
dxd child of beelzebub

man fucking dies in his sleep and wakes up as Ajukas son with no system no cheats no sacred gear.

LazyDemon8 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Ch 7 Forest of the underworld

Pov- Cleria Belial 

one week later.

I just arrived back at the Astaroth territory after spending some time at kouh. in the begging i was happy with being the ruler of that territory but now it has become nothing but extra responsibilities for me. I go in between the underworld and there as I do need to do my job as it will cause problems if I don't.

since I haven't been there as often stray devils and more have been popping up at kouh recently and needed to be dealt with. this is begging to wear me out i just want to spend time with my family. 

' I really need to find somebody to take over that place for me but who? ' As I was thinking i walk through the doors of my home i am greeted by the maids.

" Welcome home lady Cleria. " Says the servants while bowing at her.

" yes, it is good to be back by the way do you know where my son would be at the moment." i ask the maid nearest to me.

she looks up at me and nods her head no. " master Alexander is not here neither is Diodora they have both left about a week ago and have yet to return. " Says the maid in a polite voice.

'What does that mean? do they not know where they are?' i look at the maid with a serious look on my face as I speak to her. " Well, there better be somebody that does know. " 

the maid just nods her head. " They have informed lord Ajuka of their departure he would know. "

" So where would my husband be? " I ask the maid. ' Ahh this is definitely not what i wanted to come home to. ' she thinks to herself.

" Lord Ajuka is in his lab he has been in there for a while now. " Says the maid as she is now nervous.

I immediately start to head to the lab where my husband is and knock on the door. I wait for about three seconds before I hear a reply. " Come back later I'm busy at the moment. " Says the voice of Ajuka from the other side of the door. 

*SLAM* the doors were slammed open hitting the walls.

Ajuka immediately turns to look at who had the audacity to barge into his lab like that. he froze still as he saw his wife with a not so happy look on her face. " I'm sorry could you say that again. " Says Cleria with a polite voice but it was obvious she was mad.

" Oh, my lovely wife I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you. what could I do for you. " Says Ajuka with a nervous smile on his face.

she walks right up to him a place's a hand on his shoulder. " By any chance would you know where our kid is along with Diodora. "

" Ah yes, he told me they were heading into the forest for a bit to train. " As he says that Cleria's eye visible begins to twitch.

" And you just let them. do you know how dangerous it is. " 

" I wouldn't worry about it i was doing much more dangerous stuff at his age and besides he is smart he wouldn't put himself in trouble unnecessarily. " He says trying to calm her down to which she does to some extent. 

" You know they are not some kind of monster like you are they could be in danger. " Cleria stresses to Ajuka.

Ajuka gets up and wraps his arms around her. " i promise they are completely safe and will be back soon trust me. " Cleria relaxes in his grasp. " Ah maybe your right and I'm just over thinking it. "

Ajuka kisses Cleria on the lips and lifts her up in a princess carry. a blush comes across her face. " i promise you are there is nothing for you to be worried about and besides it has been a while since we were able to enjoy each other's company and what better time now that they are gone. "

Cleria just nods her head in his hold. 

Pov- Alexander



A large ball of fire flies right past me and Diodora nearly hitting us. we evade continuous flames heading for us that end up destroying the surrounding environment. 

"WHY IS IT STILL AFTER US." yells Diodora as he summons a barrier to block a large ball of fire. as he continues to fly away.

" I DON'T KNOW I DROPPED EVERYTHING I TOOK. " i yell back at Diodora as i use wind magic to increase my speed as i weave through the trees of the forest ' well not everything i still kept one thing. ' i think to myself as i look behind me and see a large red dragon with black horns and yellow eyes burning with hate as it chases us through the sky. when i dropped what i took it didn't even stop so what I have must be very important to it.

*ROOOOAAARRR* the dragon bellows out a mighty roar as it breathes a stream of fire at us who is flying below it.

"shit" I activate worthless making the fire disappear just as it is about to reach us. it isn't a very good idea to use worthless unless i absolutely needed to cause it uses a good bit of my magic and me and Diodora are starting to run out.

" YOU STILL HAVE SOMETHING DONT YOU. " Yells out Diodora as he shoots me a glare as he fly's right up next to me.

I don't bother to answer him as he probably already knows i do. yes, i kept something it was a dragon's heart it is pretty much the crystallization of a dragon's magic. now if it was normal i would have dropped it long ago but this one has so much magic power it outclasses almost every being i have met so far it is worth too much for me to just leave it.

as we fly away, we come across a deep canyon. I motion for Diodora to follow he does with the dragon flying right behind us now trying to bite us or claw us now that his fire isn't working. we go deeper and deeper into the canyon until the dragon can't follow us anymore because of its size but that doesn't stop it from tearing the rocks away trying to get to us.

" In there. " i point to a cave on the side of the canyon. we head straight into the cave and take a moment to catch our breath. Diodora leans against the wall of the cave as he catches his breath. 

