
Dungeon Adventure: An Impossible Expedition

A new era has begun during the year and time of Ancient Doe. The era of the "Does" (Do's in Romanji) where the light and dark started. After a century a legendary battle between the alliance of light and dark, a new generation started called "The modern doe". The previous light people have died but except for this one young and tall blonde man, Zakku Seiji. He tries to find his ancestor's real name, and who he is to the Light, Dark, and Seiji bloodline by venturing the most dangerous dungeon led by the traitor and enemy towards humanity and Light bloodline, named "Dungeon Doe". He sets for this adventure as he meets new allies, forming the strongest League in Dungeon Doe opposer team. Then climbs to the top of ~Redacted~ and finally opens the ~redacted~ to the enemy's base-- ~redacted~'s hell. While they fight this enemy, Zakku and his allies were unaware of the traitor. To find more about the story, come in and read the story.

Zakku_SeijiDanjon · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Zakku Seiji and the Purgatory King

From the last chapter...

A portal to the exit of the dream appears... Zakku looked around for Yume, but... he wasn't there.

"This dream is my home... that's why I have fun here sometimes. I wish you good luck on your journey, buddy."

An egg descended from the sky, it was hatching. And so it did, Zakku felt something change within him... but nothing really happened to him. Was it a power unknown, not yet unlocked, or became stronger?

He smiled at whatever the change was. Akira and Zakku then exit the portal, returning to the real world and saw two people fighting to the death and demon corpses near... One was missing, it was the black hole user's body missing, Kansuke Okinawa clearly speaking.

It was Taiko and another person, the face concealed with a mask, and the clothing was black. The aura seemed familiar, Kansuke Okinawa's. She seemed very hurt, while this secret person had no injuries.

Chapter 7. Taiko Rose vs unknown. Zakku and Akira Niijima's arrival in the real world.

Zakku and Akira look at the person in despair, the person had a strong aura far succeeding their own. Taiko's face was obscured by darkness, badly hurt by the person's attacks. She had wounds, but the blood on the wounds was suddenly gone. Clearly, it already was Kansuke Okinawa right behind the mask of that person fighting her. The magic, the blood gone, the familiar aura. Though with clear evidence, something seems wrong. Some characteristics of the person do not match Kansuke's, clearly does not.

Zakku was the only one who felt that the presence was familiar. Very familiar due to the characteristics of the aura. The person was about to attack her once again, he kneed her gut. Before a nano-second of the attack, Akira charges Zakku up with lightning power without any shock or aftereffects. After getting more faster by lightning, he dashes towards the two. He went in between the two fighting and took the hit for Taiko. he flew away a second after he got hit in the gut.

"Gah. So it is him, Kansuke Okinawa. Something feels different, so it definitely is not him!!!" he said in a raging tone. After saying that, he coughed out blood, white and black.

This fight will be more different than his past ones, as the power he just felt was no familiar to the ones he encountered. He was up high in the air going far up and far up more. Zakku was close to entering the range outside of Earth, luckily, Akira arrived just in time, having lightning surround him that gives him immense speed to arrive up high to the dark space. He stopped Zakku from going far away more, pushed him back to the battle range by kicking him down there to avoid getting asphyxiated as he returns along with him.

Both crash into the ground, but landed perfectly right before the enemy attacks Taiko again. The person took out his scythe and was ready to attack her. With Zakku and Akira's great lightning speed unlocked and activated, they both grip the scythe and snap it into pieces. He hopped back seeing his own scythe breaking, though the two lightning brothers ran up to him and tried to catch the enemy by the head. Despite having two people with lightning speed, this person has greater speed; black hole speed, which allowed him to escape from getting caught by the two.

"Oh my, that was close..." the person grinned at them, laughing with a death glare visible looking at them. Having a smile formed, he slowly grunts in pain. ~One of them got me well. Before I hit Zakku's gut, a split second that blue-haired bonehead hit me with a kunai conjured by his small lightning clouds that hover above his shoulders (Lightning balls became lightning clouds now.)~ he thought, all these information was accurate.

And so an ambush happened, behind the person, Taiko appeared. There was no escape route due to 3 people cornering him. Zakku and Akira in front and Taiko at the back. Akira conjured a spear, Taiko took out her sword, Zakku made a sword appear. At the same time, their weapons appeared.

