaning in, Aurora couldn't conceal her anxiety, "Roy, what about the age thingy? Am I in the clear?"

Roy flashed a reassuring grin, "Absolutely, Aurora! You've got the golden ticket. The age sweet spot is 10 to 18, and you're right in the zone. No need for worry lines, my friend."

Phew! Aurora released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Despite her family's assurances about meeting the age requirements, a persistent shadow of doubt lingered.

A decade ago, she was fragile, grappling with illness until her family emptied their coffers for a novice cleric's healing touch. After years of treatment, it took another five years for her to bloom with health. Yet, the timing clashed with the academy's exams, casting her age as an ever-present worry in the depths of her thoughts.

The trio indulged in a hearty meal, laughter echoing through the air as Roy, the designated jokester, wove tales of his village life.

Selene, wearied by a day spent in an unending queue, was the first to break free, stumbling toward her room cloaked in the embrace of drowsiness.

Hot on her heels, Aurora reached the door. Rather than making a swift exit, she turned the lock, drawing a deep breath to center herself. With purposeful determination, she embarked on a journey toward Roy's intriguing presence, the anticipation of the unknown echoing through the enigmatic corridors of their unfolding narrative.