
DROP - I remade it

Eric was just living his ordinary normal life, when he was unexpectedly was reincarnated to another world, which was filled with magic and monster. It was a place where science wasn’t fully explored. He could have used his knowledge to become famous and gain a lot of money and fame, but the fate was not so kind to let him do that. As he was not reincarnated as a Human, but as A Wolf. Join me in this amazing adventure where our protagonist is Reincarnated in Another World As A Wolf!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


"It's already been a week since I was reincarnated to this world and i have gotten more stronger than before."


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf]

[Rank: F]

[Level: 17/20] [Exp: 7880/8500]

[Hp: 40/40] [Status: Very Good]

[MP: 19/22]

[Strength: (27) 28.35] [Defence: (22) 23.1]

[Agility: (27) 28.35] [Intelligence: (22)]

[Attack Power: (27) 28.35]


[Racial Skills: Wolf Pack <1 >, Stealth <3 >, Night Vision]

[Unique Skill: Devour <1 >]

[Common Skills: Bite <5-Max >, Haste <3 >, Thermal Vision, HP Regeneration <4 >]

[Resistance Skills: None]



——(New Skill Info)——

Active skill - Bite lvl 5 (Max)~ enhances your teeth with mana, to make it stronger and sharper.

{Increase your Attack Power by +60%}

(Cost: 3 Mana)

Active skill - Haste lvl 3 ~ A skill that increases your attack speed and movement speed.

{Increase your Agility by +30%}

(Cost: 2 Mana / Min)

Active skill - Stealth lvl 3 ~ Allows you to move undetected to avoid being spotted by enemies.

{Become semi-invisible}

(Cost: 1 Mana / 5 min)

Passive skill - HP Regeneration lvl 4 ~ ability to regenerate lost limbs, and even from severe organ damage over time.

{Regenerate +20% of max HP / 5 min}

——(Status Info)——

Very Good ~ (Full HP)

{Increase your Strength, Defence, and Agility by 5%}


"I found out surviving in this world is much more harder than I thought it, If you are not careful. You might just die without you knowing it. I also found out that maintaining your Mana is so important... It takes my Mana to regenerate 1 per 30 mins."

Eric was only been able to survive this week by sheer luck and determination.

The area where Eric was is a forest, which means a lot of monster. some of this monster lives in groups.

Eric has classified the monster to 3 types. The Hunter, The prey, and lastly the defender.

The hunter is the one that is the most aggressive and the one that initiate the fight. They have a high level, which means they give high exp, when kill.

The prey which is the easy to kill type or the one that is low level. Gives low exp.

The defender is the one that if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Could be low or high level monster.

Eric leveled up by hunting the prey type and sometimes an injured hunter type.

Today is actually a special day for Eric, Because his skill Devour has finished its long cooldown. So his objective today was to get a useful skill.

"A skill that can increase or regenerate my mana will be nice, but if I can't find one... a skill that use no mana will be handy!"

Eric looked for for about an hour, but wasn't able to find a good target. When he was suddenly blocked by 3 goblins.


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Goblin]

[Rank: F]

[Level: 9/20] [Exp: 7880/8500]

[Hp: 19/19] [Status: Very Good]

[MP: 9/9]

[Strength: (16)] [Defence: (11)]

[Agility: (16)] [Intelligence: (4)]

[Attack Power: (16)]


[Racial Skills: Night Vision <1-Max >]

[Common Skills: None]

[Resistance Skills: None]




When Eric saw the goblins, he immediately attack the goblin in the middle by biting its neck. After successfully hitting the target, He Immediately switch his target to the goblin to his right.

The goblin on the left tried to attack Eric with his wooden stick, but Eric quickly dodge it and made a counterattack by using his claw to attack its eye. Which made it drop its weapon.

After blinding the goblin, Eric bites his neck. Killing it. The two goblins that was still alive and was laying on the floor. was also finished by Eric, after dealing with the blind goblin.

The fight only took less than a minute.

From the encounter to Eric killing the last goblin. Only took less than a minute. Which means it only took less than a minute for Eric to kill the 3 goblins and it was even without using any skills.

[You killed a Lvl 9 ~ F - Rank Goblin]

[You killed a Lvl 8 ~ F - Rank Goblin]

[You killed a Lvl 9 ~ F - Rank Goblin]

[You gained 620 Exp]

[You gained 580 Exp]

[You gained 620 Exp]

[You gained a total of 1820 Exp]

[You Level up]

After killing the goblin. Eric dig it's corpses and found 3 magic stone from the 3 goblins.

