
DxD: Adventure Of Black Flash

Nawin Makasha, a boy, changed after a dark event occurred in the past that left him scarred. He and his family moved to Japan to start a new life, but when Nawin joined Kuoh Academy, things began to change for him when he is thrust into the world of supernatural by force. Past will come back and haunt, Evil will rain down, Bonds will be severed. Will Nawin and his friends be ready? It's not my job, and it's not a translation. The author's approval has been received. Even though it was difficult. Somehow I found his mail. This is for distribution. Fan fiction author: DarkDracul1252

Charlottess · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

New and Old Enemies Appear

"Sona-Kaichou I'm done with my paperwork" Lucy puts her pen down and look at the stack of signed paperwork on her desk. "Thanks Lucy you can go home now" Sona reply not looking up from her paperwork. The blond Makasha looks around to see only she, Sona, and Tsubaki are left 'Wow I must be so focus on doing the paperwork that I didn't even realized the other have left'

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow Sona-Kaichou" Lucy packs her stuff into her bag then walk to the door "See you later Lucy".

Mini Time Skip

"Huh man my hands hurt" Lucy sighs walking out of Kuoh Academy "I wonder what Onii-san does when his in the Occult club?" the blond thought for a minute "I need to ask him that….Hmmm it's already dark damn I need to hurry home before mom gets worry" Lucy start to speed up.

As the blond was half way home she is stop by hearing a whimpering sound making her turn to see it coming from a dark alleyway. "Hello is anyone there?" she calls out. "H-help m-me" A weak voice beg.

Lucy walk in the alleyway 'Thank god devil can see clearly in the night' she thought but suddenly she is stop by seeing a horrifying scene in front of her 'W-what is t-that' the blond thought seeing a man wearing a long coat pinning a middle age woman on the wall, his head was on her neck, blood stream down the woman neck, Lucy can hear the loud gulping coming from the man likes his drinking the blood.

The man let go of the woman making her fall to the ground showing her blank lifeless eyes, Lucy take a few step back making the man turn showing her his blood red slit eyes. The man look at Lucy wiping the blood from his mouth and grin at her showing his two sharp fangs, he start sniffing "Hmm your blood… smile delicious I hope you don't mind me HAVING A TASTE OF IT!" The man suddenly dash toward the blond, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Makasha Household

"Here Sairis enjoy your dinner" Nawin kneel down to the small puppy in the backyard, Sairis bark happily munching down her food making the black haired chuckle.

Nawin look up at the dark night sky suddenly having a bad vibe 'Something wrong' Nawin runs inside grabbing his long black coat "Nawin where are you going?" "Is Lucy back mom?" the black haired ask putting his coat on "No she isn't home yet".

"I'll go look for her" Nawin run out of the house and dash toward the Academy. As Nawin make half way to the Academy, he suddenly hear a sound of gulping making him turns and see Lucy being pinned on the ground holding an agony pain expression while the silver haired man drinks her blood from her neck.

Nawin runs toward them and grab the man face and smash him into the wall hard creaking a concrete wall. Nawin looks at the man and sees his blood red slit eyes 'His eyes it's the same as hers' an image appear showing the silver haired girl smirking at him. "HANA!" Suddenly green light explode next to Nawin, when it died down showing the hydra.

"I didn't expect you to summon me so soon master" Hana said looking at the man "I will deal with him, go heal Lucy, she's lost allot of blood" Nawin order making her nod walking toward the blonde.

The silver haired suddenly hiss and claw Nawin face, the black haired evade in time but got small slash on his right cheek. Nawin throw the man through the concrete wall. "Damn that was close he could have clawed my eye out" the black haired turns toward the man, the silver haired suddenly stand up and start running away.

"You're not escaping me" Nawin chase after the man, but the silver haired speed is faster than the Makasha "Okay I have enough of this" Nawin teleport in front of the man, He summon a shadow lance and stab the man in the stomach and push the lance down pining the silver haired to the ground.

"Stop moving" Nawin said seeing the silver haired struggling trying to escape "Fine then have it your way" the Makasha summons four more lances and stabs it to the man hands and legs "Now stay still" the silver haired glares at him.