"Second slot, modified enhanced first blood, light sword."

~Crap, I'm cornered. This will be some trouble to me, I just have to...~ He was cut off.

The three stabbed him with their own weapons, two swords and a spear against a weapon-less black hole user. Though, the person was immortal, attacks such as these were no effect. They took their blades out of him leaving them in shock towards the person's immortality. A maniac, nonetheless, left them scared. The person continued to laugh, eventually revealing his name,

"I... Jaakuna Daitai... will defeat you. It wouldn't be a problem, if you just let me attack you, you will die easily, got it?"

he took out tons of vials of blood, drank the blood from the vials. "1%" Black holes appear, sucking the weapons from them into the hole. A black hole appears behind Jaakuna, the weapons hop out of that portal. He took a sword (Taiko's sword) and a lance (Akira's lightning lance) except for the light sword (Zakku's). He looked at the sword, he had the lance aimed at the sword.

"Wait, if you break the sword you wi-" Zakku reached out for the sword in panic.

"My farewell, Zakku Seiji. The win is easily mine and mine only." Jaakuna charged the lance at the sword.

Zakku was shocked hearing his own name from the enemy. As that was the final shock he had. Jaakuna threw the lance at the sword, the sword breaking. There was an awkward silence, but then after a few seconds of silence. Zakku looked at his own chest, seeing a large cut. "Cra-" blood splattered out of his chest. Blood was all over the ground and them.

"ZAKKU!!!" Taiko and Akira shouted out loud, seeing the blood and the body of Zakku.

His body fell down to the ground, out cold, easily said, now dead. Akira and Taiko walk up to the corpse, the silence in the atmosphere continued... Taiko fell down to her knees, crying. Akira was in the distance, mourning the death. He grabbed out a notebook and wrote down Zakku's name in the notebook. ~Another one died...~

"Zakku... he's finally dead." Jaakuna laughed in accomplishment, "I planned to kill Taiko Rose, but it seems killing Zakku is WAY better... heh." he continued to laugh, "Now... you both are next." he walks toward Taiko and Akira, passed by them and looks at Zakku's corpse, he tried to kick the corpse away but then Akira blocked the way.

"You won't. We will defeat you no matter what, you disembodiment of evil." Akira's voice laced with determination.

Taiko stopped crying, she wiped her tears and tried to hold them back. She got up, her aura was now filled with rage and anger. She got her weapon back suddenly. "You will... pay for what you have done." Snap mode: Taiko's anger form, activated.

Meanwhile, somewhere... dark, hidden.

It was dark. The place looked like a spiral cave or dungeon, the whole place was filled with spiky rocks, stones, and shards of a red color. There were skulls, withered-- black. There was no start nor end of this place, as each end still had a continuation, darkness. A creature lurks in the darkness, far away and never to be reached.

Zakku was lying on the ground, sleeping, unconscious. Yes, he is still dead, his body in this dark and creepy place he arrives. Eventually, he wakes up, opening his eyes and feeling no pain, nor exhaustion ever in the state he is right now. he gets up, seeing darkness all around him. he wandered around the area.

"What is this place... am I dead? Well, I am, but where am I exactly?" he whispered to himself, confused and still wandered. He then heard a voice, out loud, clear, but where the voice came from was far away.

"This is purgatory. A place where people like you die. Let's say..." the person said, as he sounded like an old man. he cleared his throat and whispered to himself. "A demon you are. That is WHO you actually are, and soon you must wield the power of a demon now that you know who you actually are. ~But, this person is a demon-goddess too. Powerful, wonderful, fantastic, and yet bizarre. Is the person... the chosen one?~ You thought that you yourself were a human, blending in with them. Now, you must know and now know the truth of who you really are."

The creature clenched his hands together and placed it near his mouth, thinking and holding back fear towards Zakku. Zakku didn't hear what the creature said, as he was looking around for the shards, TONS of shards. The shards were slit, slit shards, taking a color of a nil material and the color of an unknown material.

"Pardon? I didn't hear what you say... Purgatory king, I heard you talking about someone being a demon, and who is the person you were talking about exactly?" he looked at the direction where the Purgatory king was.