After Eric collected the magic stone, he ate it all.

[You've eaten an F - Rank Magic Stone (x3)]

[You gained a total of 1500 Exp]


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf]

[Rank: F]

[Level: 18/20] [Exp: 2700/9000]

[Hp: 43/43] [Status: Very Good]

[MP: 19/23]

[Strength: (28) 29.4] [Defence: (23) 24.15]

[Agility: (28) 29.4] [Intelligence: (23)]

[Attack Power: (28) 29.4]


[Racial Skills: Wolf Pack <1 >, Stealth <3 >, Night Vision <1-Max >]

[Unique Skill: Devour <1 >]

[Common Skills: Bite <5-Max >, Haste <3 >, Thermal Vision <1-Max >, HP Regeneration <4 >]

[Resistance Skills: None]




After finishing dealing with the goblin. Eric continued his search.

After a few minutes of searching. Eric spotted two target that has kinda meet his criteria.


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Poisonous Snake]

[Rank: E]

[Level: 9/30]

[Hp: 98/110] [Status: None]

[MP: 32/34]

[Strength: (43)] [Defence: (34)]

[Agility: (44)] [Intelligence: (16)]

[Attack Power: (43)]


[Racial Skills: Thermal Vision, Skin Shredding <5 >]

[Common Skills: Poison Bite <4 >, Tail Slash <5-Max >, Poison Breath <3 >, HP Regeneration <4 >]

[Resistance Skills: Poison Resistance <4 >]



——(New Skills Info)——

Active skill - Skin Shredding ~ allows the user to escape fatal injuries by causing them to shed their skin.

{Recover 50% of Max HP}

(Cost: 10 MP) ~ (24 Hours Cooldown)

Active skill - Poison Breath lvl 3 ~ The ability to generate from within oneself poison and release them from the mouth.

{Inflict Poisoned Status for 1 hour}

{Deals PSN dmg of (20 HP / 30 sec) for 1 min}

(Cost: 10 MP)

Active skill - Poison Bite lvl 4 ~ By biting your opponent. you inflict poison to your target.

{Inflict Poisoned Status for 30 mins}

{Deals PSN dmg of (5 HP / 10 sec) for 1 min}

(Cost: 5 MP)

Active skill - Tail Slash lvl 5 (Max) ~ enhances your tail with mana, to make it stronger and durable.

{Increase your Tail Attack Power by +50%}

(Cost: 2 MP)

Passive skill - Poison Resistance lvl 4 ~ A Resistance type skill that reduces the effects of poisons under a certain threshold to be negligible.

{Reduce poison damage by 40%}



[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Red Fox]

[Rank: E]

[Level: 10/30]

[Hp: 107/120] [Status: None]

[MP: 40/40]

[Strength: (45)] [Defence: (35)]

[Agility: (45)] [Intelligence: (20)]

[Attack Power: (45)]


[Racial Skills: MP Regeneration <4 >, Alluring Eye]

[Common Skills: Fiery Claws <5 >, Blazing Sprint <4 >, Fire Ball <5-Max >]

[Resistance Skills: Fire Resistance <5 >]



——(New Skills Info)——

Passive skill - MP Regeneration lvl 4 ~ Ability to regenerate Mana over time.

{Regenerate +20% of max MP / 5 min}

Passive skill - Alluring Eye ~ When someone look at your eyes. They will be put in an illusion.

(The target (INT stat) must be 40% below you)

Active skills - Fiery Claws lvl 5 ~ The claws are enveloped in flames, carrying an intense heat capable of effortlessly tearing through alloy.

{Increase your Attack Power by +75%}

{Inflict Burn status for 10 Mins}

(Cost: 5 MP)

Active skill - Blazing Sprint lvl 4 ~ By stepping on flames, greatly enhance your speed.

{Increase your Agility by +80%}

(Cost: 3 MP / 10 secs)

Active skill - Fire Ball lvl 5 (Max) ~ Generate a Fire ball from your mouth and blast it towards your target.

{Inflict Burn status for 30 Mins}

{Deals 50 Fire dmg}

(Cost: 10 MP)

Passive skill - Fire Resistance lvl 4 ~ A Resistance type skill that reduces the effects of fire damage you received.