"I see you got him Master" Nawin turn to see Hana walking toward him holding Lucy "How's is she?" the black haired look at his sister "Don't worry master I was able to heal the fang mark on her neck, she just need some rest" Hana reply making him nod, Nawin turn back to the silver haired man on the ground and his expression darken.

"Tell me why did you attacked Lucy…. If you don't answer I will break every bone in your body" the black haired threatens "Owww Nawin-kun you're so scary" A voice said teasingly making him turns and is shock to see the silver haired girl who's been haunting his dream, standing a few meter in front of him.

Nawin unconscious took a step back making the silver haired smile "Oh are you afraid of me… how cute" Hana look at her master with worry "Master are you okay" The silver haired glance at the green haired annoy "I don't like other people to be in this so" She fire a red beam toward the hydra, Nawin snap out of his shock and move in front of Hana and raise his right hand creating a light shield, stopping the attack "Hana take Lucy and get out of here" Nawin mutter trying hard to hold the shield but the beam force push him back "No master I can help" she protest "NO TAKE LUCY OUT OF HERE AND PROTECT HER THIS IS AN ORDER!" Nawin shouts back, Hana look at the black haired one last time then dash out of the area.

Nawin glance behind seeing the green haired is out of sight, the shield start to crack as the silver haired add more power to it 'Damn! If that attack hits impact it will destroy the whole neighborhood' he mentally curse trying to come up with a plan "Hahaha what are you going to do now Nawin-kun" the silver haired grin 'That it!' Nawin release the shield and quickly disappears then reappears behind the silver haired and grabs her shoulder and teleport the two out of the area.

Outside of Kuoh

The two appears in a field outside of Kuoh, the beam hit the ground causing a giant explosion that shake the whole forest. 'I-if that attack hit in Kuoh it would take out the whole block' Nawin thought looking at the giant crater.

"That was a smart move teleporting us away from their Nawin-kun" the silver haired admit glancing behind her, Nawin eyes widen in shock andquickly let go of the silver haired haired shoulder and jump back keeping a distance between the two.

"Owh and I was just starting to enjoy your touch" She grin, suddenly the silver haired man appears behind Nawin and charges toward the him "It seems you came with us but, I don't have time to deal with you" the black haired mutter, his eyes turn blood red then summon a shadow pistol and shots the man in the head making him burst into dust shocking the Makasha.

"….Tell me who are you or just what are you" Nawin turns to the silver haired "I thought you would have figured it out by now Nawin-kun" "Hmm I have a pretty good idea of what you are…. Vampire" The silver haired eyes glow blood red in the dark, she gives Nawin a wide smile showing her two sharp fangs.

"I expected nothing less from you Nawin-kun… your just full of surprises now then why don't I introduce myself" She bow tauntingly at him "My name is Sayomi Dracul" 'I-impossible' Sairex suddenly said in complete shock 'Sairex what's wrong?' 'Nawin-kun a Millennium ago, there used to be a man who wish to end all of the two factions and the human world at once, he almost succeeded but was stop when all the two factions leaders make a temporarily alliance and seal him into the bottom of the earth where he is to stay there sealed for all eternity and the name of that man is Alucard Dracul the King of All Vampires and the very first creature to ever existed' Sairex explain 'Wait! are you saying she's somehow related to him?!' 'Being honest kid we have never heard of Alucard actually having a mate…. This story is so old that I am sure no one remembers him anymore' Tairex join the conversation.

'We can talk about this later but for now I have to deal with her' Nawin turn his attention at the silver haired 'Be careful Nawin-kun we don't know how powerful she is'. Sayomi smirk and dash toward the Makasha making him take his stance, the white haired throw a punch which Nawin catch easily and grab her wrist, throwing her into a tree. "I hope you can do better than that Nawin-kun" Sayomi yawn standing back up.

"Oh don't worry I got more" Nawin lift his hand toward the silver haired "Thunder Roar Howl" A yellow orb form on his right palm and fires a lightning strike toward the vampire. Sayomi smirk looking at the attack speeding toward her, she raise her left hand and slap it away, the lightning land few meters behind her creating a gigantic explosion.

