
Eldritch Reckoning

In a world where Arcanelords reign supreme, Roy, a once-ancient being, finds himself reborn as a humble peasant. But his destiny takes a thrilling turn when his dormant memories awaken during the elemental magic awakening ritual, revealing his true identity and a monumental quest. Roy discovers he was once tasked with crafting the legendary Celestial Nova Core, an Eternal relic crucial for defending against eldritch threats. Now, with his rebirth as a mere mortal hindering his access to the relic's full power, Roy must embark on an epic journey. With the aid of the relic and his newfound mastery over magic and the natural laws of the world, he must ascend to the pinnacle of power, facing formidable adversaries along the way. Join Roy on a gripping adventure as he harnesses the Eternal relic to confront ancient enemies and shape the fate of his world.

StaidLynx · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Elemental Revelations: Roy's Extraordinary Awakening


On the other side, Roy, seated with legs crossed and eyes closed, presented an outward facade of tranquility. However, within the confines of his mindscape, a profound transformation unfolded.

As Roy immersed himself in the ebb and flow of elemental particles, the ice-blue stone, a relic bestowed upon him by the old man just yesterday, stirred with a subtle yet lively reaction.

Its tranquil hue shimmered with an ethereal glow, gently releasing energy into Roy's being.

In response to this symbiotic exchange, his soul underwent a methodical repair, each particle infused with the stone's energy contributing to the gradual process of complete restoration. It was a quiet yet profound dance between mortal and stone. 

In the ethereal realm within Roy's consciousness, the threads of his essence delicately intertwined with the newfound energy, crafting a tapestry of revitalization. 

Beneath the calm exterior, a profound metamorphosis unfolded, quietly setting the stage for the uncharted chapters of his journey.

Roy was startled as revelations manifested in his mindscape.

And before he could fully grasp the significance of the last revelation, a torrential wave of memories surged through his mind like cosmic currents.

Visions of distant realms, echoes of past life experiences, and celestial energies intertwining flashed before his eyes. 

Amidst this kaleidoscope of recollections, the forging of the Celestial Nova Core emerged as a pivotal moment—a relic of unfathomable power, cradling the essence of a ten-thousand-year mission.

The revelations etched into his consciousness unfolded, illuminating the celestial narrative that had silently guided him through the epochs.

〚Your soul and the Nova Core fusion have progressed to 10%, unveiling newfound power. 〛

〚The Arcane Bloodline now courses through your being. 〛

〚Your essence has assimilated the Elemental physique. 〛

"So this is who I am, and the tapestry of my journey?... Well I guess the journey continues." Roy mused, the echoes of his thoughts resonating in the ethereal realm.

A devilish smile graced his features, a subtle acknowledgment of the enigmatic path ahead.

Whoosh! Waves of destiny propelled Roy forward, carrying the resonance of ancient prophecies. The Nova Core pulsed with an otherworldly glow within his conscious realm, harmonizing with the Arcane Bloodline and Elemental physique within him. 

As the others watched, their concern heightened in the face of Roy's seemingly unaltered state.

"Lady Silvia, is everything alright with Roy?" asked Aurora, a hint of concern in her voice.

Selene and Cromwell exchanged perplexed glances, mirroring the shared confusion that lingered in the air.

"Yes, he's doing fine. Don't worry. It's just that his ability to absorb elemental particles is surprisingly low, especially considering his immense potential and talents. Let's give it a few more moments before we consider intervening." Silvia reassured, her furrowed look betraying a mystifying puzzle.

Aurora nodded with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Whoosh! A deluge of elemental particles surged towards Roy at an almost exaggerated pace, as if the very elements were in a frenzied race to reach him.

The air crackled with anticipation as a kaleidoscope of multicolored wisps inundated him, creating a spectacle that bordered on the fantastical.

The natural order surrendered to this enchanting display, with dark purple clouds forming in the sky like silent spectators.

Thunder rolled in with a dignified resonance, and lightning crackled in measured bursts.

The a gentle vortex began to weave itself around Roy. 

