
Duos of Chaos (Solo Leveling x ORV x Lookism Fanfic)

Sung Jin-Woo and Kim Dokja meet in Lookism and in Solo Leveling + ORV. They become partners. However, out of a fit of rage some bastard God, I don’t know who. Decided that, he/she used the cup of reincarnation to send Sung Jin-Woo to another universe, but Dojka being the sacrificial squid he is, tries to save him, but instead he got gender-bended into a girl. Hades is sad, his wife too. Ashborn is pissed. KimCom is angry. They turn the city upside down. Literally. OOC Characters cuz I haven't read the comics in a ~ LONGGGGG TIMEEE~ CRACK FIC Dropped. I'm rewriting it.

attrape_reves · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

CH 9: See You, My Beloved

I'M BACK BITCHES!!!! Here you go. A long ass chapter to satisfy your thirst.



The moon was a wraith-silver disc that hung in the deserted sky. The sea was illuminated by moonlight lasers that were as brilliant as refracted lights from a diamond. A girl with a paper-thin body, walked down the crooked and broken streets of Seoul. She had a decanter-shaped waist and flawless snow white skin. She looked almost sickly, frail yet elegant, she might have been a mythological vampire in disguise. Her beetle-leg-length black eyelashes were just visible beneath her pencil-thin eyebrows. It twinkled perfectly under the luminescent sky. Her pixie nose and dainty ears are masterpieces of sculpture.

The teenage girl of about 15-16 years of age, is quite tall, above average height, 172 cm's was thoroughly enchanted by the moon's beauty and felt as though she were watching a scene from an old fable that came to life. In her thoughts, she could understand why the Chinese referred the May moon as the "Dragon Moon." She plugged in her ear phones and listened to the crashing of waves from a rise and sighs. Since she didn't live a walk or drive away from the ocean, she couldn't witness or hear the sounds of the violent torrent of waves produced by the gravitational pull of the moon.

As she stride past the buzzing traffic of people and vehicles, to loud, cheerful street stalls filled with drunken men and women as well as the kind old men or ladies serving them, she began slowing down her pace when she instinctively knew that home was getting closer. The dark and ominous looming of shadows enclosing her steps as she trudged forward. The distinct and pungent smell of smoke and alcohol violated her senses.

She hunched and walked steadily. Head down and eyes wary. The only thing keeping her calm, are the artificial sounds of waves crashing.

She shuffled past onlookers while walking along the sidewalk like a drunken woman, and it wasn't until she reached the next street that she realized what was happening. She turned to look around and saw that she was next to a pub with steps leading down to the basement for entry. Two intoxicated men entered the building at that very moment, abusing and supporting one another as they climbed the steps.

The teenage girl looked at it with dead eyes yet there was a certain glint in them. Her fingers began to twitch, she bit her lip and swallowed excess mucus. As the seconds pass, her eyes blinked as if she woke up from a dream and they grew wider and wider. Her breathing hastened and her chest went up and down two times faster than before.

She looked horrified and disgusted. Scared and terrified.

Then she bolted and ran for her life. She past her 'home' and ran till her lungs burned and legs were numb. She didn't care. She didn't care at all that it was past her curfew. She wouldn't be like her evil aunts and uncles that constantly abused her even after she was discharged from the hospital because she woke up from a two month coma. She fell into one because of her so called family.

She grits her teeth. The wind's hostile currents slapped her face and stabbed her eyes.

It stung.

She felt like crying.

When she looked at that bar, she found herself craving for the alcohol and remembered the first time she drank soju. When she first drank a glass of soju without her 'guardians' supervision (not like they cared), she liked it. Loved the feeling of its soap-like taste burning her tongue with its bitterness and metallics, then the refreshing feeling of revitalization when it trickles down her throat. It was comforting. It was nice. Her imaginations and daydreams of worldly escapes broadened. Its world horizon stretched farther than before. Even dreams of some faraway reality of an apocalyptic fantasy world where she was a male, she had a lover, children, friends and a real family. She liked those dreams the most. It felt real yet it wasn't. The perfect escape.

'Perhaps, this is why my father loved alco-' she didn't allow herself to finish that sentence as she threw the cup away, accidently knocking off a vase that was precious to her aunt Sanzi Gong. Kim Dokja completely disregarded it and chose to forget her 'families' and guests presence in the house. The loud thuds and stomping faded in the background as she looked at the mess she made. Shattered crystal glass, lucid white liquid, stained carpet and wet floors. This looked all too familiar. She scowled and she looked even more unstable as the slides of time passed.