It was random to hear purgatory king out of his mouth, so sudden, though Zakku had no memories about the purgatory king nor knowing the name in the first place. The king was in shock, his name was never revealed to anyone, as Zakku is the first few ones who knew the king's name. The king's eyes appeared in the darkness, the only thing that can be seen in the darkness. The eye color was crimson red.

"Zakku Seiji, you are a demon. Though, despite having 2 blood colors, you are also known as being a goddess-demon, due to your blood having 2 various colors. You thought you were a human-- proclaimed yourself as one. You are like Yume Ishi, a humanoid demon. You are the chosen one in this world, the chosen one who will soon defeat that King of Dungeons..." slowly in the darkness, a portal slowly grows.

Zakku looks directly into the big eyes in the darkness, surprised and shocked. He dropped the shards, finally know what he actually is, a demon-goddess. He was completely shocked, shaking as he stood still in his place. He had doubts, regrets, and some mistakes too, how did he not know? How is he still a descendant, despite being a demon, wielding the dark blood?

"Demon... I am a demon? How would you know? Why would I be one...?" he asks, tears slowly roll down his face. Though, the tears evaporated immediately, as this was purgatory.

"Yes, you are a demon. I know because I am the one who looks over demons like you. and why would you be one? You were chosen by the will of the gods, easily said, because they knew you had the potential to soon end those dungeons." the king's eyes started to shatter as if they were glass, the shattering eyes fall down piece by piece.

"What would you know... I definitely am a huma-" Zakku was cut off.

"No, you are a demon. Demons like you only come here when they die, then live again, it's simple. Clearly, you cannot be human, you have strength and power that is above human strength. And another, your power exceeds a high-level demon."

Zakku sighed, he sat down on the ground. He had the slit shards gathered, they gather in the air, but something concealed the shards, avoiding seeing what would happen to the shards. Zakku was blinded by the light concealing the shards. He covered his eyes, the light continued to emit until then... the shards combine, creating a nil sword of an unknown material.

It descends from the sky, it lands on Zakku's hands. This is... the power of a demon. He held the sword's handle, swung it around. He saw a name on the guard, it said "Nil Requiem.", he mentions the name out loud, little did he know, that mentioning this name would cause something unusual and abnormal.

"Nil Requiem!" he shouted the name, to the latter, light had covered the purgatory.

"LIGHT, MAKE IT STOP!!!" The king demanded.

Instead of making the light disappear, he made the light into darkness. He gripped the handle tighter, demon energy and aura then surrounds his body. After the aura and energy covered Zakku's body, the sword was stuck to his hand, though, it was to remain his true demon power, currently activated. The energy and the aura was a mix of red and purple, due to that, became a hostile and scary aura.

"Thank you. Now... that is solid proof that you are a demon yourself, though, unconscious of your own power."

Zakku didn't activated anything, he activated his power unconsciously, he moved unconsciously. His eyes were pale, dark as the void. Due to that fact, he moved in his unconsciousness; he was aware that he was unconscious, as he was internally. He aimed the sword to the darkness, slashed towards it as the rocks immediately break by the sword power.

The king didn't get fazed by the power, he tapped Zakku's head. The aura and the energy surrounding his body was reverted back to the sword. Zakku's body collapsed, still unconscious, the sword was still in his grasp. The king let in two fingers, touching Zakku's Nil Requiem, his finger burned as he touched it, even with only a single finger laying on the sword.

"This kid's will... its great enough to avoid someone to touch the sword, despite being unconscious. If he can blend in his blood into the sword, he can engage in better combat skills, and by that, saying, he cannot die from blood loss due to the Nil Requiem being unbreakable due to the material." Coming from the mouth of the king, indicating facts.

"He might be the only one who will know my name, ever. I am the creature and the king of purgatory, as it is what I am known for."

He slowly tried to get Zakku's grasp off the sword, and did so. Despite knowing the consequences of doing this, he took the sword and pulled his arm back to the darkness. The king took a feather out, slit open his own palm, dipped the quill of the feather into the wound, blood on the quill. He used that feather to write his name in Zakku's sword, a hint and another source of power. "Ex Elit". (Ex Elite in Latin)

The sword was now overwhelmed with great power, flowing with Ex's power. It was also due to the great will Zakku had, the will to control his blood, easily using the power of Nil Requiem without flaws. The sword had another power that makes it overwhelmed with such magical power, a demon skill.『His will』. Yume Ishi's ability, higher power, his colleagues.

