
Life Origin Pearl

In some higher plane an ancient and mythical temple which had stood the test of time through eons. Standing gloriously for millions of years with its abundant legacy striking dread and envy in everyone heart.

Sadly, it's time had come to an end the magnificent and splendid temple which could make anyone sigh in admiration had now turned into a genuine ghost temple with thousands of corpse littering the floor with a thick stench of blood in air that would make anyone feel nauseous.

A single old man in a grey-robe could be seen taking stroll in that pile of corpses with nonchalant expression like he was taking stroll in a garden full of flowers. He had a head full of white hair with his eye unfocused  and a face full of wrinkles just like a thousand-year old dried tree branches. He couldn't be more ordinary, he looked no different from a typical old man.

With amiable smile on his face like he couldn't bring himself even hurt a fly but the corpses around him were telling a different story! 

A black shadow appeared beside him kneeling down and presenting him with a ancient box. The old man picked up the box carefully just like he was carrying the most precious thing in his life.

He carefully opened the box a vigorous aura of vitality came gushing out just like a hurricane that could sweep everything in its path. As small plant and wild grass start growing near his feet.

In the box there lay an emerald pearl that seemingly hid endless amount of vitality energy. He picked the pearl and  swallowed the pearl without any second thoughts. The emerald pearl melt in his mouth, a green liquid travelled to his daitian.

Old man body lit up with a green hallow, he looked just the aloof immortal in ancient time with wrinkle slowly disappearing from his face his skin gained a glow of slightly pinkish skin just like new-born babies.

Old man face became like a youth in his twenties with his white hair turning jet-black through his face carried no remarkable feature that could help him stand out of crowd but his unfocused eyes had become sharp with a profound light shining in his eyes making him seem like a sage that had lived for millions of years. 

He broke into a thunderous laughter "HaHaHaha...ha indeed "life origin pearl" is a heavenly treasure that even cured those injuries caused by that damn woman ."

"Congratulation master on recovering your vitality back." The black shadow voice sounded like a male at the same time he sounded like female, the strange the combination of voice between two opposite gender made it sound creepy.

"Little yan how many years have passed since I last woke up from my slumber." his voice was easy-going making sound like cheerful youth.

little yan felt cold sweat gather on his back, other might think of his mater like a cheerful youth but he knew better than anyone else his master always killed with a smile.

He quickly answered without missing a single details about what took place in previous billion years.

The old man or the youth listened carefully about everything that took place when he had fallen into sleep, as he gazed at the sky but it seem like he was trying to gaze at something  beyond this sky.

He could only sigh after listening the phenomenon that took place few days ago, he also figured out why he had awoken from his slumber it was because of rise in purity of Qi.

"Seems like my son has finally arrived in this world." But this left him even more puzzled with his divine conscience he was easily able to search through the entire dimensions. Yet he couldn't find a single trace of him.

"Master are you talking about the child of cursed destiny." little yan couldn't start to comprehend why his master that didn't even care about heaven chosen children would care about a child that was bound to die.

"Little yan you shouldn't underestimate him there were thousands of people born with cursed destiny before him. Yet, without exception they all turned into pile of flesh and bones." his master carried a serious expression that he had never seen before.

Little yan still couldn't accept it, a worthless piece of trash that was on mercy of heaven was thought so highly by his master. Instead of him who had stayed by his mater side for more than a billion year.

"In the end, he is a mere mortal he can't compare to Ancient God." his master looked at  him "like he was an utter fool beyond saving".

"The Ancient God of his previous dimension did try stopping him but all were turned into  meat paste with their knowledge was forcefully taken by him." Little yan never knew there exist a mortal so dangerous.

"So, why shouldn't we kill him!" Little yan know didn't even feel a slightest bit of contempt for this child of cursed destiny anymore . 

"Kill him! I can't even seem to found him and even if we do found him the only one that could harm him would be that child." He couldn't even start to imagine the child he had raised for his research on mere whim had turned into such a dangerous existences.

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