
Chapter # 29

Receptionist: "Hello, how may I help you?"

Me: "We want to see Mr. Wilson."

Receptionist: "What? Why would you like to meet him?" She was quite confused.

"What are these CHILDREN doing in the company?!"

A middle age person came towards us. He was quite angry.

Receptionist: "Hello sir, these children are here to meet Mr.Wilson."

Man: "Are you serious??! This is a company not a playground. Get them out right now!" He said furiously and went away.

Ethan: "Hmph.! Such a rude person."

Mia: "Why does he have such an attitude."

Me: "Miss please let us meet Mr.Wilson. it's really important. Please miss."

She looked at us worriedly.

Suddenly she looked here and there.

Receptionist: ''Okay, I'll let you meet him."

Me: "Really..??"

Receptionist: "Yes." She said softly with a smile. "Take a turn, there will be a lift. Enter the lift and go to the 12th floor. There will be Mr.Wilson's room.

I can only tell him that he has some guests. Its up to you to persuade him to listen to you. But don't worry. He's a really nice man. He'll surely listen to you guys.

And also be careful on your way. I hope you don't bump into that 'rude man'." She said chuckling.

We also laughed at that.

Receptionist: "Good luck kids."

Me: "Thankyou so much miss. We really appreciate that."

Receptionist: "My pleasure sweetheart."

All of us: "Byee."

Receptionist: "Bye."

We quickly went to the lift and reached the 12th floor.

I took a deep breath. We were standing in front of Mr.Wilson's room.

Me: "Let's do it."

I knocked at the door.

A soft 'come in' came from the inside.

We opened the door and went inside.

Me: "H-hello sir."

He looked up from a file. And was confused to see us.

Mr.Wilson: "While hello there kids. Are you guys the 'special guest'?" He said chuckling.

I get what he was saying. The receptionist must have told him some special guests are coming.

I nodded at him.

Mr.Wilson: "Please come and sit."

I was quite shocked at his behavior. I mean he is so kind.

We went forward and sit down.

Mr.Wilson: "Now may I ask why you guys are here?"

He said kindly.

Me: "Um - we are Case's friend."

His face lit up as I said that.

Mr.Wilson: "Ooh.. so you guys are my daughter's friend. I'm very happy to know that. I was afraid that she might not have any friends since she never talked about anyone or brought anyone home.

Okay, so how can I help you guys?"

Me: "Um it may sound weird. And we are also not in any place to say these things. But please listen to us till the end. It's really important."

Mr.Wilson: "Yeah go on. Don't worry. I'm listening."

He said warmly.

Me: "Your wife isn't good."

Mr.Wilson: ".....What??" I saw as his face changed from calm to confused to a little irritated.

Me: "I'm really sorry to say .But please you need to listen everything.

Your wife, Case's stepmom is not good. She doesn't treat Case nicely. She also beats her."

Mr.Wilson: "Are you guys in your senses? You know you're talking about my wife. And you expect me to listen to you kids badmouthing about my wife."

Me: "Mr, Wilson, I know you're really mad at us for talking like that. But please believe us.

We are not lying.."

Mr.Wilson: "Ok, how you want me to believe you?!"

Me: "Um.- we instal-...." I couldn't bring myself to tell him that we installed some cameras!!. I mean it's just simply wrong.

I was stuttering so that Ethan said it in place of me.

Ethan: "We installed some cameras inside your house."

Mr. Wilson: "What? You did what? Who let you enter the house? Or did you come with Case?"

Ethan: "No, we did it secretly."

Mr. Wilson: "You trespassed, installed cameras, and now you're badmouthing my wife. And after all that you want me to believe you... Get out before I call security." He said after a small pause.

Me: "Please, sir, hear us out. We have proof."

Mr. Wilson: "I don't want to see it."

Me: "But—"

Mr. Wilson: "Leave the office right now!"

Mia intervenes.

Mia: "Stop, guys. Let it be." She looks irritated.

Me: "What?" We all look at Mia.

Mia: "He doesn't want his daughter to live peacefully. Let's go."

Mr. Wilson: "What?"

Mia: "What else? Do you think your daughter's happy? She has friends? Is she living peacefully? No, she isn't."