"Is that all you got" Sayomi taunts seeing the black haired shock expression. She dash toward Nawin and deliver a kick to his stomach sending him crashing through dozens of trees, she then appears behind him grabbing his neck and slam him down into a boulder. Nawin summons a shadow sword and swing at Sayomi forcing her to let go of his neck and jump back evading the sword.

"Your blood smells delicious Nawin-kun" Sayomi grin seeing blood dropping down the black haired forehead. 'Nawin retreat' Sairex said suddenly shocking the black haired 'W-what why should I?!' 'Don't be stupid she's is toying with you!' Sairex yell. '…Tairex let me borrow some of your power' 'Sure I like to have some fun anyway'.

Nawin takes a deep breath feeling a rush of the dark demonic energy coursing through his body "Now then why don't we begin the real battle" Nawin look at Sayomi with his blood red eyes, dark aura surrounds him, the whole field ground start creaking, trees blow away from the force of the aura, the silver haired grin seeing the dark aura "Finally now we can have some real fun".

Nawin summons a great sword and appears behind Sayomi, swinging it down, Sayomi grab the sword and break it in her hand with ease, she then thrust her hand toward Nawin, but the he side step dodging attack then punches her in the face sending her crashing into a giant boulder. "Hahahaha not bad…. But not good enough" Sayomi appears behind the black haired and thrust her hand through his chest.

Nawin cough out blood, he looks down to see a hand coming out his chest, Sayomi grin removing her hand from the black haired chest and kick him into a tree, She licks the blood from her hand and squeak "It taste as good as it smell" Sayomi turn seeing Nawin trying to stand up wobbly, he puts his hand on the wound trying to stop the bleeding.

"Is that all you got?" Sayomi start walking toward the black haired, Nawin puts his right arm on his side, black lightning start sparking from his palm, "I expect more from you Nawin-kun" "Oh is that so then TAKE THIS DEMONIC LIGHTNING!" Nawin straighten his hand and strike the black lightning through Sayomi chest in the heart area, the vampire eyes widen feeling the hand going right through her heart, Nawin pulls his hand back making Sayomi take a few step back then falls to the ground emotionless.

Nawin take a minute of breather and stand up, he look at the vampire "Finally it's over" he mutter in relief seeing Sayomi lifeless eyes, "Nawin-Kun!" A voice tell making the black haired turn to see Akeno and the others appear. "Hey guys" Nawin wave but suddenly he lose his strength and fall but Akeno catch him before he land on the ground and rest his head on her lap.

"Please be okay!" Akeno holds onto his hand, tears start falling down her eyes "Hey calm down now I'm fine" Nawin lift his hand caress her cheek "How can I calm down when a man I love has a hole through his chest" she reply making Nawin chuckle. Asia kneels down beside her brother and immediately starts healing his wound.

"Nawin-kun what happen, we came here immediately when the hydra suddenly burst into the occult club with Lucy wounded" Rias ask "A vampire attack Lucy and she appears" Nawin glance at Sayomi dead form "Vampire?! They supposed to be extinct centuries ago" the red haired reply in shock "Well clearly not all of them are".

"AHAHAHAHAHA THAT ACTUALLY HURTS" A voice laugh insanely making everybody turn to see Sayomi legs standing, her body slowly raises up, Nawin get up but quickly fall back to the ground "Onii-chan you can't fight right now, you're to wounded" Asia reply.

"No you guys don't understand she's too dangerous!" Nawin yell, Sayomi look at the group bored and annoy "I really do hate interruption" She points her right hand toward the group, dark red orb form around her palm making Nawin eyes widen 'No don't tell me she isn't firing that!'.

"Doom Blast" A giant red beam fires from her palm, Rias fire her power of destruction blast at the beam but it got overpower shocking the gremory, the doom blast was about to hit the group but a giant ice wall appear shielding them, the Doom Blast hit it creating a giant explosion.

