
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 7- The truth

I infused my polearm and charged in with everything I got. I went on absolute offensive, my martial art was aggressive and domineering. In contrast to the my other martial art this one really stood out. Everything thirty meters around ended up frozen solid with the exception of two old men and their table. The man I was sparring with was barely capable to defending himself and was being slowly cut and slowed down. And every time I managed to land a cut however miniscule my advantage and dominance over the opponent rose. It was not man fighting a man, it was dragon playing with food.

After I landed hit number twenty-four, I stopped, turned towards the two men and bowed.

"Lord Long, Lord Li. May I stop with the spar. He would shatter if I landed one more hit on him."

Both of the men woke from the stupor, Long spoke first. "You know you just absolutely schooled a man that was getting all the resources our two clans could muster and was one rank above you. He is captain stage one 1 rank in his 23 years."

"My sincerest apologies." I spoke very humbly, fear getting into me. Now I was scared that I pissed them of by destroying their favorite.

"Don't mind that boy! You will be a huge asset for Valley of five knives sect." Li spoke. "Can you remove the ice?"

I shook my head. "It will perish over time. Give it 2-3 hours and everything should clear out."

"Did you tried to stop feeding it with Qi?" Long asked.

"I am not feeding it with Qi. It's just an aftereffect of my technique."

Both old men nodded and Long spoke. "Then let me take care of it!"

He snapped his fingers and gentle flames started to spread around the room and after about a minute all the ice vanished even the guy with a sword was again fully mobile.

"Indeed, it was just and aftereffect, interesting." Long spoke. I looked at the guy with a sword and he was perfectly fine outside of few minor cuts. He quickly took out a pill from his ring and ate it. In no time, he was perfectly fine.

"Glad that here mister is fine, I was scared that I went overboard!" I spoke still a little scarred.

"We are not unreasonable, we asked you to fight him and also asked you to go all out, you just did what we wanted, plus he is perfectly fine and we now know that you are not the person we are looking for, don't take it wrong kid but you would be really bad assassin, once you are in sect don't even look at their assassin missions." Li spoke.

"Thank you for your guidance, Lord LI!" I spoke and bowed once again.

"Now scram boy, you may be amusing but we have to find a murderer of our children here and we don't have time to waste on you."

Long spoke and I almost choked from the combination of murderous intent that he leaked and power that he let out. I ended up falling to my knees gasping for air.

Li smacked Long on the back of his head and spoke. "Be careful, that kid is innocent there is no need to hurt him."

"Sorry boy, now scram!" Long spoke once again.

I quickly gathered myself from ground and left. As I was leaving, I saw some goons dragging a person to the room I just left, as he tried to free himself and run, scarred shitless.

I quickly left the mansion and headed towards the Inn. The way back was uneventful. Li and Long family kept on looking for the murderer for about a month but they found nobody.

It took few weeks for the legend of invisible killer that uses two daggers to spread. Some people were scarred for their lives, some people laughed that even lord clan can get screwed. Reactions were mixed but most of the people spoke about one thing, that the dude must have balls of steel to do that.

I took it easy from that day, I just spent time with Yuki and cultivated or trained when she had to work. I was in no rush anywhere; my biggest priority right now was Yuki. When we were eating dinner together one day at my room she spoke.

"How about I become your cultivation partner?" When she spoke those words, I spat the wine I was drinking all over the room. And with look full of surprise I spoke.

"Do you know what that entails Yuki?" I asked despite knowing all too well she did.

She blushed a little and shyly nodded.

I shook my head and spoke. "Are you sure about that? Look you must know that I am interested in you I have been as obvious with it as one can be without straight up telling it. But you never showed any real interest in doing that. Why now out of the blue? I don't get it!"

"You are mistaken I was interested in doing that, I just didn't know what to do, how to make it so that we will progress from being friends to becoming more than that. Look you are leaving soon I have nothing to lose. I don't know what I feel, the only think I know is that I never felt this before. I know that I want to be with you, just thinking about you leaving without me makes me want to cry. When they took you for interrogation, I almost collapsed that's how afraid I was that something will happen to you. All I want is to be with you, I want you to touch me, I want you to kiss me, I want to wake up next to you and fall asleep next to you, I just want...."

"Shhh!" I put my index finger on her mouth. "Before you continue any further I want you to know something!"

"What-t?" She asked.

"Remember what I told you that I trained in the forest?"

"Yes-s!" Her face was now full of worries and fears.

"Well, the true reason why I was there is what I would like to explain. Before I went there, back when I had no cultivation, I lived here in the city as an orphan beggar. Until one day I met I girl from a prestigious clan that was interested in me. We were going out for a short while when she invited me to a date up on the cliff. I came there early since I was really looking forward to the date but, when she came, she was not alone. She was with her fiancé and they spoke about how I was her plaything and how she looked forward towards breaking my heart and so on. Her fiancé wanted to have me beaten or killed. I could no longer bear it so I ran with tears in my eyes. As I was running around them, the guy punched me off the cliff. I flew all the way down broke through the roof of a barn down in the slums, the one that is choke full of hay. And landed on one of the hay piles. I was able to live though it and run into the wilderness to cultivate. I cultivated there until I was strong enough and came back to the city. And you know the rest outside of one little thing." Her face became unreadable, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes but outside of that I could not gauge what she was thinking right about now. 

"Remember the murders of the successors of Li and Long clans?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"It was me who killed them; she was the bitch that wanted to break my heart and play with me while he was the one who almost killed me by punching me off the cliff." I sighed and continued, I no longer had courage to look at her. "I just wanted you to know that I am not innocent, nor a good person. I am actually a murderer, I murdered two people in cold blood and I am not even sad about it. I don't feel any remorse, my conscience is perfectly satisfied and silent. It is perfectly possible that I am going to continue with the murders since I will have to take a lot of missions in the sect so I can fund my cultivation. And I almost forgot I never mentioned this to you, I am a complete cultivator., meaning I am cultivating both mind and body."

My head and shoulders slumped down as I waited for Yuki to leave, or scream, or to tell me to fuck off. I just wanted it to be behind me, because I knew it is going to hurt, a lot, when she leaves my life.

After few seconds she gently grabbed my chin and raised it. Once my head was up high enough for me to see her, I froze. She was smiling at me with a radiant smile as she always does. Before I could react, she kissed me.