Her 'family' looked at it as an opportunity. They all smirked and she saw it right after she woke up from her daze. She knew what she has done and there was no turning back now.

"Kim Dokja! How dare you! Do you know how much that costs?! Do you think money is made out of leaves?!" a middle aged woman with distilled brown and golden yellow highlights mixed in with her natural grey hair, yelled at the frail girl. Kim Dokja's lips thinned into a straight line. 'Bear with it. Suck it up.'

"We provide you with food and shelter and this is your repayment?!" she screamed. Her tone becoming more obnoxious by the second. Spitting as she howled. 'Suck it up' she told herself. 'Nod your head and submit.' "You bastard child!" 'Don't cause problems. Just be invisible.'

"You disgusting child! Your father must be so ashamed to have you! He was a great man capable of doing great things in the future for this country! Yet your wench of a mother killed him! Disgusting! You're just the same as her too! Speak little, do suspicious things and destroys things!" Then she snapped. Something within her, awakened.

'How dare they mention my family so casually? They didn't even know what he did...no...of course they know. They're exactly like him. I don't care if they want to insult me and call me names and abuse me. Sexually, physically, and mentally…I don't care if they think they have the right to lecture me about appreciating money when I earned the money they spend every day as well as the food they eat on the table. I'm fine. I am fine. Really I am... But for them to think it's okay to insult my family like that? Who do they think they are?'

The old woman continued to chide. Yell and lecture. Some of the family members held her down. One struck and pressed their foot against her neck, hard on the floor. Shards of glass scratched her face but she didn't care. She didn't even feel it. She looked at the old woman dead in the eye. Eyes wide and clear. Unbothered by the sweaty hair that blocked her sight.

The woman flinched and yelled at her family to flog Kim Dokja with a bat and a broom stick. They did as they were told but Kim Dokja didn't budge. A terrifying feeling of numbness erupted within her. Her senses were blocked and her goal wasn't to run away but to grab a kitchen knife and kill her entire 'family'.

Sanzi Gong, pressed her palms to her forehead till it burned red. "HAA! Do you know how much it costs huh?! You disgraceful child! I hate you! How dare you break my precious vase! It costs 100,000 won!" Unable to hide her distaste and disgust for her 'family's' words she snapped and lashed out for the first time since her arrival. "I worked for that money! Your lazy asses haven't even worked since I got here!" Sanzi was surprised by her response. Giggling could be heard from the guests who were surprised by the push back from Kim Dokja.

Sanzi couldn't believe that the quite and obedient child, Kim Dokja would lash out at her. Her master. Tears of anger spilled out and she looked at the crowd. They looked amused yet bored and didn't want to take part in it anymore. They wanted to see what they would do next.

Kim Dokja saw her clattering her teeth in anger. She knew, Sanzi Gong needed these people to 'support them and her family' because they spent all their money on expensive meals, bags, clothes, and hotels. Even used Kim Dokja's personal savings. She knew that by openly doing this would put her in a tight spot. She smirked and her aunt, Sanzi turned red in anger and embarrassment.

'What will she do now?' Kim Dokja was heavily interested. She couldn't help it. If she was going to die today, she at least wanted to see their faces of defeat and resentment, but what Sanzi did next went beyond her initial predictions.

She went against her last shred of pride (which is ironic, because she's going to give herself to any old or young man in the room for money. Even discussed it with her husband. Disgusting. This couple here would give their life for money). She cried in front of everyone to make her seem pitiful and fragile. Her husband Take Gong, who was naturally protective and possessive of her stood up from the couch he was sitting in and slapped Kim Dokja in the face.

"Shut your trap, you stupid bitch!"

Her vision turned red but before she could even proceed with her plans, black splotches invaded her eyesight. She could only remember glaring at them before passing out.

The running Kim Dokja shivered at her memories. She couldn't believe she had the guts or thoughts to kill her 'family'.

Will someone save her, from this madness?


Meanwhile, in some other alternative universe, Seoul experienced an icy cold, wintery night. It wasn't February or January but it was in the middle of May.

It is a dreadful, horrendous night that seemed everlasting. The bustling streets and lively nights turned silent as the people were rushing back home. No one walked upon its lands for three whole hours.

The source of such calamities would originate in an unsuspecting place.


