
Duos of Chaos (Solo Leveling x ORV x Lookism Fanfic)

Sung Jin-Woo and Kim Dokja meet in Lookism and in Solo Leveling + ORV. They become partners. However, out of a fit of rage some bastard God, I don’t know who. Decided that, he/she used the cup of reincarnation to send Sung Jin-Woo to another universe, but Dojka being the sacrificial squid he is, tries to save him, but instead he got gender-bended into a girl. Hades is sad, his wife too. Ashborn is pissed. KimCom is angry. They turn the city upside down. Literally. OOC Characters cuz I haven't read the comics in a ~ LONGGGGG TIMEEE~ CRACK FIC Dropped. I'm rewriting it.

attrape_reves · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

CH 11: Smartasses

'Shit! I screwed up!' Sung Jinwoo thought. 'Think! Think! Think!' Kim Dokja looked at this man strangely.

Kim Dokja huffs and realized that she screwed his day up and she needs to actually say sorry.

"Look I'm really sorry about your outfit." she said as she walked in front of him, sounding remorseful.

"Oh, it's fine. Not your fault." he said recalling that she was sprinting. He almost frowned. "I just- need to somehow clean this without my mom knowing about it. Hahaha..." Kim Dokja stared at him for a while, looked away, scrunched her face, and was in deep thought.

"I'll help you clean that up. Least I could do." Jinwoo thought hard about his words. He couldn't say 'Yes' because Kim Dokja is a girl now. Couldn't say 'No' because she'll leave without a second thought.

"I'll buy you a cheap shirt, don't know what your size is though." Jinwoo stared at her. 'Well this made it easier.'

"Would that really be okay? I mean, I'm fine though."

"Well, you sure as hell are not getting up anytime soon with that leg of yours." she said as her eyes looked directly at his tightened up legs and winced. Jinwoo stared at it for a while, then glanced at her, and looked back at his leg.

"Can you get my bag?" he said with great effort.

"Oh! Sure." she said as she quickened her pace and grabbed his small bag (that was on the floor) and slowly gave it to him. Jinwoo twisted his waist, extended his arm and takes it. The pain in his leg began to slowly reside.

He unzips his bag and takes out a wallet. Takes out some cash, forcefully take her hand, put it in, then lets her go. Kim Dokja stared at him in bewilderment. The money he gave her is 10,000 won. That's a lot for a teenager much less an abused, angsty child. Jinwoo smirked.

"W-why would you DO THIS! It's MY FAULT so-!"

"I don't want you using your own money." he said, cutting her off as he looked at her dead in the eye. Kim Dokja huffs in anger.

"Still! I can use my own money, you know!" Jinwoo scanned her outfit and looked back at her.

"Well, you're wearing a bleached out red shirt with brown splotches, a scarf for the winter, some red glasses, black fedora and you're wearing a tacky, stained ripped-jeans with flat shoes. You look suspicious, but because you look like you're doing so well, I'll take back the comment." A red pigment colored her cheeks. Embarrassment has flashed her face and Kim Dokja hid it with a forced smile. She was so ready to punch this man and send him six feet under but he was injured so she refrained.

"Oh you Sunfish Bastard," Jinwoo's mind went blank the moment she said this. His heart beats with hope; Kim Dokja was there but he just didn't recognize him. Jinwoo refocused his thoughts onto her. There was a battle. His mind is not supposed to drift. "I'm surprised you're able to come up with an intellectual comment against my fashion senses when you look terrible yourself. Besides, if I ever wanted your opinion on how I looked, I would have asked three weeks ago, reminded you twice, and then given up and done it myself." she said. Jinwoo's brows propped up. He knew he couldn't get his hopes. At least, not too high.

"Except, we never met each other three weeks ago, Kim Dokja." he cheekily said, a bit proud that he came up with something, amidst his internal quarrel.

"Precisely." Both of them stopped smiling and looked at each other before laughing uncontrollably. Their loud boisterous laughter that used to sound so obnoxious to Kim Dokja, now sounded like a melody. For whatever reason that might be.

An old lady who's nicely dressed, quite obese, plump, and had a brooch the size of a saucer on her breast. A blotchy face and purplish-red cheeks, looked at them from a far and said in a hushed whisper, "Ah young love. Young. Love..."

