
DxD: Solomon's Rise

Tsukuyo Fuyu was reincarnated into the world of DxD with Solomon's knowledge and skill.

Eevee_Express · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

It has been 4 years since the day I have been summoned into this world now I am 7 years old. During that time I have practiced my magic and magecraft, as well as getting my power up to Ultimate-Class. I also created a base to practice my experiments in to avoid unnecessary trouble with the leakage of mana. I have not left town yet since I need to get strong enough in order to travel around without being noticed.

I plan to save the couple Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki from their death so I have been keeping tabs on the state of the town. I deal with strays every know and then while taking their sacred gears if they have any.

I started my research into sacred gears and it was interesting to look into their make up. It was code but a lot more complicated to read and decipher. That was just low tier sacred gear so I have no idea how high tier or Longinus type would look like but it will be interesting. I have a few Longinus type and potential Longinus type sacred gear that I want to collect before they awaken, so I will soon leave the town to go look for them after the rescue of the devil and exorcist couple.

Another thing that I have been working towards were the rings of Solomon. Since I came here I have been experimenting on ways to make the rings in order to cancel any magic. So far I have come up with several different ways to make the rings and all I need now is time to complete them. Each ring will have a different attribute incorporated into it in order to nullify magic as a whole. That is the main reason why it is taking a while for me to even make one ring, since I need to combine magic in different ways in order to make sure the rings are in harmony with each other, to make sure it cancels out all magic aimed at me.

I also started to train in different types of magic that humans use. I modified them and added calculations and imagination to make the spell work more precisely and more powerful while, still using the same amount of mana as the regular spell. This was possible because I am a high human so I calculate things much faster and I can naturally use magic with only my imagination.

I have also started training the different weapons that are in the Gate of Babylon. The first weapon I trained in was the sword since that will be my main weapon in the future. I recreated the way EMIYA scans weapons and learns of its history so that I could learn how to wield each one while creating my own fighting style.

Finally I have taken an interests in runes, which when I researched about them there were several runes that are made as a lesser version of the previous. So I started to look at all the lesser runes and mad my way up until I reached the primordial runes, By primordial runes I mean the ones from Fate since I had previous knowledge of them so I just worked my way up until I reached them. It was not to difficult considering even the ones Odin made were in conjunction to the Fate ones just less powerful.

'I should go outside and monitor the town once more to figure out the timeline of events.' I thought to myself so I put on my shoes and started going outside. It's still a bit before sunset so I should go look at what is happening around.

I start walking all over Kuoh. I pass by a couple of shops and houses trying to find clue on the arrival of Irina. I walk to a nearby park and see a child sitting on the bench crying. 'I do not normally get myself involved in these types of situations but I can't just leave a child crying by themselves alone.' I thought so I went to talk to them.

"Hello is everything alright" I ask the crying child and he looks up at me.

"sniff" "sniff" "Everyone keeps on telling me I don't act like a girl 'sniff' even though I am one. Even if I tell others I am a girl they always just laugh at me saying I'm not. I don't even know how a girl is suppose to act. " She says trying to hold back the tears.

"I think you should act the way you want to." I tell her while patting her head, " Even if you don't act like a girl you are still a girl whether they tell say it to you or not. So do and act like you have always been because the only person who can make that decision is you, no one else. Besides I think you look cute." I say with a smile on my face.

"Y-you think I look c-c-cute!" Said the girl with a massive blush on her face.

"Hmm, yea why?" I ask generally confused by this reaction, ' Now that I look at her she seems familiar with that, light brown hair and violet eyes but I do not know where.' I think in my mind.

"W-what's your name" She asks while looking into my eyes.

"Tsukiyo Fuyu" I replied.

"C-can you come to the park tomorrow to play with me." She asks shyly, while I think about it in my mind, 'Well I guess I could, since I have nothing to do since I am just studying magic and waiting on the attempt on the couple's lives.' I thought to myself 'Besides it's kind of sad that I don't have any friends with me and I am dying to at least talk to someone.'

"Okay I'll come tomorrow to play." I said as her face brightened up.

"Great, I'll come in the afternoon meet me here!" she said excitedly "Oops its already late have to go. Oh yea I forgot to say my name It's Irina Shidou bye Tsukiyo" she says as she runs off leaving me standing there with my brain frozen.

'...OF COURSE!!!' I yell in my mind, 'How did I not realize, am I stupid or just an idiot!' I berate myself thinking why didn't I realize the similarities instantly. 'Well not much I can do about it now. I just got to make sure this situation does not happen again.' I tell myself, 'Oh well, think on the bright side, I get to be friends with a cute girl and I'll be able to check when the exorcists plan to kill the couple. I think.