
chapter 1

In the genesis of the universe, four primordial beings emerged, born from the cosmic will itself.

A colossal red dragon, stretching nearly a hundred meters in length, commanded attention with its gleaming golden eyes, embodying the essence of dreams and the allure of illusions.

Opposite to the red dragon stood its counterpart, a majestic black dragon of equal stature, exuding an aura of boundless expanse and the enigma of infinite.

A formidable beast, a fusion of diverse animal traits—a lion's mane, a leopard's agility, and the serpentine grace of a dragon—loomed with seven imposing necks, crowned by as many heads, each possessing its unique visage. With seven formidable tails of varying shapes trailing behind, this entity epitomized the forces of destruction and the tumult of chaos.

Completing this cosmic quartet stood a colossal phoenix, its resplendent form spanning over a hundred meters. Adorned in hues of radiant red and pristine white, its body adorned with golden specks akin to celestial constellations. Its piercing slit purple eyes, reminiscent of a vast galaxy, bore witness to the mysteries of creation and life, the dance of reality, and the promise of rebirth among the stars.

As the two dragons and the beast surveyed their newfound existence with puzzlement, the phoenix, distinct in its gaze, regarded its companions with a knowing familiarity, sensing a kinship that transcended the bounds of mere existence.

'Great red, Ophis, and Trihexa,' the phoenix thought with a hint of excitement as it beheld its newly born siblings.

However, their expressions soon turned blank as if ensnared in a trance. In this moment, the beings were inundated with a flood of information from the universe—about themselves, their surroundings, and their companions. Gradually, a dawning realization swept over them, replacing confusion with understanding.

Then, a mellifluous voice resonated through the cosmos, captivating the attention of the two dragons and the beast with its enchanting melody.

"How about we introduce ourselves?" suggested the phoenix, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

As the three beings emerged from their trance-like state, they took turns introducing themselves.

The red dragon, its demeanor neutral yet slightly aloof, declared, "I am the Primordial Dragon God and embodiment of dreams and illusions, known as Great Red."

Next, the black dragon spoke with utter neutrality, stating, "I am the Primordial Dragon God and representation of infinity, my name is Ophis."

The beast, adopting a somewhat childish tone while maintaining neutrality, chimed in, "I am the Primordial Beast God and personification of destruction and chaos, my name is Trihexa."

Finally, the phoenix, exuding warmth and kindness, spoke with a voice that resonated majestically, "I am the true Primordial Phoenix God, embodying life, reality, creation, rebirth, and the stars. My name is Aster."

POV Aster

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I confirmed my presence within this newfound existence.

'Raphael, are you there?' I inquired, seeking reassurance.

'Yes, master. I'm here and ready to serve you,' came Raphael's reassuring response.

With Raphael's confirmation, I felt a wave of gratitude flood through me. It seemed that my hopes and desires had indeed been fulfilled.

'Raphael, have I received all my wishes?' I asked, seeking further validation.

'Yes, master. You have received all your wishes,' Raphael affirmed.

Satisfied with this reassurance, I proceeded to request a status check on myself.

'Can you do a status check on myself, Raphael?' I inquired.

'Of course, master,' came Raphael's prompt reply.

Before my eyes, a screen materialized, displaying the results of the status check.

Name: Aster

Race: true primordial phoenix god

gender: male

Title: true god, rule of creation, rule of life, rule of the stars, rule of reality, rule of rebirth, the embodiment of life, reality, creation, rebirth and stars, the one blessed by the void.

EP: 25,000,000(infiniti with [turn null] and stars energy)

Intrinsic skills: true divine phoenix haki, universal shapeshift, material creation, universal sense, perfect memory.


embodiment of creation: As the embodiment of creation, you can create anything imaginable. The only limit is the extent of your imagination. as long as a creation you create exists, you can't be killed.

embodiment of the stars: As the embodiment of the stars, you have the power to create and utilize the energy of the stars. Like a battery, you absorb this energy to recharge yourself. As long as stars continue to exist in the universe, you have an endless source of power.

embodiment of rebirth: As the embodiment of rebirth, you are immortal. Even if someone manages to end your existence, you will be reborn from fire with all abilities and memories intact. you have the ability to choose when and where you return, ensuring that you always rise again.

embodiment of life:As the embodiment of life, you possess the power to grant life to all beings and to take it away when necessary. In the universe, every life has a storybook that begins with a prologue and ends with an epilogue, and you hold the ability to determine when each chapter reaches its conclusion. With your power, you can bring weaker beings to their final chapter and bring about their end. Additionally, your ability known as "prologue" ensures that you can never be killed, granting you eternal existence.

embodiment of reality:As the embodiment of reality, you have the power to change or manipulate elements of the physical, spiritual, conscious, and energetic realms, as well as the unseen world and the rules that govern them. Your power allows you to reshape the very fabric of reality itself, governed only by the boundaries of your imagination.


true divine ki

ultimativ skills

1.Void God: Azathoth


(1)Soul consumption.

(2)Turn Null.

(3)Imaginary Room.

(4)Space-Time Control.

(5)Multi-Dimensional Barrier

2. Wisdom Lord: Raphael


(1)All of Creation

(2)Analytical Appraisal


(4)Chant Annulment

(5)Future Attack Prediction

(6)Parallel Operation

(7)Thought Acceleration



Pain Nullification

Abnormal Condition Nullification

Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification

Mental Attack Nullification

Natural Effect Nullification

Physical Attack Nullification

Spiritual Attack Nullification

(Aster) "Damn! I'm incredibly strong," I marveled.

(Raphael) 'Yes, master is strong, but you must train and learn to master your power if you're going to begin creating the universe,' Raphael advised.

(Aster) 'You're right, Raphael. If I'm going to fulfill the request I received from the universe, I have to train,' I acknowledged.

Excitement pulsed through me as I remembered the request I received.

Amidst the information about ourselves, the universe had asked if I could commence creating and developing it whenever I wished. It was a choice, not a demand, and I could start whenever I felt ready.

(Aster) 'Raphael, how long will it take for me to master my power?' I inquired.

(Raphael) 'It will take master about 100 years to master all his powers,' Raphael responded.

(Aster) 'Hmm, I see. Thanks for the help, Raphael,' I expressed gratitude.

(Raphael) 'Anything for master,' Raphael replied dutifully.

Reflecting on our conversation, I realized that although I had been engrossed for quite some time, my siblings had remained silent.

(Raphael) 'That's because when master called me, I activated thought acceleration, so not even a second has passed,' Raphael explained.

(Aster) 'Ah, clever thinking, Raphael. Good job,' I mentally commended with a mental thumbs up.

(Raphael) 'Thanks for the praise, master,' Raphael responded.

I couldn't help but notice a hint of happiness in her voice. Shrugging it off for the moment, I resolved to focus on mastering my powers and spend quality time with my siblings.

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