
Echoes of Guidance

In a world where darkness and redemption collide, Liam, once a fearsome Demon King, is given a second chance at life by a powerful deity. Reborn as the noble professor Allen Raphaelis, he must now perform acts of good, despite his villainous nature. Liam hides his immense power while guiding a new generation of heroes to protect the world he promised to protect. Struggling between his dark desires and the path of redemption, he finds himself in the body of a minor villain destined to die. Hoping his death will set the plot in motion, returning him to the place he belongs, he expects his son, Adrian, to rise as a hero savior. However, Adrian insists on keeping him safe, saying, "Father, those weak monsters are not worthy of your time. Leave it to me." Meanwhile, his daughter Isabella fiercely protects him from others, declaring, "Daddy! Stay away from that foxy bastard!" Despite his wish to escape fate, Liam resolves all necessary problems, misunderstood as a dark hero burdened with eliminating evil. His seemingly cruel demeanor hides a deep compassion, drawing readers into his inner turmoil as he reluctantly mentors a class of troubled children.

Lytrishean · Fantaisie
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14 Chs


Liam walked through the snowy path. White, cold, warm, dark, sad. His feeling is becoming more complicated. His sight focused on a child who was smiling and hugging his mother.

The same haunted emerald eyes were nowhere to be seen. Liam tried to reach out his hand just to fall and landed in the pile of snow. His mother loves the snow. He too loves the winter. His eyes turned blurry as a sudden headache came and stormed his mind.

The scene of a bleeding woman, why is she dead? She just talking to him just now. He somehow hears her pleads. Begging him to end her life. The woman he can no longer recognize to call mother. Is it better to walk around the village, bearing an unknown man's child? Is it better to walk and admit the child in her womb is of royal blood? He wants an answer. If he didn't awaken his blessing as the monarch, can he still see her mother's smile?

"You're my brother's child. Even though he is no longer here, the fact that you inherit his bloodline and monarch aura will qualify you to be a prince." The Emperor clenched his chair as hard as he could. He seems angry. "Unfortunately, your father the former Emperor passed away. He has too many enemies. I shall take you as my son instead."

Those eyes were filled with a blazing gaze. As if he can no longer admit the person who is standing in front of him is not his son. Why? Since he was born, it's always been his brother, Ashvell Ascante!

He thought that man was erased from this world. Liam, a child with such an innocent face can only nod and laugh. He is grateful for the fact that he now has a father. The villagers will no longer harass his mother.

The twenty-year-old Liam is looking through a glass window. He just stared and walked away. He was suddenly pulled back by a bunch of black chains. Once again, he falls into the unending darkness. This time, he is standing by the door.

A falling glass, a broken mirror, and destroyed furniture. Holding his face, the woman started calling for a man who no longer exists. The unending rumors, the more ruthless humiliation, and a hundred more painful punishments. She can only remember the man she loves, she spoke and called with hope. "Ashvell"

Liam once again pulled into a pitch-black hole. This time, the woman is angry with him. Ashvell won't leave her if the child were not born. It's her fault. She falls with a human! She lost the bet. The Goddess won. The madness that was contained within her unleashed. This is the child's fault. She repeated the mantra. If she punishes the child, Ashvell will still be alive. The goddess will forgive her and return Ashvell for her.

"The woman is not fit to take care of you. I shall talk to his majesty about her. Unfortunately, you must stay away from her for the time being." The Empress caressed his cheeks as she told him with a false benevolence. The child smiled and nodded. Liam just spectates everything as if he knew the ending of the story.

The story will end in tragedy. A tragedy that kills the child's emotions. She twisted his thought. To find salvation, to end someone's suffering you must grant them death.

"If you love me, my child, kill me."

"I love you. Can you kill me?"

"Can you let me find him?"

The woman keeps pleading with him. The roses fall to the floor as he looks at her sadly. The child reached out the kitchen knife and plunged it into her body. The woman retains her madness and falls to the floor.

Whose memory is it? Which is the truth? The older Liam kneeled by her mother's body and finally remembered the overwritten false memory he built to protect himself. He just mocked himself more.

'Look, you are a monster! You keep deceiving yourself with the false memory!'

The flower that brings light to the room is long-wilted. The boy wished to see her once again and the father granted it. As he walks toward the old palace, he plucks a bunch of red roses so that his mother to see her smile. Only to find a bloody figure cursing him until her final breath. (Ah, he kill her.)

"I love you." A lie she screams.

"I hate you. You are a monster! You took everything from me. I hate you." A truth, final truth comes to light as the child realizes he killed his mother.

Claude was wrong. It's not suicide. He was the one who killed his mother. Another memory resurfaces. Is it a fresh memory can he no longer forget?