A coffee shop that is now no different from an average shop that is unable to survive the first three years upon launching its business. A lonesome, empty coffee shop.

It was (temporarily) no longer a place that would be flocked with people and bustling blurs that could be seen from afar. It was obscenely quiet. Too quiet. Eerily so, as the employees wore pallid faces and shivered in their spots as they stood still. Unmoving.

Some humans still bravely sauntered the land and the employees were hopeful they would save the day. Unfortunately, the potential customers would either walk away or get curious and look to their sides and see two, harmless teenage boys from J Won High. Their tables were scribbled and scrabbled with piles and piles of Starbucks coffee cups, books, and papers, but something was off.

They couldn't explain it. All of a sudden, they were frozen in a catatonic stupor. Their eyes were transfixed with fear, unable to look away no matter how much they wanted to.

Their jaws began to tremble in fear, making it hard to speak as their mouth gaped open, unsure whether to breathe or scream. It was only then when the teen with sharp, snake-like eyes looked straight at them with cold, unwavering eyes, did they fleet away.

That teen was none other than, Sung Jinwoo.

He looked back at his laptop and the radio toxic glow of the screen greets him with more information regarding his lover.

After hours and hours of multi-tasking between browsing the internet and doing their homework, they found out that Kim Dokja was in a comatose state for two months due to a suicide attempt from bullying. They found this out through an article that was buried by other irrelevant, biased articles. The article was written by KD Newspapers. The article disagrees with the baseless claim that Kim Dokja tried to kill herself because of bullying.

The source was a specialist and detective named Seul Woo, age 45 who specializes in domestic abuse and was the head of this investigation, argues that the black-purple bruises, wrapping around her neck were not penetrated marks from a thick rope but continuous clawing and strangling from five different people.

An attachment of a blue-ray photo reveals a trace of overlapped hands and fingers, some from the same person and some from different people.

A blue print of the different finger prints is paper-clipped to the blue-ray photo, but what was disturbing about this case was the fact that the attacker or the cause of her coma was her own family and guests.

The specialist then visits her home with permission from the precinct to investigate. This is an official report from Seul Woo:

At 2115 hours on 8 January 2015, I, Detective Seul Woo #45, was dispatched to a domestic disturbance at a motel, Crown Place, Gangnam.

I arrived at the motel at 2130 hours. A neighbor was standing on the parking lot. The neighbor (Su Gang, WF, DOB 3/15/88) said she called the police when she heard screams coming from the house.

I knocked on the front door and called out "Detective Woo, I'm here to ask you some questions." I heard a middle aged woman's voice yell, "You disgraceful child! I hate you! How dare you break my precious vase! It costs 100,000 won!" I heard the voice of a teenage girl yell back, "I worked for that money! Your lazy asses haven't even worked since I got here!" the woman seemed to be crying as I could hear sniffles and a man's voice jumps in, "Shut your trap, you stupid bitch!" No one answered the door. I tried the knob. The door was unlocked, and I entered the living room.

A woman (Sanzi Gong, WF, DOB 07/08/79) was clutching and nuzzling her face onto her husband (Take Gong, WM, DOB 11/13/68) who's face was red from anger. A group of people gathered around. All were casually resting on the sofa, giggling amongst themselves and at the situation.

A teenage girl (Kim Dokja, WF, DOB 2/15/96) was on the ground. Kneeling before them. There was a red mark on her right cheek. A black-blue bruise on her wrists and arms. A red slash on her thighs. Poorly maintained clothes; tattered. Her lips were trembling, her face was wet, and the ends of her hair were drenched.

I said, "What's the problem here?" and asked both Take and Sanzi to sit down on the couch. Take told us, "Leave us alone. This is our house. It's none of your business." I again asked them to sit down, and they went to the couch.

The other members of the family said relatively the same thing:

- The members of the family were calmly and casually eating dinner at the living room.

- Then they heard a loud crash from the other end of the room.

- They're afraid of Sanzi and Take so they only sat there and laughed.

Sanzi Gong:

- The vase was a precious item to her.

- Lended to her by her deceased mother.

- She didn't do anything wrong and simply punished her.

Take Gong:

- He was defending his wife.

Kim Dokja:

- Remains silent.

Kim Dokja stood up and glared at them. All of them.

Take stood up from the couch and slapped her. " I'm in charge here" he said.

I told him to go into the kitchen and sit down at the table there. He sat down and I called for back up.

