

Was there any point to all of this? The duck did not think such things as it waddled over to the pond it had visited every day in the last forty years for it was a duck. Ducks did not think. Ducks stuck their heads in the mud and niblled on the dirt. Humans might've been convinced they were actually getting nutrion out of such an action but, no, they just did it because they liked it. Why did they like it? Because ducks were ducks.

Or maybe they weren't. The weight of some of them had grown in recent times. A few humans had also gone missing... something to wonder about. Not now, however. One had to instead consider how ducks cleaned their beaks. They used their beaks to clean their body but could it clean that part as well? Truly thought-intensive circumstances.

Next time on No Ducks to Give: The duck does stuff. maybe. figure it out I guess