Kim Dokja breathed in and out and looked away. She saw a nearby metal stand meant for advertisements, five feet away from her. It's glassy and translucent surface from the plastic reflected her appearance and she winced. Even a woman who was used to looking tacky would have felt embarrassed to see her out in public wearing such rags because of her appalling appearance. But she didn't let it get into her head, as she saw Jinwoo, staring at her. When she looked at him, he jolted in surprise. Kim Dokja, cocked a brow and Sung Jinwoo coughs aloud. Exaggerating it too.

Sung Jinwoo calmed himself and then asked her whether or not she'll use his money to buy him a shirt. She cheekily replied, "No" because she didn't like his attitude. Jinwoo shakes his head and says something that he hoped, would answer his curiosity. "Kim Dokja, you looked like you were in a hurry. Where were you going, for you trip the life out of you." he asked playfully. Kim Dokja's eyes shinned slightly.

"I just came back from the store and I need to head home quickly but then stopped, because I unintentionally stumbled upon a fan." she stopped for a moment, closes her eyes before looking back at him, "Surprisingly the breeze here is not that bad. Though, the stench is something else" Jinwoo snorts.

"Mind you, Kim Dokja you play a prime role in causing that." Kim Dokja gasps with a hand over her mouth. "No, I didn't! You're accusing me of something completely outrageous!" Sung Jinwoo giggled, " Uh- Nope. You dumped a bucket of disgusting, pink, strawberry milkshake on my head with a tint of whip-cream...Adding a new flare of fashion to my hairstyle. That I thank you, greatly for." he ended poshly. Kim Dokja snorts.

"Better ad some white make-up too, you'd do a great job being a part time clown for someone's birthday party, but I do pity them. You'd traumatize them for life, with your amazing skills."

"Sure, sure darling. But you better attend though~"

"Not sure, maybe I will~"

Suddenly, a long silence hung over them.

"You good to go?" she asks softly, with her starlight eyes and big, closed lipped smile. Sung Jinwoo looked down at his legs. His heart raged and his ears, and nose grew redder and redder like a zircon. He took a few minutes of silence to calm himself down. "Yes." He stood up slowly, tested his legs out, and gave her a nod of approval. She gives him his bag and he slings it over his shoulder.

Both of them walked in a slow pace. In complete silence, until they reached a clothing shop called Matriarch. Goofy name.

The clothing shop was a small, dull, boring store with glass windows to show off their mannequins wearing their off-brand products. They walked in and saw a couple, female workers lazing around, watching them, not doing any work or talking to their friends.

The first thing they see is, a large and long metallic cart, filled with folded t-shirts, jeans, and pants. It was on sale; 50% discount. The aisle to the left were hanged shirts, blazers, dresses, and everything feminine. It was basically the entire store. The only aisle providing male clothing, was the center right.

Jinwoo shuffles through it and took a black t-shirt, size L, 170 won, and gave it to the lady. She tapped on the cashier, Kim Dokja gave her the money Jinwoo lended to her, and both walked out with a cardboard, shopping bag.

"That place was, shit." Jinwoo said with a blank face.

"Oh shut up, it's not that bad. Beside, they had shirts that were on sale and—"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Jinwoo said as he looked at her, arms out and fingers out in a lazy flat. He rushed it, then rushed out.

"What's your size?"


"What's your size?" he asked again, impatiently.

"Uh, S" Kim Dokja, answered with confusion.

"Ok." Jinwoo looked at the door, paused, and fast-walked in. Kim Dokja remained standing in the middle of the road. Until, she heard someone ask her to get out of the way. Then, she moved. She wasn't sure if she should run after him or if she should wait outside. She decided to wait.

Sung Jinwoo looked through the long cart, decided to get two shirts, white and black, got two black jeans size S and M, then got her a white coat, size L. Wasn't sure if she'd like jewelry but he assumed she'd want a real one, so he didn't get her one.

He bought it. Costed a fortune. 7,000 won, but it wasn't as bad as he thought it was. He started to like this shop.

He rushed out and gave the bag to her, snapping her out her daze.