The sight of the woman she loves kissing the crown prince, his half-brother. Ah, Liam found his reality. The Holy sword user is showing his tricks, and Franz is keeping the drunk Kathrine praying and reading Holy Scripture. Callisto is smirking but he seems to have enjoyed himself. Feeling betrayed, Liam just stands and stares.

How long have they been sitting there together? Liam once again understands. He is just a replacement, a decoy of his brother. Holding his chest, the old memory of their meeting resurfaces.

"I am Franz Illya, Your Highness, I will become your shadow and protect you."

"Having an older brother sucks you know. They were too demanding but the youngest can hide behind our parents!"

"You look good together. Why don't you try to kiss her?"

This time, another man appears and kneels beside him as he walks passed the royal library.

"My name is Callisto, Your Highness. I shall forge a path for you to shine brighter."

"I'm not interested in power, I just wish to gather knowledge of the world with our new adventure. We will defeat the demon lord. I shall guide you."

"Oh dear, you shouldn't do that in the public area, should I prepare a room for you to continue your intimate activities"

A woman standing and praying in the light of the church glances and smiles at him.

"I'm a commoner but I was blessed with a light from God, please call me Katherine."

"I hope we will be able to kill the demon lord. Their existence is a threat that needs to be eradicated. They are being that away, far away from the path of light"

"I don't mind hosting a marriage here, considering we might die any time!"

A man is holding a sword on the training ground running in excitement.

"Your Highness, I'm Heion! Let's work hard together!"

"I will cover you. Just move forward and believe in yourself! I trust you, partner."

"What about Filly for a baby girl and Harrow for the boy? Why are you staring like that? It's not that bad, right?"

Only the older Liam sees the future. The dagger was embedded in both of his legs. Illya, his shadow who promised to stand by his side and fight for him ripped apart his protection amulet and shoved him towards the fallen debris.

"Your shadow? You're not worthy of that!"

Callisto, the one who swore to guide him looked with a sickening smile. He pulled Liam's hair roughly. Liam just still staring at them in shock.

"Ah, what a pitiful sight."

Katherine, The person who promised to help him and eradicate the darkness in the land is cursing and binding his soul.

"Only sinners will doubt the will of Gods. You Heretic! Die!"

Heion, his partner, supposedly partner snickered and laughed loudly as he stepped on Liam's stomach.

"You weakling punk. You are just useless trash that I carry around. Hero team? You're just a deadbeat!"

The Older Liam just stared silently. A younger, child version of him is standing, holding the corner of his shirt. Hoping the future he will spare the girl. The girl who shines his dark life. The person whom he loves. The child Liam cried and hugged the future him tightly, asking for forgiveness for that person. He can't let go. The sea of minds will be tainted. He must hold onto that rope.

The scenery in front of him changes again. Liam is familiar with the garden.

"I am your fiancée, Triane Velathor! Even if you look weak, I won't look down on you!"

"I have an immeasurable amount of mana! I will protect you."

"I love you"

"We will be together forever! It's a promise."

The child Liam crumbles into dust at the sight of a woman laughing maniacally with extreme joy. She looks so weird and disgusting.

"I will never marry a filthy bug like you!"

"The commoner's blood will taint the noble blood of mine. Now, I shall become the crown princess."

"I'm the great magician and the crown princess, I am the chosen one!"

Liam walks towards a red door. He should wake up soon. The sea of darkness surrounds him. There was a small, empty island in the middle of the sea. The sky was reflecting the sea. His body is walking towards the small island. The sound of a metallic chain can be heard, as the chain wrapped around both of ankles and wrists. One of them even connected to his neck like a collar, as it wished him to fall.

Liam glanced towards the center of the island and sat down. He raises his hand and touches the ground. He needs to create a new anchor so he will not lose sight of his goal and purpose.

The prize was from Claude, a pocket watch. He buried it and took a step back. The red, dark tree grows filled with thorns and beautiful poisonous butterflies. The leaves were pitch black, darker than the night sky.

For some reason, he was stunned and looked at the blooming flowers. They were white. White as the blank sheet. It's impossible. The roots and the tree logs represent his current nature, the leaves are the thoughts and emotions that live inside of him. Even the fruits were dripping with blood, symbolizing his wish to see the sea of blood. So why?

Why is his soul still pure and white? Despite being tainted, he remains innocent. Liam was lost for words. Is he not evil enough? Is his revenge not enough? A green butterfly touched his hand and stayed. Not long after, a blue butterfly lands by the green butterfly.

'Wake up, our dear child. This place does not belong to you.' A familiar voice rang in his ears.

Liam opens his eyes and looks toward the starless sky. The time of the fateful reunion will arrive. Liam closed the curtain and prepared for the upcoming battle.

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