The fingers return to the light where Zakku lies on, returning the sword back to his hand and back to grasp. The fingers of Ex returned back to the darkness, then something suddenly happens. Ex felt something strong, a strong presence, it made the atmosphere have great pressure bringing fright even to him.

It was Zakku, due to having that sword in his hands that also became a part of his body, a useful and wonderful weapon. Ex thought... He must be resurrected. In this world, there is a person that will save it. Whether he likes it or not, he will continue to live on, forever, he will never be able to die for eternity.

The portal of teleportation to Earth-- a resurrection portal, appears large enough for Zakku to fit in it. Zakku was sucked into the portal, entering a spiral of space, still having the sword in his grip. Eventually, he got out of that space, entering once again... the world he lives in as its upcoming god and the leader... Earth, resurrected. With more power, and a stronger him.

Zakku V2.

Zakku V2 Profile

Name: Zakku『Demon』Seiji

Age: 18 (Currently, Unknown) Demon's age, 3,000 or more (Unknown)

Date of Birth: March 18th (Unknown year)

Species: Demon. Light and Dark bloodline descendant (Known, but not specified) Demon-Goddess (Blood color)

Height: 5'9

Weight: 95 lbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship status: Single (???)

Occupation: Dungeon Adventurer, Upcoming god of the world (Proclaimed by Ex Elit)


Dungeon slot - an inherent ability manifested by certain dungeon adventurers, requiring an amount of completed expeditions of dungeons which unlock another slot.

Nil Requiem's power - a power obtained by creating the Nil Requiem at its fullest potential, giving the owner of the sword great magic power. Given stats to user, each is passive:

Above Human-level stamina, mana (magic power), strength, durability, speed, swordsman ship - Hence, Demon level

Purgatory King's blood - blood with power obtained by the Purgatory King's will. It improves blood power for fighting (Especially for Zakku, having more durable blood power used in swords. Now being able to use blood to cover a weapon for reasons)

Current location/from: Japan

Personality: -redacted-

Likes: Sandwiches, training, dungeons.

Dislikes: Unspecified, but showing his actions in the story, he dislikes anyone breaking his family's and bloodline history. (Excludes the dark bloodline). He also shows a great dislike of people saying that they are not on equal footing as him, or better than him-- he does not want to be looked down on for no certain reason, this rages him greatly, he can kick ass hard in this state of his.


Destructive power - 6/5 (S)

Speed - 6/5 (S)

Durability (Physical strength) - 6/5 (S)

Precision - 4.25/5 (A+)

Emotion control - 1.75/5 (B~)

Potential - 4.?/5 (A~?)

Back to the story, Zakku's revival. Near Taiko (Snap Mode) and Akira (Lightning God Form) fighting Jaakuna Daitai

Zakku hopped out of the portal, unconscious but with his intellect and instincts, he was able to move even in an unconscious state. The demon energy once again surrounds his body, but with more power, now having Ex's blood in the energy aura. His eyes were more pale, his lips formed a straight face. What more, he had no jacket, he was shirtless, though had pants but partially ripped off. His body was ripped, having more strength and durability. (Demon level)

he walked up the path leading to the fight, the ground had craters as he steps on them. He continued to walk the path until he arrives to the battlefield in which where the 3 are fighting. Knowing the state Zakku is in right now, unconscious, is a very big threat to them knowing that Zakku has great firepower and blood power that can even hurt Ex Elit.

The three hear Zakku walking up to them, Jaakuna was shocked. ~Zakku is alive?! How so! He is just a human being... how?~ he thought. That eventually came to Jaakuna's, Taiko's, and Akira's mind that Zakku was actually an immortal "human" demon.

he walks up to Jaakuna, smacked him with the cheek of Nil Requiem as Jaakuna flew away without any complications. Taiko was still in snap mode, Akira was still in snap mode, but what they have just witnessed was a power that far exceeded their own power- a demon's wrath. Powerful, dreadful, and deadly as the energy surrounding Zakku was a devil's blood.

