
Mo Li Qiang (Ryan) Life.

''Zhi Ruo, I'm sorry. I really mean my promises before! But my family they already decided my partner at my back. They ..'' He kneeling beside his beloved girl and trying his best to convince her with his explanation about things that happen to him.

''I know.'' her eye sting. Tears keep falling down. She keeps smiling even though her heart really in pain at that moment. ''Why don't you just go. Don't look for me anymore. Were done''

She getting up, but there's a huge hand grabbing her wrist, with a gentle manner.

''I really sorry, Zhi Ruo. I hope you can find another guy who can replace me in your heart. This thing happens maybe because I'm not good enough for you'' He starring at her with his gentle gaze without blinking.

Yup. He really loves this woman. No one can replace her inside his heart. Only her who can win him over. Only her.

She smirked ''You are so cruel Mo Liu Wei. That word, Why is it so easy for you to say it out loud? Am I that easy to be replaced by that spoiled rich women in your heart? Huh.''

She struggling to free herself from his grab.

He jogg so that he can smalling his walking pace with her ''Im sorry Zhi Ruo! Im sorry ! Please!''

Suddenly there a dark figure from his back who pull him over, causing him to stop his track.

(Buff!) He doesn't even have time to realize that there is a fist, come over to his face. He ends up falling to the walking path.

''I told u before Liu Wei! If you really love her, you should let her go. Now you see? It's already late. I already ask you to stop pestering yourself around her. This what you want right? You are so good at playing with people feeling.'' Xie Zhang Yong let go his friend collar and go away from his side.

Even his best friend, end up leaving him behind.

I'm such a bad person.

''I can't ....'' at last, his tears who he tries to hold from the beginning end up falling. He tries his best to look tough in front of his women. He doesn't want her to look at his weak side. He just can't. Just one teardrop falling from his women eyes, more than enough to squish his heart that causes him hard to breathe.

'Men hate to cry, they rarely ever do.

But when a man cries over someone,

I can guarantee he loves that person.

Because men only cry when they lose something that they love as much or more than themselves'


(Creakk.) The door behind opened slowly.

''You still think about that women don't you? All off them already dead! U know dead?! Please stop thinking about dead people! You make me scared!'' Madam Mo glaring at his husband who have been live together with her almost 30 decades.

''It easy for you, but not for me'' he replied.

''Just tell me the truth. You still have a feeling towards that women. Don't you?'' she smrik, there a trace of jelousy can be seen inside her eyes.

''You still need me to mention that she already married?! And even dead''' she feel like she can strangle him to death at that time cause off her jelaousy.

''Can you stop saying that word (dead)? Why don't you go outside and meet your toy boy!'' he replied his wife without looking at her.

''You think I want to stay here? I don't even need your permision to go out!''

(Stupp) she smack the door off.


She trying to calm herself down while going downstairs.

Suddenly there a familiar figure coming over, she can feel his overbearing aura, walking through the front door. Who else if that's not her beloved son, Mo Li Qiang.

''Qiang Qiang honey, I don't realize you do not get home yesterday. Are you already eat baby?'' while looking at him gently.

Mo Li Qiang gave her a sharp blade glare ''You know how disgusting that word sounds like when you use it? You need me to tell you the reason?''

''Li Qiang! You should not treat elders like this!'' she almost screams to the top of her lung.

''If you still want me to acknowledge you as my mother, please stop using that word at me. Just use it at your gigolo.'' He replied with a firm voice and intensely frightening aura.

He stormed upstairs without looking at Madam Mo.

''You're attitude really same as your father!''


(Kringg) its been 3 times for his phone ringing non-stop.

Due to annoyance by the ringing phone, he decides to come out from his shower.

Minty smell can be smelled after he opens up the bathroom door. There's a little bubble spot on his head, due to his hurry. This caused him to looks like little kids who just finish bubble bath.

His flushed red face due to showering with hot water causing his haughty looks to seem adorable and approachable. His body who almost perfect as sculpture, and his glowing bronze skin who still dripping with water, completing his magisterial looks.

He seems to still think either want to pick up the phone call or not. Cause just by looking at the screen which shows the owner name, It's more than enough to convince him for not picking it up.

That person seems to not have any attention to stop until he answers the phone.


(Click) ..

''What? …'' his hoarse voice due to tiredness by work causing person at the other side shivering (his voice sound smooth and pleasurable)

''Baby, you already awake?'' she replied happily.

''Nova. Can you not call me that way? You want me to spell my name one by one so that you can restore it inside your memory?''

''I'm sorry. Young Master Mo! Can we meet this afternoon?''

''I'm tired …'' (click).

''But Young Mas ..'' Before she could finish her word, there a deadline from the other side.


(Crash) She smashing her phone to the floor.

"I don't understand this person at all! What's wrong with him? Does he blind?!''

''What is it?''

''That jerk! He doesn't even have his eyes on me!''

''He blind for sure'' Hugging her tightly. ''Why don't you just entertain me for today? Deal?''

She getting up ''No! .. can you just fuck off?''

He grabs her on her wrist and pulls her over to his lap ''Hey. Don't be rude.. I'm here to help you.'' His hand wildly slowly touching every sensitive part off her body.

''Help me with what? Stop touching me!'' She struggling to get free from his overbearing hand.

''Heh! Mo Li Qiang. You haven't heard the rumor about him before?'' he replied her in a confident way.

She smirked ''Which one? He being gay?''

''Yup .. even there's a rumor saying that he is impotent because all girl around him never get a 'taste' off it'' Suddenly she feels an urge to choke Gong Ye to death. ''Can you stop joking around! Maybe he wants to find a real woman who suitable enough to carry his child''

''Heh. Can u stop mention another dude when we together?''

She smacks his hand to the corner of the bed and gets up.

He screams ''I heard that he being in love with his own cousin! Young Master Lu !''


Hope u guys enjoy it.

Sorry for taking my time a lot.

Please leave a comment for my work.

So that i can improve it.

Thanks a lot. ❤️️

NnewbsChissacreators' thoughts
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