
Visiting the Underworld

After Aergia had teleported away from Ophis he found himself at the database of the underworld where there was information about the 4 great satans and 72 pillars and also about the lesser clans in scroll which had been compiled as he's too busy to search the whole library of the underworld for some info and reading so many books to find the correct information was a pain in the ass anyway. Aergia put some suggestion to the devils which were guarding the database and see him as someone with higher authority than the satan.

When he read through the scroll he found out a really interesting fact that some of the most powerful clan weren't actually from the pillars but from the lesser clans and they were being positioned at the edge of the underworld which made Aergia think 'Hmm, interesting these lesser clans power were powerful enough to match a satan in their own right but because of their lack of supporters and clan member failed to even make it to the 72 pillars. I could use this to make some of them who I deemed worthy pledge loyalty to me.' He thought with a smirk.' Another interesting thing is that the division was made just about 4 years ago which wasn't too long but the system isn't too developed so they're bound to be some discrimination within the ranks of the devil.

Aergia then made a copy of the scroll and teleported to the outskirts of the underworld where he could find the most powerful lesser clan namely, The Uchihas. They couldn't be part of the 72 pillars because of their curse which is called the curse of hatred, which means someone of their clans bound to make some massacre one way or the other. But they have this powerful eyes because of the curse it's called the sharingans based on what he read from the scroll Aergia concluded that the eye power could range from utterly useless to be one of the most powerful tools in warfare. When he was scanning for a possible candidate for his group he found out about an interesting child.

He saw that this child was a genius and his eye power are certainly going to be powerful so he decided that he would leave a mark on the boy's body so when he needs help or the time come Aergia could come in and rescue him and make him part of his group. After that, he went towards the resident of one of the Demon King the Lucifer himself. He entered his house and made his presence known to the Demon kings. After a few whiles, each one of them started to arrive and get into a battle stance while their underlings prepared a barrier to prevent any collateral damage which could happen.

There is silence in the barrier with no one moving a muscle, then Lucifer decided to break the ice, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm Aergia as for who am I in details you gotta find out by yourself and I'm here to have a conversation with you guys no more and less," Aergia said, "And let's be honest if I wanted to kill you guys I could do it rather easily."

The maous couldn't even refute what Aergia said as he was correct from what they felt from him before he was infinitely more powerful than them. "Then what do you wanted to talk about ?" Leviathan asked Aergia. To which Aergia smiled and talked to them well mostly about random stuff, and they become friends rather easily well not exactly a close friend but the Maous wasn't really afraid of him anymore. Before Aergia could leave Lucifer asked him if he was going to interfere with the world matters as when they talked Aergia accidentally blurted out about some details about himself. To which Aergia replied with a smile, "I would only interfere if I need to." Then he disappeared from the room.

Aergia teleported himself to the dimensional gap from which he saw Ophis was beating the shit out of Great Red. If you're asking who Great Red is the red mist from the jar, and he's also the guardian of this universe which was decided by Aergia and Ophis since we're too lazy to do such taxing task. Aergia then approached Ophis and took her to a hug to calm her down. he stroke her head a few times and when she calmed down Aergia then asked her what make her upset.

"Great Red took my home," Aergia then looked at great red which shook his head heavily, "No, I don't I just fallen asleep here that's all I don't try to take your home." He said in panic, Ophis then replied with, "Liar, I hate liar." and she charged to great red again. Aergia then sighed thinking about this stupid quarrel between the two dragon gods.

the h_h writing quality is deteriorating. It's just I was kind of low on mental capacity right now as I was having a lot of homework to deal with and Final Tests are coming soon. So yeah

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