

Adrian is a university student who is on its way to his club activity. Sadly, he doesn't arrive to his destination as he involved in an accident. Did he died? No, he didn't but he coincidentally found a strange monolith that transports him to another world. The name of the world is unknown. However, here, human evolution has taken a different path, creating a subhuman species called Dunirr. They are the weakest race among all the races living there. Due to that, they have been hunted down by the Human, Elves, Drakonic and Orcs. In the eyes of other races, their existence has several uses for them. Would there be a future for Dunirr? Would there be a leader to unite Dunirr? #If you like it, considered leave some stones and review. It'll help a lot.

Spartzan · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Hunting Preparation

While Adrian accomplished his achievements in mapping the thirty two kilometres of area, Viscount Andrei on the human side also made progress as well.

The reports from the trio arrive on the wooden desk that belongs to Viscount Andrei. It is a moderately thick report due to it written on the A4 size parchment stack onto each other.

Like his desk, Viscount's office was lavishly decorated with precious metals and life-like drawings. With the constant stream of gold coins flowing into Aeglen's treasury, he spared no effort in flaunting his wealth.

For a noble, it's a sign of family prosperity. By doing so, they prevent other noble families from looking down at their low pedigree.

Picking up the fifteen page report, he couldn't help but mumbles a few words, "This report better be worth it or I'll send people to destroy them."

Aside from Traikoda, the two adventurers had a gall to charge him a ridiculous amount of price for extra information. Since he doesn't have a lot of time left, he straight up paid the price albeit his dissatisfaction towards the duo.

Flipping the yellowish pages one by one, he read with great attention to the details of the settlement called Elid.

Its location, population, terrain height, pathways leading there, and natural markers are all recorded in detail. He had a hard time believing this is the work of commoners. Then again, it is not his problem to care about them.

"Good. Very good. Every information that I need is here. I guess his words aren't a lie. This operation is going to be a walk in the park." Viscount nods satisfactorily. "What is their name again?... Err, Royce and Xenon. I'll remember both of you."

Viscount Andrei dispels the need to dispose of the adventurers duo. And just like that, they are safe from a torturous future.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A solid knocking sound loud enough to divert Viscount's attention from staring at the report. "Come in, "

His knight commander, Randal Frederick which Andrei had called him earlier arrived at his office.

The doorknob was turned and the brown leaf door was opened, revealing a man with a height of 180 centimetres at the entrance. He, as his profession suggests partial wearing armour. Though he lacks a sword hanging on his waist, one shouldn't underestimate him because of that. His bulky body can snap anyone's neck with little to no effort.

"Sir Viscount, I have come upon receiving your call. Forgive me for my lateness."

"I don't mind, Randal. Sit down comfortably and take a look at this." Viscount Andrei passed the file to Randal. Following the viscount instruction, Randal silently sits on the cushy chair.

Even the haughty viscount chose to show some respect and not to act insolently in front of this veteran. The man sitting across from him had done so much to the House of Aeglen in his years of serving. He even caught the interest of the royal family and offered to be part of their elite force. To not lose such an excellent subordinate, the Aeglen family is willing to offer to quadruple his current salary. Lucky for them, Randal decided to stay.

Since then, no matter how far the gap in their status becomes, Viscount Andrei isn't stupid enough to irk the protector of their house. They're to remind their young children to not disrespect Randal.

Putting his background aside, Randal silently read the report. He isn't much of a talking person anyway.

Flip— Flip— Flip—

The speed of his reading baffled the viscount. Andrei almost burst out because he thought his knight commander doesn't take this matter seriously.

Yet, he held back.

Randal's eyes proved that he wasn't joking. His eyes act like a scan machine. They move from left and right, top to bottom.

After a relatively short time passed, he put down the report and looked at Andrei seriously. His stares caused even a viscount to subconsciously gulp.

"Is there a problem, Randal?"

Replying to Andrei's question, Randal shook his head. "No problem at all, Sir Viscount. I believe we had sufficient detail to draw up a plan."

Andrei's lips curl up, revealing a smile. Since his knight commander said it confidently, he doesn't have to fear failing. "Good. You should go and make an ample preparation. By your estimation, when the earliest we should depart."

Randal reply with two words. "Three days."


Returning from Viscount's office, he made his way to the barrack located at the east side of Aeglen Grand Mansion. Every time he saw the mansion, he was impressed. He had gone into the royal palace before to get his 'War Hero Medal'. The mansion belong to Aeglen isn't that much different. It rivalled the royal palace in size, beauty and luxury.

He passed through the huge garden, ignoring all the noise made by the maids and young ladies in the garden.This is a well known shortcut that the knights know but doesn't have the courage to do.

Suddenly, a feminine voice called his name. His body naturally reacts and searches for the source.

From a distance, a young girl in her late teens waved her hand at him. His excellent eyesight instantly recognized her identity.

Aleksandra Aeglen, the viscount's daughter. As one of the flowers of high society, she is naturally in the center of attention. Even now, she was surrounded by daughters of higher rank nobles. Ignore their serene smiles, they're here to curry Aleksandra. All because of rumours she's going to become crown princess.

Randal takes a quick glance, 'Three from the count family, four from the baron family and one from the earl family. So, she manages to rope in earl's daughter into her faction, huh.'

"Sir Randal, where are you going?" The young lady greeted him with a pure innocent smile. An experienced knight like himself had long been immune to that smile.

"Barrack." Short reply as usual.

Not giving up, Aleksandra asked again. "Why don't you join us for a cup of tea?"

"No, thanks. I have to execute Viscount's orders." Randal flatly rejects her. He then fled the scene before she could ask another question.

Based on his experience, nothing good comes out for a commoner who is close to the nobles. His employment with Aeglen is strictly professional. Due to his introverted nature, Aeglen sees him as an obedient chess piece which works in his favor. Randal has no intention to offer his life for the nobles.

As soon as he arrived at the barrack, he gathered all the knights in one place.

"What's the matter, Sir Randal?"

Randal slapped a piece of paper onto what is supposed to be a blackboard. "Prepare all of the materials in this list. We are going for a hunt in the Lostin Forest in three days from now."

One of the knights raised his hand, "Are we going to hunt for dunirrs again?"

"Yes, what else would we be going there for?" Randal retorted.

"That's a lot of materials compared to previous expedition. How many dunirrs is there?"

"A lot of them. 17,000 according to the estimation."

"17,000??!!!" Their jaw dropped immediately. This is the biggest number of dunirrs they had known to ever lived in one place.

"Wipe of that surprised look on your faces. Hurry up and move your asses now!!"