
Chapter 1: The Birth Of The Creature

I opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw was the great sky with thousands and thousands of twinkling white stars in it.

Then I lowered my face a bit and what I saw was a glowing lotus, looking so beautiful.

Then I stood up by holding one of the leaves on the flower, And I saw some things flying around with some people in them.

Then I saw some very big structures which were very beautiful and shiny.

Then I lowered my face a bit and I saw hundred if not thousands of other lotuses like mine, but only that they weren't bloomed yet.

I was just enjoying myself, but then suddenly a thing with two hands came towards me and grabbed me, and it was constantly saying,"baby hatched, baby hatched." Then after traveling for some time, I was put in a basket with very comforting cloth in it.

It had a handle which the machine picked up and took me to a room with some peoples in it.

When I reached that room then the hand which was holding me said,"2p00l5j6".

Then the persons in the room asked him to put me on the table there.

Then those people first injected some things in my body.

It hurted a lot when he pricked that needle in my hand.

Then Jerry lifted me up and put me in a big capsule type machine.

Then for some time they kept me in that machine and I was constantly hearing sounds of those peoples.

Then Jerry took me out of the machine and placed me in my basket.

After that they were waiting for some time and constantly talking in shock with each other.

After about an hour an officer came and asked Jerry to take me with him.

After some minutes they took me to a room.

We waited for some time on that door.

Then a person came from within and gave us permission to go inside.

That room was very huge from inside and inside that were five tall towers. On those towers were five very huge queens sitting. Like really they were literally bigger than us.

The queens asked them the reason for bringing me there.

Then the officer perhaps sent the information via wireless.

The queens then asked Jerry if it was true or not, and Jerry replied yes, it was true.

Then suddenly the queen in the middle said,"well, it's a different species, which means that it shall be killed."

By hearing this the first queen said,"How do you know it's a different species it looks just like them."

Then the queen in the middle replied," yes, it may look like them, but it is different than them."

After this the fourth queen said," but how can it be different than them, while it has been given birth by them. It's impossible both of his parents were human, how is it even possible. There must be a defect in the machine,"

The queen in the middle replied," or were they, what if one of his parents was not from this world but from another dimension."

Then the second queen said,"how is that even possible when we don't let anyone other than human to breed on those lands. It's not even from there home it is from our breeding home."

And after this they quarreled for some minutes or perhaps hours, I don't remember most of their chat because I fell asleep after that.

Hello, people. I am a human and today or perhaps some other time I want to share my story with you. I hope you'll like it thank you!

The_GODcreators' thoughts
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