
Chapter Four


I hear the door bell ringing but completely ignore it because I knew it would be Mark , He will probably call me after a few minutes telling me to open the door for him but it's not my fault he forgot to get his keys . In fact,I told him not to forget about it when he left telling him I won't open the door for him .

Five or so, minutes later he calls me and I smirk picking it up .

" Zachary ! " He yells over the phone .

" yup "

" Rose called and said no one opened the door for her . Get your ass out and open the goddamned door ! " He says and the line goes dead immediately. My heart suddenly starts hammering in my chest at the mention of her name . I try hard not to look flustered as i go downstairs to open the door for her . I stop at the door taking a few calming breaths before I pull it open . She was wearing jeans leaning to the door frame looking as beautiful as ever. Of course, I can't tell her that or even show it 'cause she's with Mark . But that doesn't seem to stop me from liking her .

She smiles brightly at me and walks in as I step away . " Hey Blondie? I didn't see you in maths today ? " She says climbing up the stairs .

Blondie ?

Did she just call me blondie? I just smile at her not helping the blush creeping up on my face . I follow her to the main Living room upstairs without a word . Hearing my nickname from her intoxicating voice, Seeing her beautiful face and witnessing her flawless smile being my free ticket to dreamland .


I hear the door bell ringing but completely ignore it because I knew it would be Mark , He will probably call me after a few minutes telling me to open the door for him but it's not my fault he forgot to get his keys . In fact I told him not to forget about it when he left telling him I won't open the door for him .

Five or so, minutes later he calls me and I smirk picking it up .

" Zachary ! " He yells over the phone .

" yup "

" Rose called and said no one opened the door for her . Get your ass out and open the goddamned door ! " He says and the line goes dead immediately. My heart suddenly starts hammering in my chest at the mention of her name . I try hard not to look flustered as i go downstairs to open the door for her . I stop at the door taking a few calming breaths before I pull it open . She was wearing jeans leaning to the door frame looking as beautiful as ever. Of course, I can't tell her that or even show it 'cause she's with Mark . But that doesn't seem to stop me from liking her .

She smiles brightly at me and walks in as I step away . " Hey Blondie? I didn't see you in maths today ? " She says climbing up the stairs .

Blondie ?

Did she just call me blondie? I just smile at her not helping the blush creeping up on my face . I follow her to the main Living room upstairs without a word . Hearing my nickname from her intoxicating voice, Seeing her beautiful face and witnessing her flawless smile being my free ticket to dreamland .

I sit on the chair and plop my feet on the table . I heard the door closing downstairs and a few moments later Zack's appears in front of me . Our eyes meet for a second and I saw them soften looking at me . He opens his mouth as if to say something but he shuts it right away and sits across me . His presence makes me feel safe somehow , I know I'm not supposed to feel like this towards another guy because I already have a boy friend but I can't help it .

Maybe it's his beautiful face , His flawless body , His kind smile , His .....

What the hell is wrong with you Rosaline !

I mentally scold myself and pull my phone out to start doing anything but drool over him .

I find a text from Mark saying he is getting close and he wants to talk to me alone .

I confusedly type "okay " and get up heading to his bedroom .

I turn the door knob but stop dead in my feet when warm hands are placed on either side of my shoulders .

An expensive cologne swifts through my nose and I turn around but his grip held me to place .

I thought it was Mark but I realise I was wrong when I hear Zack's voice . He comes closer his breath puffing on my neck ,his nose slightly touching the back of my ears, his lips close to my skin and he whispers to my ears

What is he doing ?

" I can't take this anymore Rosie, I have to tell you or I will explode ."

Is there anybody not trying to tell me something ?

" Tell me what Zack ? " I say bluntly facing the door .

" I .... I've been ... " He swallows " Look.. Rose , I ..."

" Zachary ! " Marks voice interrupts him from downstairs . He jumps and tries to get away from me panic written all over his face .

What the Hell is going on?

I walk inside the bed room still feeling his touch , his hot breath lingering on my skin , his scent staying on my nose, my mind replaying his closeness ...

Am I attracted to him?

" Hey! " Marks head pops inside pulling me out of my thoughts . " Hey " I say to him as he pulls me into a hug .

I hug him back but it didn't feel right . I didn't feel it ..


Mark talks about a foot ball game he saw earlier while I sit on his bed my thoughts still clouded by Zack. I pretend like I'm paying attention smiling and nodding once in a while . He finally gets up from across me where he lay sprawled on the bed his head resting on the head board . It was movie time but I didn't feel like staying.

I tell him that I had to go home and he said Zack can drop me off because he forgot to stop at the gas station .

Great . Just great ( note the sarcasm)

I grab my phone from the bed and follow him out .

He tells Zack I needed a ride home to which Zack smiles brightly grabbing his jacket to leave .

Urghhh! That damn smile !

We both pretend nothing happened and walk out heading to his car .