
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

Chapter 20 she's my girlfriend.

"I don't know," Shin said but considering this is the same world that seemingly doesn't understand how broken the concept of completely doubling one's power is, it's not surprising. "Anyway, I'm going to get my day started," Shin said as he left the room to start his day, feeling too weak at the moment to flirt.

Rias came downstairs a few minutes later to find a plate of breakfast ready for her. "I'm surprised you didn't try anything like last time when you saw me naked in your bed." Rias teased as she sat down at the plate of eggs and bacon. "Thank you for the food."

"Yes, I just can't be bothered to do so at the moment. Even though my body has adapted somewhat to the holy energy, it took a lot out of me to do so. I feel really weak and tired right now." Shin said as he sat down and started eating his breakfast as well.

"That's light poisoning. It's what happens to a devil when holy energy enters their body. They get light poisoning until the holy energy is completely gone from their body or in your case until your body fully adapts to the light." Rias explained to Shin.

"I see, that makes sense. By the way, what did you do with Dohnaseek's body after I passed out?" Shin asked as he went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Franks Red Hot to put on his eggs.

"After you fainted, I destroyed it," Rias said.

Shin sighed in disappointment. He was hoping he would be able to absorb more holy energy from Dohnaseek. However, that was only a tiny setback, one that could easily be replaced. Besides, there are currently three other fallen angels in Kuoh right now.

Finishing his breakfast, Shin rinsed his plate before putting it into the dishwasher and moved onto meal prep. "You really eat fast. You know you don't have to inhale your food, right?" Rias said as she hadn't finished neither her bacon nor her eggs.

"It's a subconscious thing. If you eat faster, you won't realize your full until you're already done with your food." Shin said as he started grilling his meats.

A few minutes later, Rias watched as Shin left to go upstairs, no doubt to get in his running clothes. She knew his daily schedule from when she had Koneko watch him. However, she was surprised when he came downstairs in a pair of shorts and a blanket.

"That doesn't look like running clothes," Rias commented as she rinsed off her plate.

"As I said, I can't be bothered. I feel too weak and tired to run right now, so I'm just going to laze around and watch TV for the next two hours." Shin replied, laying down on the couch in the living room and turning on Flixnet. 'Now, let's see what movies this world ripped off Netflix has.'

"Mind if I join?" Rias asked as she leaned up against the couch.

"Go ahead," Shin replied.

(Scene Break)

"Wake up please, would you please wake up now? Or, you could just stay in bed, but I'm not going down on you. Wake up mister. Wake up mister. Wake up mister." The mantra was stopped when a hand pushed the button on top of the alarm clock.

Issei Hyoudou groaned as he wiped the sleepiness from his eyes. He had stayed up all night watching a new porno with his friends and was now very tired.

Getting out of bed, he put on his school's uniform, whether it was clean or not the world will never know. Walking into the hallway, the smell of his mother cooking breakfast assaulted him. Looking to the side, he sighed when he saw his older brother's room.

Shin was always up before anyone else, left for school before anyone was up, and never gets back home until late. He knew his brother liked to be in good shape but did he really have to be gone for the whole day? He and his parents very rarely got to see him.

Releasing another sigh, he walked down the stairs, he sighed at his family's normalcy. Mother in the kitchen cooking the family breakfast, father sitting at the table reading the newspaper, older brother cuddling with the hottest girl he'd ever seen on the couch. Everything about his life was normal. Wait.

Issei stopped dead in his tracks by the couch and slowly looked to the side. 'What the hell?! No, this can't be happening. I'm just sleep-deprived. Yea, that's it. There's no way this could be happening!" Issei yelled in his mind. Wiping his eyes, he blinked several times, expecting the scene he saw in front of him to be gone, but it never disappeared.

"What the fuck?!" Issei yelled as he pointed down to Shin and Rias in utter shock.

Shin and Rias looked at Issei. "Oh, hey Issei," Shin said blandly, taking notice that Rias seemed to be amused by this situation. "This is Rias Gremory, a person in my class." Shin introduced Rias to Issei.

"Of course, I already know who she is! She's one of the great ladies of Kuoh Academy! What I want to know is what she is doing here?! With you!" Issei yelled.

"Oh, that. Yea, she's my girlfriend." Shin said, getting a subtle elbow into the ribs from Rias that he ignored.

"What?!" Issei yelled as his soul seemingly left his body from his mouth, Issei and Shin's mother coming a few seconds later and dragged Issei into the kitchen.

"Why did you call me your girlfriend?" Rias asked shyly, a giant blush covering her face down to her neck.

"Because it's easier and easier explanation than what you actually are," Shin said as he turned back to watching the movie Rias and he were watching.

"Oh yea. And what would that be." Rias whispered huskily as she pushed her body up against Shin.

Shin, seeing her game, decided two could play at that game. Flipping her over, Shin turned the tables as he took control. "I don't know Rias, what do you want to be." Shin said as he traced his hand down her side, causing her to shiver in arousal.


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