" Hope whatever you have was worth the risk. " He says visibly annoyed with me. i just give him a smile as i pull out the dragon heart. even he is momentarily stunned by the power coming off of it.

" oh, it was definitely worth the risk, and besides didn't you say there was only a young dragon here that is an adult one. " i say to him pointing my finger at him.

" don't blame me for this situation and that is a young dragon out there if i had to guess it would be that dragon heart that caused it to grow so big that fast. " He says as he crosses his arms.

*rumble**rumble* the cave starts to shake as the dragon is getting closer and closer. the stalactites on the celling start to fall down.

" I think it would be best to get out of here now wouldn't you agree. "

he nods his head. " i would like to teleport out of here but it will take a while to set it up and the dragon will be here before I finish.

I walk over to him as I hand him the dragon heart. " don't worry about the dragon I can distract it until you finish just go ahead and start preparing the teleportation spell. he nods and begins to work as the magic symbol appears below his feet. I walk over to the mouth of the cave and use illusion magic to create five clones of myself.

I fly out of the cave and point my staff at the red dragon who stopped his rampage as he stared me down before preparing a breath attack. I conjure up a large cloud of smoke mixed with decay in it around the dragon blocking his vision. since I don't have that much magic left I will need to play it safe I only need to buy time. I fly past the dragon getting above him and use illusion magic to make myself invisible while the illusions of myself position themselves around him.

the dragon fires off his breathe of fire all around him not targeting anything as he cannot see with his vision obscured dispersing some of the smoke. my decay did have some effect on the dragon but not a lot the scales of dragons are highly resistant to magic it did have effect on his wings on the other hand but still not enough to change this fight. 

he takes a look around now confused by the multiple clones of myself. he lets out another roar and charges at the closet clone of myself trying to strike it down with its claw. the clone flies downward avoiding the slash but not the tail as the dragon whips its tail at the clone causing it to dissipate into a gray mist. 

' I wonder if I could just destroy a single wing of his and make him incapable of flight but i would need to find a opportune time to do so cause if I fail I would just give up safety and put myself in risk. '

the dragon charges up another breathe attack and unleashes it towards where two of my clones making one disappear while the other managed to avoid it. the dragon immediately gives chase to it hitting the sides of the canyon as my clone flies downward into the canyon trying to escape but it is futile as it bites it out of midair destroying that clone. ' Shit just two more left i need to make an opening with these last two. '

the dragon now turns his head to look back to the other clones. one is positioned behind him farther back down the canyon. while the other is high above the other clone. ' If I can get it to chase one of the clones i can have it lead it to me and while it is focused on the clone, I should be able to destroy a good part of his wing. ' I begin to charge up my staff with my demonic power as the dragon flies to the clones.

the dragon pretty much charges at the one closest to it. the clone begins to evade the dragons' claws and bites as its fly's upward. the dragon fly's up trying to catch up with it. it breathes a stream of fire at the clone enveloping it in its flames. as the flames disappear the last clone of myself flies right past the face of the red dragon heading too straight to me. the dragon flaps its wings following the clone without realizing that it is being lead into a trap.

i fully charge up my staff ready to attack the dragon as it flies closer and closer. the clone has a good distance ahead of it as the dragon is behind by about three seconds. 'One, two' as i count down my clone flies straight past me with the dragon right behind. ' Three, four, five ' the dragon is right Infront of me not realizing I am there as it is to focused on the clone. I fire off my decay lighting onto the dragon's right side a large number of green arcs of lighting emerge from my staff and begin to scorch and decay the right side off the dragon's body mostly his wing as it is not protected by scales. he lets out a roar of pain as he plummets downward into the canyon but manages to slow down his fall by sticking his claws into side of the canyon eventually stopping completely and begins to climb back up.

" What the hell it's still not stopping even after that. " I stare at the dragon in amazement at its tenacity.

" Alex you there the teleportation spell is ready get over here. " Say's Diodora through a communication circle.

" I'll be right over there. " I say to Diodora as I cut the communication between us. I hold my staff up as a large black and purple ball forms above me. it is a gravity spell i made it is simple really just a matter of how much it weighs and, in this case, well it weighs about 500,000 tons. it is called gravity canon a fitting name, I think. " Well now for all the trouble you caused I thought it would only be fair I return the Favour right. " A wide grin spreads across my face as i look down at the dragon. I launch the gravity cannon towards the dragon who is latched onto the side of the canyon.

the gravity cannon smacks into the dragon dragging his body against the walls of the canyon eventually slamming the dragon into the ground leaving a crater where the dragon landed.

I look at the dragon slowly get back up as I fly to the cave. I enter the cave exhausted and tired as the last spell I used took the rest of my magic power to use. I walk to the teleportation circle where Diodora is waiting. 

" let's go home. " I say in a tired and worn-out voice.

"Agreed." he says as he activates the teleportation spell taking us home. 




sorry i didnt post any new chapters for a while i got into a car crash and well fucked up my car so i needed some time. but im back and hopefully will start uploading chapters like usaual.

have a good day and thanks for reading my novel. :)

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