On the sidelines, the observers could only witness a vibrant and destructive tornado encircling Roy, who still remained in his meditative state.

"That–that's an elemental storm!" Silvia exclaimed, her disbelief mirrored in the faces of the onlookers.

"An elemental storm?" Aurora pondered, the enigmatic display defying the boundaries of their understanding. 

"In the weave of nature's secrets, an elemental storm is a spectral rarity, unfurling its mystic embrace where elemental particles densely converge. Whispers of lore suggest an ethereal dance emerges when a delicate balance falters, an imbalance rumored to spark this celestial tempest." A shiver ran down her spine, betraying the uncertainty in her words.

"I surmise, with a shiver of uncertainty, that Roy's monstrous absorption of elemental particles may be the unseen catalyst," Silvia conveyed to the mesmerized eyes. 

Aurora, a portrait of concern, implored,"Lady Silvia, will Roy be okay?"

Silvia, veiled in uncertainty, admitted,"Truly, I am a stranger to the consequences of one beckoning such a storm. The echoes of such an act elude my grasp."A heavy sigh punctuated her words.

Aurora, gripped by unease, hastened toward the swirling vortex. Yet, her valiant approach was thwarted as a malevolent purple lightning, an ethereal arbiter, shattered the air with an ominous crack.

The forceful display left her sprawled, humbled, upon the ground."

Aurora's chest heaved, drenched in a cold sweat, testifying to the harrowing encounter. Her haggard breaths, a desperate "Haa! Haa!" echoed, creating a chilling symphony of fear in the vast, echoing abyss.

In the crucible of terror, who could fault her? The maiden had glimpsed the spectral hand of her ancestors beckoning. 

Death's own waltz had unfolded before her eyes. A mere step away, and she would have embraced the spectral embrace of her forebears.

Selene materialized in the aftermath, aiding Aurora to rise, only to retreat to a haven of safety.

"You mustn't be swayed by impetuousness, Aurora," Selene reprimanded.

Moments passed, and the tempest began to relent, unveiling Roy's silhouette amidst the fading chaos.

As the elemental maelstrom subsided, his hypnotic amber eyes flickered open, scanning for his companions.

Aurora emerged first, sprinting towards him with the others in her wake, a triumphant grin adorning Roy's face.

Aurora, reaching him, leaped into his arms, met by the timely embrace of his broad arms.

"Why the tears? Has something gone wrong?" Roy inquired, genuine concern lacing his words.

Aurora, sobbing, rested her head on his chest, "No! I-I was just worried about you." 

In the wake of the tempest's fury, Roy stood unscathed, his gaze piercing through the dissipating storm. 

"It's alright, I'm unharmed," he intoned, his words carrying the weight of resilience. 

With a gentle touch, he turned Aurora's tear-streaked face towards him, wiping away her crystaline tears with the reverence of one who had weathered the chaos.

A nod escaped from Aurora, accompanied by a subtle pinkish hue on her cheeks, acknowledged his well-being.

The remaining companions arrived, their expressions etched with concern.

"Lad, are you okay?" Cromwell inquired with genuine concern.

Roy's lips curved in a knowing smile. "I'm fine, sir, no need to worry." 

"Good to know." Cromwell nodded, a silent acknowledgment of shared triumphs.

Silvia, standing beside Cromwell, observed Roy in silence. An unspoken sense told her that something had shifted within him, but the elusive nature of the change eluded her grasp.

"Is there something on my face, Lady Silvia?"

Silvia was taken out of her stupor when she heard him. 

"Ah! No! What happened to you? Something just feels different about you."

"Is that so? well, it can't be helped. It might be due to the fact that I've become an Elemental Adept."

"Say what?" Exclaimed Cromwell with widened eyes, his features frozen in disbelief as if trying to comprehend the being in front of him.

"You're unbelievable!" Selene mumbled. 

Aurora let out a subtle laughter, a melody echoing through the echoes of her initial shock.

In the midst of that laughter, she acknowledged the extraordinary essence within this man. The revelation, once daunting, now danced in the firelight of her acceptance.

