
Chapter # 37

Ethan: "Nothing. I'm just worried about you." He gazed into my eyes, smiling.

My heart skipped a beat, and I turned away to hide my blushing face.

Ethan: "Let's get going." He stood up, extending his hand for me to hold. We walked back home hand in hand.

While strolling on the footpath, a person bumped into Ethan.

Ethan: "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

The person glanced at Ethan with half-opened eyes, a peculiar sign on his left hand.

I noticed the same strange behavior from people at the park. Something was amiss.

Later, we reached home.

Both: "We're home." We entered the kitchen to get some water. I saw grandma standing by the stove. Strangely, she didn't greet us. Not thinking much about it I opened the fridge for a bottle.

Ethan erntered and suddenly shouted.

Ethan: "Katie, watch out!"

He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me away. When I processed what had just happened I saw grandma with a knife..?? Was she trying to attack me.? No, it can't be real. Why would she do that?

Ethan pulled me out of the kitchen into the living room. Grandma followed us there.

That sign...she has that same sign on her hand like that person. I looked at her. She looked at me strangely. What's wrong with her?

I went to her.

Ethan: "No Katie, don't. She's not our grandma."

I didn't listen to him.

Me: "Grandma, are you alright? I'm Katie."

She stared for a moment with a lifeless expression, then smiled. See I knew it. She can't be like that. She opened her arms for a hug and I immediately went into her arms, but it was a mistake. She squeezed me so tightly; it felt like my ribs would break. Ethan intervened, attacking her to free me. Her grip loosened and I fell to the ground.

Me: "No, Ethan, don't hit her. She's our Grandma." Or is she...

Carrying me, Ethan cast a spell that transported us outside the house to a safe place.

Shivering, I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Was the witch behind this? What had she done to Grandma?

Ethan: "Earth to Katie." I hadn't noticed tears streaming down my face. "Don't cry, please." Ethan wiped my tears.

Me: "Ethan, what's going on? Why was she behaving like this? I can't see her like that. What if she's hurt somewhere? What if she doesn't remember us anymore-"

Ethan: "Calm down, Katie. You can't be weak. This is probably the witch's doing. These are all her tricks. But you need to be strong. Okay?"

I nodded. "Good. Now let's go to Master first."


Chief Shen: "She what??!"

Ethan: "She attacked Katie, not once, but twice."

Master Z: "So that's her legion."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Master Z: "We've been perplexed all this while about how the witch plans to attack, given her relatively small army of minions. Now, I comprehend – she commands an army of Earth-bound individuals."

Me: "How can we possibly combat them? We can't inflict harm upon innocent people; it's impossible."

Master Z: "Compose yourself, Katie. They aren't real people; they're her minions cleverly disguised as real individuals."

Me: "Huh?"

Chief Shen: "I grasp it now. This is the most potent weapon one can wield."

Ethan: "What are you saying?"

Chief Shen: "She's leveraging Katie's vulnerabilities as her weapon. Katie cannot harm anyone, and she cherishes her Grandma and friends. She cannot bear to lose anyone. Thus, the witch has coerced her loved ones into attacking her because, no matter how formidable you are, confronting those you care for can be overwhelming."

Master Z: "She must have been observing her for quite some time."

'What is this? How am I supposed to defeat her? I'm beginning to lose all hope. I can't bring harm to innocent people. No, what am I supposed to do?'

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I felt Ethan grasping my hand and squeezing it tightly. I looked at him, and he silently mouthed 'calm down.' Surprisingly, I felt a sense of relief.

Master noticed my distress and said.

Master Z: "Katie, you need to understand that they are not real people. They are mere illusions, designed to weaken you. But you must transcend this fear of yours. You need to distinguish between reality and illusion. I comprehend it's challenging, but you must do so to save everyone. You cannot be so feeble as to succumb to her deceptive traps. We all believe in you. You just need to believe in yourself."