When the smoke is clear the others are surprise to see Grayfia standing in front of them. "Grayfia Lucifuge" Sayomi look at the stoic silver haired "Sirzech-sama sense a powerful energy going around in Kuoh so he send me to investigate" Grayfia said. "Grandma Get out of the way" Grayfia turn and is surprise to see Nawin standing back up.

He glares at Sayomi who smirk at him "You can barely stand, what can you possibly do?" "Demonic Lightning" Black lighting start sparking from Nawin right palm "That technique is powerful but it will not be enough to kill me" Sayomi reply. "Ahahahaha Ow don't worry this time I will add even more power" Nawin laugh madly surprising the others "N-nawin-kun" Akeno whisper.

The ground start shaking as lighting strike start coming out from Nawin's right hand and strike some of the trees, he start adding even more power, the black lightening start expending almost covering his whole hand 'This isn't good' Grayfia looks at Nawin's right palm and see some of his skin start peeling off 'That technique is damaging his own hand'. Nawin eyes glows bright red, he grin sinisterly at Sayomi and suddenly charge toward her, Grayfia puts up an ice wall in front of the black haired but, Nawin just run through it with ease shocking the silver haired.

"TAKE THIS!" Nawin thrust his attack forward to silver haired "Not good enough" Sayomi slap the attack away from her, the Demonic lighting create a giant explosion causing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the smoke is clear, Everyone see Sayomi holding Nawin by his neck with her right arm squeezes the black haired right wrist "Hmm that was definitely more powerful then the last one" Sayomi glance at the right side seeing half of the field destroyed. "But it still not good enough" Sayomi smirk at the black haired "I'm not done yet" Nawin grabs her shirt with his left hand "Red fire cannon" A red orb appear on top of Nawin fist making the white haired eyes widen.

Suddenly a giant red explosion surrounds the two, Nawin jump back with some of his body got slightly burn, he lands next to Grayfia "Nawin-sama that's enough, if you push yourself any further you will pass out in blood lost" she said looking at the hole on the black haired chest "Don't worry grandma I got my sacred gear to stop the bleeding for now" the black haired reply standing back up.

"Now that was quite smoking hot" A voice said as the group see Sayomi walking out of the red flames with some of her clothes burned off "But I think I'll be leaving now" Sayomi said suddenly surprising the others "You think I will just let you leave" Nawin glare her "Ow Nawin-kun don't glare at me like that I'll come back so don't worry" Sayomi grin suddenly a black portal appear behind her, she blow a kiss to the black haired then walks in the portal making it shut.

Nawin looks at the spot where the silver haired was just at then suddenly collapse making the others run toward him 'Am I really that weak?' He thought before falling into complete darkness.

Time Skip

Rias and her peerage are currently back in the Occult club, Grayfia already head back to the underworld to report what just happened to Sirzech, Nawin is in one of the Occult room resting and recovering from the battle. "Buchou where's Lucy?" Asia ask "Don't worry about her Asia, Sona took her back to your house to rest and told Mr and Ms Makasha that you and Nawin-kun will be staying here for some project" Rias reply making the blond sigh in relief.

"I can't believe the Teme got beaten like that" Issei said suddenly making the others turn to him, he grip his arm tightly, gritting his teeth "I mean ever since the Teme became a devil nothing been able to hurt him" Issei thought back at all the battle they had until now. "I know what you mean Issei" Rias said suddenly making the brown haired turn to her "But remember even Nawin-kun isn't invincible…" she reply making the brown haired nod 'Rias-sama before I leave I need to tell you that the individual we saw earlier is very dangerous, I may not know much about her but by sensing her power… I can tell she wasn't fighting seriously with Nawin-sama, she was just toying with him' Grayfia words run through the red haired mind.

Suddenly a knock come from the door making everyone turn "Come in" Rias call out, The door open showing two person wearing white cloak that cover their whole body and face. "May I ask who you are?" the Gremory ask with a suspicious tone "We came here to talk devil" the left one said with a blank and distaste tone, "Fine, take a seat so we can talk but don't do anything stupid" Rias eyes flashred "I'm not in a good mood right now".