
Chapter 24: The Cost of Power

After saying goodbye to Mika, Reiji was surprised by a system notification introducing a novel concept: [Perform a Heroic Action].

By saving Mika Uehara, he accumulated 20 action points, but there were additional benefits.

The system informed him that his actions, by intimidating the boy to the point of abandoning any thoughts of revenge, had earned him 10 bonus points. Moreover, a new ability, [Muscular Expansion - Brutal Amplification], was unlocked, available at a discount for one week.

The [Muscular Expansion - Brutal Amplification], according to the system, would unlock extreme muscular potential, transforming the user into a gigantic and muscular version, something Reiji associated with the Hulk's transformation.

With the discount applied, the ability would cost 100 points — a bargain, considering the original price was 200 action points.

Clearly, reaching the peak of human muscular potential was not an easy feat, justifying the high cost of this [limit-breaking technique].

Honestly, Reiji was conflicted about his feelings. He had always admired muscular figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose physique is the object of envy.

He considered that if using the ability temporarily transformed him into someone with Arnold's physical stature, it wouldn't necessarily be bad. After all, achieving the peak of human muscular potential would make him extremely strong, right?

However, it was a gamble, with no certainty of the outcome without personally experiencing it.

For now, despite the action points accumulated from helping Mika Uehara, he still did not have enough to acquire this ability. Thus, he would decide on the purchase after accumulating the necessary 100 points.

Upon entering his home using the spare key, Reiji announced his return: "I'm home."

The two beautiful girls greeted him at the door, both with their hair tied back in ponytails and wearing aprons: "Welcome back, Reiji-kun – Reiji-senpai~"

Being received in this manner by the two beautiful girls, Reiji felt a deep visual and emotional satisfaction.

"I brought this for you," Reiji said, smiling as he handed a bag to each of them. "I hope you like them, but if by chance you don't, you can exchange them for something you'd prefer."

"I'm sure I'll like it! I wouldn't want to exchange it, after all, it's the first gift I've received from you, Reiji-senpai~!" Nene expressed her joy, her eyes shining brightly.

"Thank you, Reiji-kun. I'm delighted," Kanade thanked him, looking at him passionately. She accepted the gift with a radiant smile, her eyes appearing to form hearts - an expression of her affection, not a literal transformation.

As they unwrapped the presents and discovered they were exactly to their liking, their joy illuminated the room, their eyes shining brighter than stars.

"Did you like them?" Reiji asked, entering the living room after changing his shoes and noticing their reaction to the gifts.

"We love them~" Nene promptly replied. In a burst of gratitude and without any hesitation, she hugged Reiji and gave him a kiss on his cheek: "Thank you, Reiji-senpai~"

Kanade, sharing the happiness, approached and kissed Reiji's other cheek, leaning on him as if she were his girlfriend, overflowing with affection and gratitude.

Nene was gifted a romantic manga and a Gyaru-style blouse, both perfectly suited to her taste.

Kanade, on the other hand, received a book that, according to the system, she did not yet own but had been interested in acquiring and had not found. Reiji's increased luck may have played a role in this fortuitous find. In addition to the book, he gave her a set of drawing materials, a version she had mentioned wanting in previous conversations.

After receiving the blouse, Nene went to the bathroom to try it on and returned wearing it. The blouse, with its unique design that left one shoulder exposed, in pink knit and with an asymmetrical cut, gave her a sweet yet bold look.

"I simply love it~" Nene approached Reiji, twirling and leaning slightly with a radiant smile. "I'm super, hyper, mega happy~!"

"Hahaha, I'm glad you liked it," Reiji responded, laughing and complimenting her: "I have to admit, my taste is quite good; you look beautiful, Nene-chan." He affectionately stroked her head.

Nene was extremely pleased with the compliment, laughing joyfully and maintaining a content smile until dinner time.

Kanade felt a slight pang of jealousy, but was equally pleased with the gifts she received. Thus, she decided not to dwell on it this time. However, she considered that, at the next opportunity, she might take Reiji shopping and have him watch her try on various styles of clothing and compliment her. Yes, that was an idea worth exploring...

During dinner, Reiji savored the meal. The culinary skills of both were notably good. Moreover, sharing the meal with others was more enjoyable than eating alone, especially in the company of two charming girls.


After taking Nene to the train station and ensuring Kanade was safe at her home, Reiji, upon returning, was about to enter his apartment when he was stopped on the staircase.

"Reiji-kun, wait..."

A glimpse of déjà vu?

As he turned around, he found himself facing Nozomi Uehara, the apartment owner.

In this encounter, Nozomi presented herself distinctly.

Despite being the mother of a teenager, her presence radiated youth, appearing not to exceed 30 years of age with her elegance. The button-up blouse she chose highlighted her generous figure, while her dark auburn hair, cut in a short and neat style, framed her attractive face, further enhancing her beauty. Her amber eyes, sharing the hue with those of Mika Uehara, looked at Reiji intensely.

Approaching, Nozomi, with a look of concern, thanked him: "Thank you for taking care of my daughter. She told me that, if it weren't for your intervention, she might have..."

She couldn't even contemplate the adversities that might have occurred if Reiji had not intervened to help her daughter. From what she had been informed, he had gone above and beyond to intimidate that affluent boy.

"It was nothing," Reiji responded, maintaining firm eye contact. "I was just on my way home and noticed that she was in a tough situation, so I decided to help her."

Many might resort to the cliché that anyone would do the same in his place, but Reiji was aware that this statement did not reflect reality. He himself would not be convinced if he tried to use that line of defense.

The mother's perception sharpened as she noticed the sincerity in his words, something she had not anticipated. For a moment, she almost lost herself in her thoughts, forgetting the purpose of her visit, which was to express her gratitude for what he had done for her daughter...

Collecting herself, she bowed deeply, expressing, "Honestly, my gratitude towards you is immense."

Reiji received her thanks with a welcoming smile.

"Please, raise your head," Reiji gently suggested. "If you really want to thank me, how about preparing a lunch box for me someday? I live alone and sometimes don't find the time to prepare my own lunch."

"Of course, that works~" She accepted the suggestion, standing up and, despite the initial surprise, the idea pleased her. It seemed to her a more meaningful way to show gratitude, although she questioned whether a simple lunch box would be enough to express her full appreciation.

"Have you had dinner tonight?" she inquired.

"Yes, I've already eaten," Reiji confirmed.

Reflecting for a moment and touching her lips with her finger, she proposed with a smile, "Alright, then I'll prepare a lunch box for your lunch. I'll ask Mika to deliver it tomorrow morning, before you leave for school. How about that?"

"Actually, I plan to skip classes tomorrow," Reiji admitted with a shy smile, revealing the same reason for his school absence he had mentioned to others, referring to a change in his skin color.

"Ahh, now I understand," she reacted with a moment of realization. "It makes sense then; after all, if you were really sick, how could you have helped my daughter? And I understand, you were embarrassed to tell the truth..."

The idea that he was embarrassed about undergoing a skin lightening procedure prompted a muffled laugh from her, while she brought her hand to her mouth in a gesture of discretion: "Fufufu~."

Reiji noticed the gesture but chose to discreetly ignore it, pretending he saw nothing...

"So it's decided." She organized herself and proposed, "I will make the delivery around lunchtime myself. It will be even better, as the food will be fresh and delicious." A smile lit up her face.

"Yes, I would love that. Thank you very much," Reiji expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome," she replied, smiling in return.

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