

✦✦✦Note- Since reading this before the latest chapters may reveal some spoilers, read at your own discretion. 

Mana is a mystical energy that comes from the planet itself. Like a heart, it pulses mystical energy generally called mana, to every corner of the world.

Mana can generally take five basic forms:- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, and four rare forms:- Light, Dark, Time, and lastly Space. The five basic forms of mana are more widespread in Althaea, few people and species can harness the four rare forms of mana.

These magic are further divided into three tiers:- Novice, Intermediate and Advanced.

 Branches of Magic

Novice- Fire Wind Electro Earth Water 

Intermediate- Flame Gale Lightning Tremor Frost

Advanced- Infernal Tempest Thunder Seismic Permafrost


Novice- Dark Light Space Time

Intermediate- Abyssal Holy Void Aeon

Advanced- TBA Divine Dimensional TBA

✪TBA- To Be Added

✪ I already have the tiers of all the attributes of magic but unless it is been revealed in the latest chapters, I will not be adding it.


When one learns more than one branch of magic, they have a slight chance of gaining enlightenment in [Amalgamation magic].

Amalgamation magic is the product of adding two or more attributes of mana together.

[Mutated Magic]- TBA 


Types of ores that can be mined in the world of Althaea (in descending to ascending order in terms of quality)

Ordinary Metal->WhiteSilver->BlackGold->Mythril->TBA->TBA 


Demon Noble Ranks (From highest to lowest)

♕Demon Lord

⬆Demon Archduke

⬆Demon Duke

⬆Demon Marquess

⬆Demon Earl- (501 - 600)

⬆Demon Viscount- (201 - 500)

⬆Demon Baron- (0 - 200)

Ranks given to monsters by the Guild

level Class

100 Normal

200 Strong

300 Elite

400 Super

500 Disaster

600 Calamity

700 Catastrophe

800+ ???


Dungeon Floors:-

Finished- 55

Unfinished- 0

Special floors:-

[Training Floor]


[Forest Spring Spirit Village]

[Main Floor]

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