She looked down at it and shuffles through it. Then she looked up, surprised and then grips on the hand, tighter. She tugs on her lips and then looks at him. She saw his worried and anxious eyes, as if he did something terribly wrong. She tried to stifle a laugh and she failed, miserably. Jinwoo's eyes, shone in relief and decided to tease her. Asking her what was so funny? She didn't say anything and she just laughs. He joined in. After a while, Kim Dokja wipes a tear from her eyes, but it just kept coming down. Their laughter died down, she quietly sniffled, and Jinwoo walked over to her and slowly uses one arm to hugs her, while rubbing her back.

Kim Dokja wondered what this fluffy, cloud-like feeling was. She wondered why this sacrilegious boyish-man, cared so much for a stranger he just met or was he mocking her, with that fake smile. Either way, she didn't want to think about it. She wanted to bask herself in this warmth for a little longer, even if it's false affection. Even if, it'll hurt her.

After a while, she pushed him away. Jinwoo didn't say anything and gave her some space. Kim Dokja stared at him, he stared back, she looked away, breathed in and out and then looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" Kim Dokja jolted. She just remembered, she forgot to ask his name!

"Oh right, um I forgot to ask... what's your name again?" She asked with petite hesitance. Jinwoo's eyes widened and he tried to suppress a laugh, sputtering like an old water faucet. Kim Dokja pouted and hits him on the shoulders, but Jinwoo wouldn't stop. Eventually, this causes Kim Dokja to giggle along. "Sto-op!"

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? Jesus, where are they, I- uh- I wonder!" "Fuck you!"

They walked as they giggled and laughed, till they were at the end of the street. They had to watch their step and stop laughing. He looks at her and says, "I'm Jinwoo. Sung Jinwoo."

"Sung...Jinwoo..." she drawled. Making sure the name sticks. "Good to see you..." Jinwoo eyeballed her and then smiled at her softly. "Good to see you too, Kim Dokja." A pink, red hue colored Kim Dokja's cheeks and she turned away. She wondered to herself, why she felt this way. What this feeling was. Was this what people call, admiration? Maybe, and perhaps, it was because, this was the first time she ever felt safe? 'Safe? Safe...Safety.' her eyes widened. 'No she mustn't. Sung Jinwoo is a stranger and a stranger no less.'

A loud, disturbing ring, interrupted their sweet moment. It was Jinwoo's phone, he set an alarm, when he started his run. Jinwoo's lips pressed into a flat line and Kim Dokja felt relieved. Relieved that the alarm stopped the moment. Whatever it was. Jinwoo takes out his phone and scratches his head in sheer annoyance and frustration. He looked at her with a down-turned smile causing Kim Dokja to snort in amusement.

"Oh c'mon, it's fine...We'll meet again." but they both know they won't. Unless, Jinwoo had his abilities. 'Fudge.'

Jinwoo's heart pounded in desire. He wanted her. He wanted to stay with her but he knew that his mother was far more important and so, with a heavy heart he had to say his good-byes. Kim Dokja clasped his hand and said, "Thank you...I had so much fun today, even if it was short." Jinwoo frowned, he really didn't want to leave, until he thought about the most obvious solution. Phone numbers. "Hang on. We can still keep in touch." She looked up, with hope. "May I have your phone number?" Kim Dokja, wanted to die. Right then and there. How could she not have thought about that? She took out her bulky phone and together they tapped in their numbers.

"I'll call you." she smiled. "You better. Oh and don't forget to wash up. Your hair stinks."

"Geez thanks for reminding me, you perpetrator." They laughed again and Kim Dokja continued to miss her chances to cross the street but she didn't mind. This was totally worth it.

They said their good-byes but they knew it wasn't forever.

Upon returning home, Sung Jinwoo took his shoes off and rested arm against the handle door. He saw Jin-Ah's shoes and his mother's shoes at the rack. He smiled. 'Looks like Jin-Ah's home.' He walked in and smelt a whiff of spicy aromas of soup, chicken, garlic, etc. He looked to his right, across the room he sees his sister's head peaking from the couch as she watched TV. The guest bath isn't that far away. He estimated the distance from the door to the end of the hall. 'It takes 50 seconds if I walk there and 10 seconds if I run. But I can't run so, I'll have to crawl.'

