
Chapter 13

Hikaru arrived near the general vicinity of the abandoned church, Once he was there he was able to catch Kiba, Issei, and Koneko going inside the abandoned church.

"So, they're also here" Hikaru said to himself, "Well, I can't let myself be left out now can I?" Hikaru said as he jumped off the roof and proceeded to go the the abandoned churches front door.

Once I was near the door, I could hear the sounds of things crashing inside the church. Once I entered I could the seats were thrown around, while Koneko was throwing church seats at Freed, Kiba was looking for an opportunity to strike at Freed, while Issei..... Well, lets just say that he was looking for an opportunity to not be dead weight.

Freed looked like he had healed somehow from our previous encounter, but that wasn't going to help him from me. It seemed that Koneko had detected my presence as she glanced my direction and stopped throwing seats before looking back and continuing to throw seats at Freed. Taking that as an ok from Koneko, I instantly appeared in front of Freed as his eyes widened from my sudden appearance. I threw a punch of at full force, which is 3 tons or 6000 pounds straight at his face.

I immediately heard the sound of Freed's skull cave in, as his body was sent flying back into the altar. Once the smoke settled from the broken altar, all that remained was a broken altar and Freed's lifeless body and his blood pouring out from his severely deformed head that almost didn't look attached to his body, it was so deformed you wouldn't even recognize him as a human anymore, but more like an animal on a humans body.

Koneko, and Kiba were a little bit disturbed by the sight, but it wasn't like it was their first time seeing something like this, since they've occasionally had to hunt down stray devils. But Issei? He was freaking out.

"OH GOD I WANT TO THROW UP!" Issei cried out, but not before he held his head from the pain caused by saying God's name.

"Why did you kill him like that!!" Issei said as he points his finger at me. "You want to save Asia, don't you?" I asked

"Y-Yeah! But you didn't have to kill him so brutally!" Issei said, "Get over it, it doesn't matter how you kill them, the end result is that they're dead in the end. Plus I didn't want to drag on the fight." I said and continued on "And look, under the altar there's a secret passageway."

Kiba and Koneko looked at each other before nodding to one another, Hikaru went down the passageway while Kiba, Koneko and Issei followed. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs there was a closed door.

The group looked at one another before nodding as they opened the door and entered. Once they were inside, they saw multiple exorcists, Raynare wearing a nightgown exposing this tattoo between her breasts, Asia was hung onto a cross also wearing a nightgown, but she also had the same tattoo on her between her breasts that Raynare had.

"Welcome Devils and Kuuga." Raynare said

"ASIA!" Issei cried out.

"Issei...San..." Asia said weakly.

"Yeah! We've come to save you!" Issei said.

"This is a heartwarming meeting, but you're too late." Raynare said smugly

"The ceremony is about to end." Raynare said as all of a sudden Asia started screaming


As the tattoo on Raynare and Asia's chest started glowing and the skin around the tattoo started turning red.

"ASIA!" Issei cried out

The exorcists made a wall in front of Issei as one of them said "I won't allow you to interfere!" as he grips his light sword.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE ON YOU!" Issei cried out.

"Devil! I will destroy you!" said the exorcist as he pulled his light sword over his head preparing to swing.

Issei shifted to the side as the light sword passed near him, Koneko took this opportunity to strike him in the stomach with her elbow, as the exorcist jumped backwards before coughing.

"... I won't let you do it." Koneko calmy stated.

"Large numbers vs small, I too will not hold back." Kiba stated

"All your light will be swallowed" as Kiba held his sword.

The exorcists were more focused on the devils than me, so I took this chance and leapt over them all doing a front flip, once I landed I heard Asia cry out once more, "AAAAAAAAH!!!" as the tattoo between her breasts shot out a light, I immediately jumped once more, but towards Raynare as I did a flying sidekick.

Raynare saw this out of the corner of her eye, but as she was about to dodge, the light that came from the tattoo between Asia's breasts turned into a ball made of green light! She immediately grabbed for it! But my kick landed as she lost grip of the ball made of green light as it continued to float back near Asia and Raynare was sent flying into the walls.

I looked towards Asia and her face was pale and her expression was grim, it looked as if she was dying! I immediately thought it must be related to that ball of green light, if it could come out of the tattoo it could go back in right?

While Raynare was still in the wall, I grabbed the ball of green light, It felt quite weird, almost as if it was trying to forcefully assimilate itself with me, but something held it back. Which I assumed was the Amadam. I place the ball of green light near the tattoo between Asia's breasts, as the ball of green light was eventually sucked into the tattoo before disappearing as Asia's body fell down.

Raynare eventually came out the hole, her nightgown tattered in some places, her face though, it was livid, scorching with anger. But also hints of despair.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Raynare screamed!


"AND YOU TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME!" Raynare spread her wings as she immediately flew at me

I immediately ducked as Raynare tried to grab me, I took a quick look at Asia who was on the floor as I saw Issei running towards Asia. I could tell Koneko and Kiba were still fighting due to the sounds of swords clashing and things breaking. I once again focused my attention on Raynare who floated in the air as she looked down at me with intense anger.

"Hyoudou-kun! It's difficult to fight while protecting that girl!" Kiba stated

"...Anyway, lets leave this place." Koneko calmly said.

Issei nodded, "Koneko-chan, open a path for us!" Kiba said, and Koneko replied "...Understood." as she kneed the nearest exorcist in the face and Kiba slashed at another.

"Hyoudou-kun, lets escape now!" Kiba said

Raynare who saw this clicked her tongue as she said "I won't let you leave!"

But I immediately jumped and tackled her to the ground as I told Issei and his group, "I'll take care of Raynare, now go!"

"Issei, Koneko and I will take care of the exorcists while you take the nun out of here" Kiba said

Issei just nodded and carried Asia out of the passageway

Raynare and I were still fighting one another, as she held a light spear and sent multiple thrusts towards me as some scraped my armor when I dodged, Raynare had dodged some of my punches, I sent another punch as she focused on that I immediately swept my right leg towards her leg, Raynare saw this and used her light spear to block me kick, but what she didn't expect that was the force from my leg was enough to break her light spear.

So Raynare lost her balance and fell down, I immediately took this chance and straddled her and sent a punch with enough force to knock her, only for her to tilt her head and my fist to hit the ground, as my fist slammed into the ground, Raynare immediately punched at my head, but I caught it with my other hand. I pulled Raynare's arm to the side so I could headbutt her.

Once I tried, she immediately shoved her other hand onto my mask, as she pushed with all her might, we weren't getting anywhere until my other hand that was free, punched her in the liver, as she coughed out blood, her hold on my mask weakened, so I pushed away her hand on my mask, as I continued my headbutt.

This time it was successful as I knocked her out, I turned my head to see if Kiba and Koneko were done, and they were. The exorcists were dead on the floor. Seeing that they were done I picked Raynare up and hoisted her over my shoulder and asked them if they were ready to go and they nodded so we left the passageway to go back up.

Once we got back up there, I saw Rias and Akeno talking with Issei and judging from the way Issei's face looks, I guess something happened and from the looks of it, it's not good.

And that's the chapter, honestly I feel that this chapter was terrible, I feel like shit, i'm worn out from AP exams and now I have to do my finals. I actually want to die. I might rewrite this chapter, once I can get my thoughts together and yes, it's short, but what can I do. Just bear with it for this one.

Oh yes, Issei's sacred gear didn't transform, due to him not actually fighting Raynare. So there'll now be a different route of Issei evolving his sacred gear. So look out for that!

Icliptic_Horizoncreators' thoughts