
Chapter 8

After the meetings took place 2 more months past relatively fast. I still visited the Satan's and the Seraph's to check up on how there where doing from time to time.

Ajuka, really is a genius, he managed to master the the first three books from the rune magic serious, and while he hasn't quiet managed to master the fourth yet he's not far off. With the knowledge of Runes Ajuka has been able to finished many projects he started awhile back but couldn't get very far on.

Ajuka even managed to upgrade the evil piece system. Now all evil peices give a x2 boost in what ever area they were supposed to such as doubling what the Knights speed used to be. He stabilized the peices so that they give you higher magical talent no matter what price you are though the bishop still gives the highest magical talent, and the evil peices now strengthen any scared gear the owner has.

While that happend, Ajuka has also started to manufacture the fertility serum and he even upgraded it to once again increase fertility. he really is a genius. Now a little over 25% of the femal Devils are currently pregnant, plus because of this more Devils started supporting the Satan's.

Serrafall fell in love with her wand and over the course of these two months she managed to master using it. transforming within a second and using every spell within its arsonal, and that want has over 2000 different spells.

Meanwhile with Sirzechs and Falbium they got drunk of off only 2 small cups of the wine, it took them 2 weeks to finished it off and while they were at it they because around 5% stronger, it increased there magical power but also started supplementing there bodies to grow stronger, by the start to the show they should be around 25% stronger then they were.

Rais, Akeno, Kiba, and koneko were already in kuoh at school but I did see Rias once. she was trying to find a way to get rid of the engagement. though I stayed out if sight, I don't really want to start with her yet, and I definitely don't want a relationship with her, I never really liked her, she always reminded me of the spoiled princess you find in story's.

Moving on to the angel side of things, the angels have started to learn the rune magic also, thought they have it mastered already. instead of one person learning they shared and worked together and put there experiences together so they mastered it faster.

With the mastered Rune magic they have stabilized and strengthened all of heavens systems, this not only helped them run things more smoothly but also helped increase the miracles and the faith of the believers there for strengthening heaven.

They have already started working to creating holy swords. thought they made them alot stronger. They created a few holy swords, thought they were of the weakest kind then they upgraded them with runes etched into the blades, this amplified them and made them as strong as the Excalibur fragments, thought they don't possess any unique ability's like the Excalibur fragments. they were just ordinary swords of the Holy kind. Still this did increase heavens strength once again.

As for Gabrial she couldn't keep her curiosity down and did as i told her. she learned alot of new things too, though she never really did anything with that knowledge. I would call that a minor success in adding another member to my harem, though it will take some time for me to accually do so.

As for the fallen angels, Azazel long since spread the knowledge of Rune Magic, so they have had a long time to master it. all there new technology and armor/clothing has runes within. with there increased technology capacity and operating speed, plus the garments worn by the fallen angels being enhanced, they have upped there mission completion rate to nearly 85%.

Azazel has even been able to increase friendly relations and trade agreements with some other factions such as the Norse or Celtic.

As for Vali, well he's able to fight on equal ground with Azazel though not beat him. expecially when Azazel pulls out his own scared gear( still a surprise for later.)

I almost feel bad for Issei, He starts off reall weak, and he even has to fight vali at the peace conference, though I don't know who will win now I know vali have the overwhelming advantage.

Its almost so unfair it might not even be considered a fight to begin with, though with Azazel's new technology upgrade he might come up with something for issei to use.

As for my faction I accually had to change some things. most of the time, clothing, games or even food and weapons were all free for people of my faction, mostly just because I haven't finished planning the way I was going to run things.

I started opening shops all over, and started hiring people to work in the and sell the stuff within. because people have been getting work from Azazel they have alot of money and normally have to go to the real world to spend it but now they don't have to.

on earth 2 I started planting more yggdrasil's, about 5 more around the world in Idealistic places and then grew them. they synchronized with the other 5 and started working together. the nature energy doubled and the air became more fresh, it was wonderful.

The I worked on the Underworld 2 ( shiro's underworld). I started created city's for the races that like the underworld then I reinforced the surroundings with Runes and wards incase of attacks from monsters like dragons and such.

For Asgard 2 I upgraded all the computers and city's within with Runes and Wards. I Even upgraded the Bifrost to connect with our teleporting systems main interface in heaven 2. When I was done I have Asgard 2 to the elves and dwarfs. the dwarfs where master builders so they quickly set up some blacksmith shops and technological research labs. while the elves where masters of magic, they set up library's and magical research labs. I already taught them all the magical knowledge I have so they are researching new forms of magic we could use.

With everything set up I started getting back to work, I have about 4 months until everything is starts.

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