Silvia, in stark contrast, assumed a silent vigil, fixating her gaze upon Roy. Her curiosity, akin to an unyielding flame, leaned forward, eager to discern the enigma before her.

"Are you truly certain? Why does the aura of an elementalist escape my senses in your presence?"

Roy's response emerged from the shadows, draped in cryptic resonance, "Let's just say I've veiled it for reasons known only to the tapestry of fate."

"Okay! Then, before you you guys officially join the academy, we need to accurately ascertain your elemental affinities for tailored spell assignments," Silvia stated.

The girls nodded in unison, attuned to the gravity of the upcoming revelation.

Silvia produced four elemental stones, each pulsating with condensed energy of natural elements—fire, water, air, and earth.

And a colorless crystal, reserved for rare elements, awaited its purpose.

"Similar to the 2nd exam, absorb the elemental energy within these stones and an elemental reaction will signify your affinity. And to test your rare elements, infuse the pure crystal with your magical energy, and it will unveil the unique phenomenon of your rare element." Silvia elucidated, her words casting a sense of anticipation over the girls and the unseen forces that lingered within the crystals.

Just like before, Aurora was the first to step forward, and took the elemental stones from Silvia and began absorbing their energy, however only the fire stone showed reaction, Aurora with a delighted face took the pure crystal and injected her magical energy into it and a moment later the crystal became very hot and glowed with a deep red light.

"Oh, so it's the inferno element, not bad, not bad at all." said Cromwell.

Selene also took the same test, and only the water stone reacted, and for the rare element test, the pure crystal became cold and turned into a block of ice and without even guessing, everyone present knew that she had the ice element. 

"Hehe! Lad, I wonder how you're gonna handle these young ladies seeing that they have opposite elements." Cromwell teased. 

Roy's laughter resonated through the air, a calm contrast to the slight embarrassment coloring the girls' expressions. 

Taking the stage, he grasped the elemental stones, and with a mere moment of absorption of the elemental energies within the stones, each and every one of them responded in harmony, emanating their distinctive elemental hues.

Cromwell, ever the expressive overseer, let out an exasperated sigh.

"Haaa! Lad, my heart can't take it anymore," he declared, his theatrics mirroring the astonishment at Roy's seemingly boundless elemental affinities. 

The onlookers, seasoned by Roy's previous displays, stood in silent acknowledgment, their expressions betraying a familiarity with his breathtaking actions.

As Roy turned his attention to the pure crystal, anticipation lingered in the air. However, when he channeled his magical energy into it, an unexpected outcome ensued—the crystal shattered into pieces.

"Eeh, what's going on?" Aurora inquired, her face reflecting bewilderment.

Silvia, undeterred, swiftly produced another pure crystal and handed it to Roy. "You can test again." She calmly suggested, the unspoken understanding among them weaving a tapestry of curiosity and intrigue.

Roy took the pure crystal and inserted his energy, and just like before, the crystal shattered, and this time around, Silvia was at a loss because she thought the previous crystal became defect after being used by Aurora and Selene, but now she gave him an unused crystal but still it shattered. 

Seeing them with confused looks, Roy smiled and placed her hand on Aurora's head and brushed her vermillion hair as he cleared the confusion,"You dont have to be confused, the crystal shattered because it couldn't accommodate two or more opposing elements."

"Is that so? Well, it does make sense if you put it that way." Cromwell nodded before turning to Roy with an expression of awe. "Wait! Does this mean you possess at least two rare elements?"

"Something like that." Roy replied.

Cromwell's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of Roy's dual affinity or...

"Remarkable," he breathed, a mix of admiration and intrigue coloring his tone. "To wield such opposing forces within oneself... Truly, you are a phenomenon, lad."

Silvia on the side released a sigh, "Well you can say that again, Cromwell." She paused before continuing, "Honestly, I have to admit that today, you have truly broadened my horizon with your actions, young man. i doubt I'll ever witness something as shocking as today's events." 

