
Chapter 3

I made my way through Heaven 2 ( shiro's heaven) I've made alot of progress, my people have gotten stronger while also getting there own soul gear.

I started working on another gear lately. It was an ordinary pendent but when activated you would be in a mage's cloak that Has 100% Magical resistance and +100% Magical attack effects. I call it Merlin's cape.

while I was working on that I also finished crafting a bracelet that when worn by an angel you won't fall if doing something naughty, but you will if let's say you betrayed your people.

Anyway I walked into the third floor of the teleportion hall, the third floor was for teleportion pads leading to Grigori HQ and fallen angel territory.

I walking onto the plateform through the wall on the platform and when I can out from the other side of the wall I was standing inside a lab of sorts. it was quite except for a old mad in his mid to late 40's with brown hair with blonde tips. he was wearing a yukata and was focusing on his papers. I walked up beside him and choose a seat not but 5 steps from him. not like he noticed he just kept reading.

"you know you work quite alot."shiro

"yeah I know, it's takes alot of time, Wait." Azazel

Azazel looked over at me then looked me up and down. he didn't look surprised, but then again he was alway the type to stay calm.

"Do I know you, I'm pretty sure I would remember someone who looks this good. you know if your looking for a good time I could hook you up with a few fine looking ladies. Azazel said with a smirk

" As perverted as ever Azazel, and no this is our first time meeting though I have seen you many times, my name is Kaneshiro though you can just call me shiro." shiro

"ok shiro so what is it you to came to discuss with me." Azazel said getting serious

"peace between yours and my faction."shiro said with a smile.

"oh and what faction are you from." Azazel

"The Dimensional walkers" shiro said with a smirk

"and why do you call your self's that" Azazel

"well to understand that I'm going to need to reintroduce my self." shiro

I stood up from my seat then looking Azazel directly in the eye. my eyes then became my dragon eyes. Rose red with a silver directly in the middle.

"I'm Kaneshiro the dragon god of space and time" shiro said bowing.

"I've copied this world, including earth,heaven, the underworld and all the other gods domains and created my own dimension with it, it's outside the reaches of both space and time but I also have access to all other universes and dimensions, my people can come and go to any one if I so choose." shiro

Azazel sat there for a while absorbing the information.

" dragon god of space and time huh, and I'm guessing we haven't heard of you before because you were inside a different dimension then." Azazel said with a smirk

"No, nobody has heard of me because I didn't want them to, and if anybody did find out about me I just reversed time and stopped them from ever finding out." shiro

"oh, and now you want peace with my faction, if you want peace then you probably want something else too, and you probably have a peace offering too right." Azazel

"well yes, aside from peace I want some jobs, I have around 500 satan class, 1000 ultimate class and alot of lower class works that don't have jobs. all they ever do is train." shiro

Azazel was kinda stunned but didn't show it.

"jobs, I could do that, so what are you offering then." Azazel

I raised my hand over the table and a few golden ripples formed. 5 thick books fell down first, then 2 more books that were about normal book size then a glass case fell down but didn't break, within was a soccer ball size green light ball.

"the first 5 books are a kind of lost magic, rune magic from novice to legendary level, I thought they might help you with your sacred gear research." shiro

Azazel looked kinda happy for that

"what's inside the other 2 books then." Azazel

"Well I created my own scared gears already, but I named them fantasy gears. 1 of those books helps you create your own scared gear system, like the one in heaven, and you can even make it where it dosent have to be humans you can make it choose fallen angels."

"you already created them."Azazel looked stunned then kinda happy.

"yep, now the last book is all about my first every created scared gear, and inside that glass box is one of them." shiro

Azazel looked at the glass box with stars in his eyes.

"I call it a soul gear. you put it inside someone and it becomes part of there soul, once unlocks it can become anything, a weapon, a book or even a monster, but it's powers depend on the soul of the user. every person is different so every soul gear is different and with different powers."

" They each have 3 states, the first is just the normal state with the Littlest power, next is shikai or first release, it's about 50% power there, then bankai or final release is 100% full power." shiro

"that's brilliant." Azazel was stunned.

"yes, every single person inside my face has one. plus since I calibrated my fantasy gear system I made it so that people have more then one fantasy gear, though only if I find them working for it, I wouldn't just give everyone more then 1." shiro

"I almost feel like I'm getting the better end of the deal." Azazel

"Well there is one more thing you would have to do but it isn't hard." shiro

"oh, then Please tell."Azazel

"I'm going to give you a location, once you get there you will see a kid, silver hair, his name is vali lucifer. he's going to run away because his family is beating and torturing him, but there's something about him that might interest you." shiro

"Interest me, oh ok, so what is it." Azazel

"he has Divine Dividing and he's this generation's White Dragon Emperor." shiro said with a smirk

Azazel was kinda stunned. we talked some more, I had him sign a soulbound contract for peice and keeping some stuff secret, then I told of of the time and place to find vali, then I walked into the wall and teleported back home.

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