He ducked down and lightly sweeps his way through the floors. He looks around and slowly lifts his body up to the right. Completely unaware that his mother already knew, he was home. She crooked her head to the side, as she held the soup ladle, looking at the couch. She didn't see Jinwoo, nor heard him walk in, but she knew. She knew, he was home.

Sounds of the boiling, hot soup, popping, and the TV show Jin-Ah was watching, tensed Jinwoo. Each step he took, was slow and cautious. He didn't want to alarm his family or let them know he was home because, he needed to shower first before he looked presentable to his mother. To sincerely apologize to her.

His movements were halted when heard footsteps coming his way. He quickened his pace. The bathroom door was so close and the little gap of light could be seen. 'My shadows. My. Shadows. MY SHADOWS.'

The explosive sound of Naruto yelling SASUKE, woke him up. Jin-Ah laughed to herself as she watched the expected come to play. However, the forebode, didn't stop.

He could hear his own heart thump. His senses heightened. Eyes wide and aware. The hairs on his back straighten. He looked behind and he saw his mother.

Walking towards him. Quietly.

"Hi Jinwoo," she said. "Welcome home." a wide, close lipped smile, etches her face.


The door slammed shut and yelling could be heard in Jinwoo's room, along with the quite murmurs, of constant apologies from Jinwoo. Jin-Ah cocked her head back and remained silent. Turned off the TV, got up, walked to her room, sat down in front of her laptop, and did her homework with her headphones in. The ticking of the clock echoed. She wondered, as she did her physics HW, why he reverted back? The arguments have finally lessened to zero, at least between her brother and mother. He did his chores without being told to, he became more respectful towards their parents, he opened up to the family, and he cared more than usual. Jinwoo was becoming the ideal, big brother or the old him.

She sighed. 'All was well, till today...' She noticed her mother looked dour and sad and it only happens after an argument. She thought her parents fought again but then she remembered, her father was in Thailand. She sucked in her breath and told herself that they probably fought over the phone. However, when she asked her mother what was wrong, she told her that they fought again. Her mother and brother. Jinwoo stayed out, till midnight and didn't even bother to inform their mother.

It used to be funny, till it just became a regular, daily quarrel that was annoying, overwhelming, and sad. Despite her disappointment, she wasn't too surprised. There were times where he'd suddenly change, but then he'd revert back in hours or the longest was a week, but it's been weeks since his last outburst. Jinwoo changed for the better and she knew that, but there is saying; all good things, will come to an end.

Downcast, she decided to cheer her mother up; told her stories about school, her friends and social life. Then helped her cook and clean the house. She wasn't sure what to do anymore. From the constant, back and forth arguments between her parents, to Jinwoo's rebellion due to his insecurities. She felt tired and overwhelmed, yet, even she had to admit, home didn't feel like one without it.

Tukoo! Tekoo!

Her clock awoke her from her thoughts. She blinked and realized, she's been staring in the space for 10 minutes. She shook her head, and continued her work. 8 minutes passed and Jin-Ah could hear Jinwoo's door open. She took her earbuds off and laughter could be heard from both of them. She smiled, 'Sounds like they made up...' she checked the time. 'Good God, he broke the world record.' she scoffed. 'Thank you...big bro.'

Meanwhile, Kim Dokja has arrived home. She stops at her door, opens it, and closes her eyes. Standing still, afraid to see them. To see the phantoms, yet something within her shifted and she looked ahead bravely. A monstrous and large figure, loomed above. It's body was made up of molted hands and faceless heads. It's powerful, decaying stench assaulted her senses. She scrunched her nose in disgust. It greeted her, "Welcome home~" with it's distorted, haunting voice.

Kim Dokja stared at it blankly and it stared back, with it's whole body crooked to the side. Her breath hitched but she didn't let it get to her. 'They aren't real.' she told herself. 'They aren't real.'

She closes the door, her back against the wall, bites her lip, slides down and drops to the floor. She hunches over, covers her face with her hair; ears with her hands, and desperately tried to ignore the phantoms, wrapping themselves around her. A ear-splitting scream, blares in her ears. It came from them. They were distressed about something.

Kim Dokja slowly uncovered herself and followed their gaze. It landed on the bag of clothes, Jinwoo gifted to her. She griped it tighter. She smiled. 'This isn't so bad...'