
Moonrun : The realm of fairies

In the land where moonlight's touch is rare,

A tale of two brothers, an epic to bear,

One destined to guard with courage and might,

While the other's heart steals in the night.

In Moonrun's embrace, secrets lie deep,

Where shadows and light in the night they creep,

Destiny's whispers in the breeze they chase,

Unveiling the truths of this mystical place.

A masked girl with vengeance in her eyes,

Weaves tales of revenge 'neath starry skies,

Her heart, a battleground of darkness and fire,

In the dance of her vengeance, all shall tire.

A force, dark and cunning, seeks to deceive,

Innocence a mask, its intent to achieve,

Games of deceit, secrets hidden from sight,

Behind a façade, darkness takes flight.

In this grand story where truths are concealed,

And destinies sealed, yet by fates, they're repealed,

A war looms large, where allies unite,

To conquer the shadows, to reclaim the light.

But in the heart of the battle, a price to be paid,

A sacrifice looming, in shadows it's laid,

For victory comes at a grievous cost,

In this tale of heroes, the bravest are lost.

In the end, it's a story of heartache and strife,

Where triumph and loss intertwine in this life,

For the path that they tread, as darkness unwinds,

Reveals that true sacrifice leaves no heart untouched, no soul confined.


Millions of light-years away, there exists a star of breathtaking beauty. On this celestial body lies Moonrun, a realm unlike any other. Here, nature dwarfs, humankind, and magic suffuses every speck of land, with countless exotic species residing beyond Earth's ken.

Yet, today, this tranquil world stands shrouded in turmoil. Joyful laughter has yielded to heart-wrenching sobs, as its denizens flee from raging fires. The once azure sky is now cloaked in ash and smoke.

Queen Fairy urgency in her voice, wields her magic to quell the flames. "Fairies, act swiftly! Soul dairy, shield our people!" Her heart brims with worry as the fires rage. Loyal ministers stand by, their concern etched in their expressions.

Music fairy gifted with the ability to sense vibrations, focuses on finding the source of the catastrophe, her brow furrowing with determination.

"Music, act swiftly, or all shall be consumed," Rani Pari implores, a potent blend of desperation and resolve in her voice.

Dhvani opens her eyes, perspiration glistening on her cheeks. "My Queen, it is Krurika who orchestrates this devastation. She resides within your palace." Revelation leaves all present stunned; it has been years since a fairy dared to challenge them. The fairies' faces reflect shock and trepidation alike.

Krurika, one of the nine malevolent fairies thought vanquished by Dhruveen, has returned. With fluttering wings, the fairies hasten into the palace of white marble, suspended amidst the clouds. Inside, a malevolent figure occupies the Queen's throne - Krurika. The throne, a mesmerizing creation of white marble adorned with doves in flight, stands elevated on a dais of nine blue steps. Krurika's long, brown hair cascades like sand, veiling her eyes from view. A sinister grin plays upon her lips as she observes the approaching fairies.

"It has indeed been a while since our paths last crossed, dear Queen fairy," she sneers, a tone of mockery tainting her voice. Her eyes gleam with sinister satisfaction, a chilling emotion to behold.

"Indeed, Krurika, it has been far too long. Today, however, marks the end of your malevolence,"Queen fairy declares, her queen's staff poised to strike. A blend of determination and anger defines her countenance. Yet, Krurika moves with lightning speed, hurling all the fairies to the ground. Pain and surprise writhe upon their faces.

Krurika ascends from her throne, her black eyes exuding malevolence and darkness. Her posture radiates a chilling confidence, invoking shivers within the hearts of those who witness her.

"Years ago, Dhruv sought to annihilate us in the Battle of Duhag Ghati. He succeeded in vanquishing the other dark fairies and met his own demise. Yet, he failed to extinguish my existence. Now, I shall fulfill my ambition of ascending to the throne of Moonrun," she laughs, her voice devilish. Fear grips the hearts of all who listen, as anger and desperation collide in queen fairy's eyes.

Suddenly, the clouds rumble, catching everyone's attention. Rain pours, quelling the fires and leaving Moonrun's ground cloaked in ashes. The fairies, now wearing smiles tinged with satisfaction, watch as the once-menacing flames are subdued, their faces reflecting relief and triumph.

"Who dares to defy me in this manner?" Krurika bellows in anger, frustration and confusion bubbling within her. Stepping forward with newfound confidence, the fairies meet her gaze with expressions filled with pride and determination.

Queen, with a snap of her fingers, lowers Krurika to eye level, her countenance now emanating authority and triumph. "You may have vanquished Dhruveen years ago, but his sons endure, protectors of the universe," she proclaims, her words resonating with unwavering pride.

Krurika stammers, "What? But ho-" The castle trembles as two young boys appear, their beauty likened to that of gods. On the right stands a boy with neatly combed hair and olive eyes, while the other boasts flowing locks. The fairies' faces now betray a mixture of anticipation and hope.

"Meet the twins of Dhruv and Tara, Meer and Mihir, the guardians of the universe," soul fairy announces, her voice brimming with reverence and awe.

Mihir conjures a fireball from his trident, causing Krurika's right shoulder to smolder, and her groans convey the pain. Meer swings his axe, leaving a mark near her eye. Their expressions now reflect determination and resolve as they confront their formidable foe.

"Goodbye, Krurika," Mihir utters, lifting his axe again, but Krurika vanishes into the sky. The fairies' faces now show a blend of relief and satisfaction, their hearts lightened by their hard-won victory.

"You both possess the intelligence and bravery of your father, Moonrun is proud of you both" Queen fairy says, her smile warm and filled with admiration for the young protectors of Moonrun


Note :

I hope you all like the chapter of this story. Now the main story will start from the next chapter.

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