"Well, I'm honered to be the one to make Lady Silvia's heart flutter," Said Roy with a seductive smile plastered on his face. 

The others looked at Roy with widened eyes when they saw him flirting with Lady Silvia, and Silvia just gave an amused smile in response. 

"However I'm still curious about which elements you have affinity with?" She said while looking at Roy trying to figure him out. 

"Um Lady Silvia, isn't that simple, we just have to use the traditional method to figure out his affinities. " Said Cromwell, even he was curious about this young man's affinities. 

Silvia's eyes sparkled with realization,"Yeah you are right how could I forget something so trivial. " she said while patting her face, the traditional method that they are talking about it's not something difficult however some people may not be comfortable with it, that is whoever has awakened his/her affinity will have a mark somewhere on their body representating that elemental affinity, and sometimes that mark will appear in unconventional places, thus the elemental crystal method was introduced. 

Aurora couldn't keep her curiosity when she heard them "Um lady Silvia which method are gonna use? "

Silvia looked at her and smiled, "It's nothing major, all we just have to do is figure out where his elemental mark is located." She then looked back at Roy's figure, "However now im rather curious since you have more than one affinity will you have two marks?... Well that would be quite interesting if that's the case."

'Elemental Mark? do I also have it?' Thought Aurora. 

Silvia seeing her questioning gaze, couldn't help but chuckle "Young lady take a look at the back of your hands"

Hearing this Aurora raised her brows but quickly checked the back of her hands, and there layed a flame mark in shades of golden-red.

Aurora was quickly stunned she never thought that the tingling sensation she felt at the back of her hands during the awakening was caused by this mark, because after that sensation she checked the back of her hands but didn't see anything, and now it appears she was surprised. 

"The elemental mark will appear after the Awakening and not during the ritual." Added Silvia as if she could read Aurora's thoughts like a book. 

Selene was also intriguid and without haste she examined her body and there in between her chest lay a snowflake mark in icy blue representing the cold and crystalline nature of ice. 

She was also stunned she didn't expect her mark to be on her cleavage, and moment later she felt a rather familiar gaze on her, and who could that be you may wonder? That's right the culprit is Roy, Selene couldn't help but blush, although she's aloof and has long got used to Roy's gaze, however that usually happens when only Aurora is around, but at the moment the situation was different. 

Aurora always the perspective knew the reason behind her cousin's change, thus to break the awkwardness she was turned to Roy, "Roy what about you where's your mark? I'm also curious. "

The others also turned to Roy with curious gazes, Roy just gave them a smile, "Oh, don't tell me that you can't see it"

When the group heard his words they got confused, however Silvia who's gaze never left Roy, suddenly her eyes fluttered with realization, "You mean that small amethyst diamond mark raised in between your eyebrows is supposebly your elemental mark? "

Slivia asked in confusion she had never heard of anyone bearing a diamond mark for their elemental affinity. 

Aurora and the others hearing Silvia's words squinted their eyes on Roy's visage, and their eyes landed on a seemingly diamond shaped mark in light hues of purple, which in their eyes rather conveyed a sense of mystery, wisdom and connections to elemental energies, which kind pazzled them to have that sense of feeling. 

Aurora and Selene were the ones most surprised as they've spent most of their time with Roy and that mark wasn't there before, thus it meant that this was his elemental mark, now the question remained which element does that mark represent? 

Seeing their faces filled with questions, Roy chuckled "Whats got you so confused? I mean I did say that I have more than one affinity, I guess with that you wouldn't expect a flame mark like Aurora or frost mark like Selene right"

Thereafater their eyes shone in enlightenment and understanding they also neglected the revelation that he has more that one elemental affinity. 

"Young man, your talents even leave me filled with awe, I'll advise you to be humble and not be arrogant before you are strong enough otherwise your talents may end up being your doom."

"Thanks for your concern lady Silvia, I'll heed your words" said Roy, although he said that his mind was thinking the opposite. 

Silvia nodded. "Alright, let's head back," she said. 

Thereafter, the group exited the realm and headed back to the academy grounds.