
The Class Trip

A week had passed, there were too many incidents caused by Sousuke Sagara in the school.

At the first day, he entered the girl exchanging room.

At the second day, he exploded the building front hall

At the third day, he was caught when he entered the girls' toilet.

At the fourth day, he defeated the school gang alone. 

At the fifth day, he joined female school clubs.

Some students called him "Psycho", others called him "crazy"...

In this week, Sousuke already gathered the information about Kuroko, but his records were clear. He was an ordinary student. 

"And there you have it!" Kaname finished scrawling a list of jobs on the blackboard. 

She turned around to face a room full of disinterested students, who were sleeping, shooting craps and reading manga novels. 

"Hey! Listen up, guys!" 

"We're listening," they all said automatically. 

"We have only five days before the class trip. And we need to decide what job each person will do if we want the trip to go smoothly." 

"Okay, fine. Let's decide and go home already." 

Kaname sighed. "Remind me why I agreed to be class rep," she moaned. 

"Well, I figured it would be like this, so I already assigned all the jobs. All you guys have to do is say whether it's okay." 

A cheer erupted from the students. "Way to go, Chidori!" 

"No problem," she said, flashing a quick peace sign. "Okay, Onda and Sanematsu-you're in charge of food. Aryiama and Omura-luggage. Onodera and Suzuki-event planning. Momoi-Administration" 

She scribbled names next to the jobs that already were written on the board. Suddenly, a slightly malicious grin crossed her lips. 

"And garbage duty ... that's a job for Sagara and Kuroko." 

At the mention of his name, Sousuke snapped out of his preoccupation and grunted. 

"Is something wrong, Sagara?" 

"I don't recall signing up for that." 

"Sorry, it's a school rule-the transfer student always has to be in charge of garbage. Rules are rules." 

Everyone laughed, but Sousuke didn't get the joke. 

"I wasn't aware of that. Very well, I accept." 

"Excellent. I'll fill you in on the details later. Okay everyone, all in favor?" 

Momoi raised her hand and said, "Can Tetsu-kun go with me doing administration job?"

"Yeah, he is so handsome, he isn't suitable for charging a garbage"

"Okay, Satsuki. But don't forget to bring a condom"

Hearing this, Momoi blushed. 

And just like that, Mithril's finest mercenary, Sousuke got elected to pick up trash through a unanimous vote. 

But Kuroko didn't mind anything. His intuition said there would be the big incidents in this class trip.


The sea of Japan, Depth: 165 feet.

"A Class trip?" Asked Testa.

The young woman had large gray eyes and braided ash blonde hair that hung down over her left shoulder. She wore an informal clothes-a stylish brown suit that was two or three sizes too large. 

Regardless, a captain's rank insignia sparkled on her collar. And although the awards and decorations common to most captains were 

nowhere to be found on her chest, the girl, Teletha Testarossa (a.k.a. Tessa) was captain of the Tuatha de Danaan. 

"Yes," said Kalinin, handing her a few documents and a pen. 

"The trip starts the next week. I propose we open a new confidential circuit for communications during the trip. Also, please sign this permission slip." 

She nodded and signed the document. "What a strange school, taking a trip at this time of year. Where are they going, anyway?" 


"Oh." Tessa quickly turned away, staring at a map in her forward display screen. "Did you know that I used to live there?" 

"No, ma'am." 

"My father wanted me to go to a Japanese elementary school," 

she said wistfully, "but I never made any friends, and then I transferred to a school on the base." 

Commander Mardukas, the ship's executive officer, cleared his throat, snapping Tessa back to earth. 

"I guess this isn't the right time and place for memories," apologized the captain.

"Probably not, ma'am," said Mardukas before returning to his personal duties. 

Kalinin kept reading his report as though nothing had happened. "We have new information." 

"About the Whispered?" 

"Yes, ma'am. Apparently, the Khabarovsk facility still is conducting research. Take a look at this." 


Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan 

Passenger Lobby

"Okay, Class Four!" announced Miss Shizuka. "Have your tickets out and your IDs ready!" 

JAL Flight 903.

The jumbo jet reached its cruising altitude. 

Having never been on a plane before, Kyouko gripped the side of the window and pressed her face against the glass. It was a bright 

and clear day, and she could see all of Tokyo. 

"Wow, look! Hey, there's the Rainbow Bridge. Awesome!" 

"There it is," Kaname said halfheartedly. 

"Are you even listening, Kana?" 

"Of course." 

"Look, the Statue of Liberty!" 


"The Eiffel Tower!" 

"Neato," monotoned Kaname. 

Kyouko nudged her. "What's the matter? You've been acting really weird all day. What happened?"

Just when Kaname was talking with Kyouko,  two ordinary men walked past her seeming like they were going to use the toilet. But when they walked past her, Kaname suddenly felt there was something not right.

She subconsciously looked at the two men and at this moment, one of them looked back. He immediately avoided her gaze. There was something wrong with these two.

Kaname quickly stood up and wanted to report this suspicious situation, but the moment she did, the middle-aged woman next to her suddenly pointed a gun at her and said softly, "Mrs. Kaname, please don't move around; my gun isn't very obedient."