Instead of being surprised that Zakku was back, alive and resurrected, they were in complete fear. Without hesitation, Jaakuna appears from behind Zakku, though with the demon-exceeding level speed, in a flash, Jaakuna flew away once again. Zakku used the backhand form of handling his sword, flew in the air and lunged towards Jaakuna and slashed with speed surpassing light speed.

That speed was enough to deal more than a thousand cuts on Jaakuna's body, as his body flew away after getting cut by Zakku's powerful and fast slashes. Taiko and Akira step back, knowing the next blow Zakku will deal, easily, the final blow.

Zakku unconsciously smirked at Jaakuna, still having a straight face, with a smug in his face too. Then, Zakku spoke out the name of the sword, but different incantation and words. Before reading it, he pointed the sword's tip at Jaakuna's neck, prepared to deal the final, inescapable attack.

"Ex Requiem: Ex Elit Blood." (Ex Requiem: Ex Elite Blood)

The blood of his and Ex Elit's blood surrounded his body and the sword, the whole area was surrounded by darkness, pitch black. None can't see the other, but Zakku was able to see him as he was the host of the darkness. He was able to control this small world of his, none was able to move in it as Zakku was an exception.

In the area and range: tentacles, vines, and so more weapons appear. Those weapons were chucked off at Jaakuna, immediately dealing an approximate of 10,000 cuts. Jaakuna's body was filled with wounds, there was no weapons for him to use, no blood vials, no blood, no scythe. Easily, a helpless enemy.

There was a hole punched in Jaakuna's and Zakku's body, both of the holes recover. Though, Jaakuna was incapacitated. Zakku walked up to him, stomped on him, creating a deep hole in the ground up to the very core as Jaakuna dipped into the inner core. Then, the hole was gone and so is Jaakuna, as he was in the core.

The darkness range and area disappeared, though, Zakku's body was still surrounded with hostile magic power energy. He was still an aliferous, dangerous demon, despite still being in an unconscious but moving state at the most. he turned around, glaring at both Taiko and Akira with still a straight and emotionless face.

Both step back, trembling in fear. They stood no chance in winning in a fight against Zakku, even if both of them do their best in cooperation and teamwork. Zakku is way stronger than them in this state, as his stats were unknown and the magic energy was far exceeding both of theirs. Of course, this form was 100x stronger than his base form.

A knife flew to Taiko's hand, Akira had multiple lightning weapons ready, as he was in his lightning god mode. Both of their forms combined, they might have a chance being on a standstill with Zakku, yet, a higher chance of victory if there was a third-party fighting along with them against him.

There was no third party, unluckily. Zakku took a step towards them, having the sword already ready for the attacks. He stopped in his position, as he knew the both will start to attack in a few moments, so they did. They both dashed with weapons in hand, two weapons. he gripped their wrists a split second before he gets slit by their weapons.

He took the weapons from their hands using Dark blood tentacles, bending the knife and the lance. He glared at both of them, Taiko and Akira both getting traumatized by the scary stare of his. They both were unable to move, due to the scary, hostile aura in Zakku's pale demon eyes. He threw both of them away, Taiko crashed to a mountain and Akira to a far away volcano.

In less than a minute, the both return, pleasure to Akira's lightning speed and lightning god form that gave them the advantage to become faster than light itself. Akira punched Zakku's face, but Taiko did not (Taiko doesn't want to hurt Zakku.). Zakku was knocked back only a bit, unfazed. The magic energy he had in this form had increased his strength and durability, which made him more ineffective to attacks like these.

Akira threw a barrage of punches at Zakku, though, he was not effected by the punches as they were only a scratch to him. Zakku continued to hold himself to the ground, avoided himself from getting knocked back like Akira's first sudden punch. Zakku returned the blow, punched Akira to the face as he was flown to space, but returned in an immediate.

Zakku seemed piss, still emotionless. They both lock eyes and glare at each other, both were cautious of the other. Who is the enemy here, or the one who will prevail after the fight?

Zakku has now became a temporary enemy, unconscious. He is currently in his demon form, making him overpowered and hundred times stronger than his usual. Will they stand a chance? Taiko does not want to hurt Zakku. Zakku's speed and strength far exceeds Akira's. How will they both defeat him?