My partner, Detective Ji Su #57 arrived at 21:50 pm and showed me several motioned pictures of Take Gong and Sanzi Gong ordering a couple of the guests to hold the victim down. A close up of the situation. The gradual decoloration of the skin from pale white to inky dark purple. Another picture of Sanzi Gong yelling at the victim while her husband, Take Gong drunk his cup of coffee in the background.

This was more than enough evidence to arrest Sanzi Gong and Take Gong as well as the other members in the room.

Detective Ji Su showed Kim Dokja the victim booklet but she turned away from it saying, "I don't need it and you don't have to arrest them...They did nothing wrong."

Kim Dokja is now placed under child protective services and I arrested Take Gong, Sanzi Gong and the accomplices. Read them the Miranda Warning from my card individual and took them to the station.


On 10 February, 2005, Take Gong was sentenced to 2 1/2 years, Sanzi Gong 2 years, and the accomplices would serve for one year. Each of them had to pay for a fine of 60,000 won. Justice has been served but it could only last for so long.

Specialist and detective Seul Woo, said, "Kim Dokja is a victim of hate, domestic abuse, sexual assault and child abuse. For everyone who baselessly hate on this innocent child for being the daughter of a criminal is pathetic and disgusting. As a father and a detective, I begin to wonder if this is the country I swore to protect with my life."

Sung Jinwoo scrolled down and read the 1,526 comments down below.

fuckyoumakeart: Bitch what the fuck is this?! I'm about to murder some fucker and it's these bitches in jail! My life is a whole goddamn lie!

diet_prada replied to @fuckyoumakeart: Right?! I want to give this girl a hug . She deserves it...

scarymommy: Oh my God, I'm a mother of three and reading this is so heartbreaking...I always knew that whatever hate on social media and the internet about Kim Dokja were all just fake drama to create more hype for the content. But it's so sad that an innocent child like her has to suffer all this injustice for something her parents did. :/

magicalworld: This is beyond disgusting...how could they pull this weird ass Zoldyck hxh bullshit? It doesn't work in real world society bitch. The fuck are people doing? I'm so glad people like Seul Woo and KD Newspapers exist. Without them, how would we dumb, ignorant people know about the truth.

gaybestfriend replied to @magicalworld: I agree. You know, my highschool classmates thought it was fun to talk about Kim Dokja's miserable situation. They truly deluded themselves into thinking that talking about someone else's suffering is cool and okay. It's not. Imagine being in her position? Waking up the next day to find you father dead on the floor and your mom holding a bloody knife. That's horrifying!

magicalworld: Agreed. The thing is, people suck ass. Highschool especially. People wants to hangout with the cool and popular kids because they want to survive and have a fun, happy high school life. Except here's the thing motherfucker, life is shit and when you finally realize all the wrong shit ya did in high school like take drugs and drink a bunch of alcohol, then you begin to realize all the dumb stuff ya did. This is one of them.

americanfailure replied to @magicalworld: Honestly, I think it's just angsty teens not knowing what the fuck they want to do in life and having shit parents that don't give a fuck about them.

lusttforlife replied to @americanfailure: Dude, that's literally our life though.

americanfailure replied to @lusttforlife: That's true...We're so fucking lonely. Child trauma bitches!

lusttforlife replied to @americanfailure: Ehey! Yes bitch!

dirtybootsandmessyhair: Anyone wants to protest about child abuse? #JusticeForKimDokja!

876 replies to @dirtybootsandmessyhair

Sung Jinwoo smiled as he read through them. This was the only article he found that wasn't biased or unjust to Kim Dokja. The community of people who read this were also good people. He wondered and thought about making Seul Woo his subordinate if he were to ever die...'That's only possible if my abilities were still here though. Ugh...this is really annoying...'

He shook his head. He knew where Kim Dokja lived, his situation and what school he attends. However, he knew that approaching him no her in an aggressive manner would scare her off. He had a feeling. A strong feeling that Kim Dokja has...no memory of their love life which saddened him but his gut instincts were never wrong.

He peeked over to Hwang Dongsoo. He peeked back yet there was an unusual calmness mixed with anxiousness in his eyes. Sung Jinwoo decided not to overthink it. He could just kill him if he makes the slightest mistake.

"We're leaving." Jinwoo said. "Okay," replied Hwang Dongsoo.

They packed up and cleaned up their mess. Said thank you and apologized for the disturbance they caused and left.