{Reduce Fire damage by 40%}


"Hmm... they both have a skill that i want, but they are too strong for me to kill them. The only good thing is that they are about to fight, which I can fight them when they are already injured."

"Sooo... which one should I choose. The snake has a skill, that is basically means like having 2 lives. ~ While the fox has what I need which is the MP regeneration."

Eric is currently watching the standoffs between the snake and the fox, while using the skill - stealth. So that he won't get detected.

The snake was the first to attack. using the skill Poison Breath. While the fox used fire ball.

The poison breath and the fire ball collided and made a small explosion, which blasted both of them.

The fox immediately stand up and used a skill to increase his speed. After that he used another skill to attack the snake using his claws.

The snake was hit, but immediately counter attack by swinging his tail. The fox was hit and got lunched to a tree. After hitting the fox, the snake used his poison breath, which poisoned the fox.

The poisoned fox then used another fire ball and this time it succeed to hit the snake. The fox thought that this attack finished the snake, but he was wrong.

The snake quickly bite the fox and he throw it in the air. After doing that he attacked it with his tail.

*The fox is the one that are winning, because although the snake use his shredding skill. It only recover his HP to 50% and after using that skill he ran out of mana. While on the other hand. The fox has 56% HP remaining and has a still little mana left.*

The fox hit the snake with his fairy claws and was also hit by the snake's tail.

But just as the fox got up, he saw the snake was trying to escape.

The fox used the skill Blazing Sprint to chase the snake, when suddenly a wolf appeared and bite the snake. Killing it.

'You dare to steal my prey!'

"So what if I steal you prey!!"

This wolf is none other than Eric.

[You killed a Lvl 9 ~ E - Rank Poisonous Snake]

[You gained 16,545 Exp]

[You Level up]

[You Level up]

[You gained a new skill - Sharp Claws]


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf]

[Rank: F]

[Level: 20/20] [Exp: MAX] [Evolve!]

[Hp: 49/50] [Status: None]

[MP: 21/25]

[Strength: (30)] [Defence: (25)]

[Agility: (30)] [Intelligence: (25)]

[Attack Power: (30)]


[Racial Skills: Wolf Pack <1 >, Stealth <3 >, Night Vision <1-Max >]

[Unique Skill: Devour <1 >]

[Common Skills: Bite <5-Max >, Sharp Claws <1 >, Haste <3 >, Thermal Vision <1-Max >, HP Regeneration <4 >]

[Resistance Skills: None]



——(New Skill Info)——

Active skill - Sharp Claws lvl1 ~ Enhance your claws with mana to make them sharper.

{Increase your Attack Power by +15%}

(Cost: 3 MP)



The fox enraged used his skill fire ball and shot it towards Eric.

Eric dodge it using Haste, which he got when he leveled up to 10.

Eric immediately ran to the fox and used his skill Bite.

Which successfully landed, but he was also hit with the fox attack. Although the fox attack does not include a skill, because it only have 2 MP left. Eric took a damage of 20 HP. That's 40% of his total HP.

Eric endured the pain and used the skill bite again. Which killed the fox.

[You killed a Lvl 10 ~ E - Rank Red Fox]

[You gained 0 Exp]

"What!!?.. 0 EXP!?.. Oh I see my Exp are already maxed, but that still sucks."

"Let's see here... Hmm I guess I can evolve now to go to the next rank."

Eric chose to evolve first before devouring the red fox.


[Evolve from Dire Wolf —> Great Wolf]

[You Acquired The Racial Skill - Intimidate]

[You Acquired The Racial Skill - Tough Skin]

"That felt amazing!.. and I can feel that I have gotten a little stronger than before! ~ let's check my status."


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Great Wolf]

[Rank: E]

[Level: 1/30] [Exp: 0/1,000]

[Hp: 100/100] [Status: Very Good]

[MP: 30/30]

[Strength: (30)] [Defence: (25)]

[Agility: (30)] [Intelligence: (25)]

[Attack Power: (30) ]

[Free Attributes: 0 ]


[Racial Skills: Wolf Pack <1 >, Intimidate, Tough Skin <1 >]

[Unique Skill: Devour <1 >]

[Common Skills: Bite <5-Max >, Sharp Claws <1 >, Haste <3 >, Thermal Vision, Night Vision, HP Regeneration <4 >, Stealth <3 >, Wolf Pack <1 >, Intimidate, Unity]

[Resistance Skills:Tough Skin <1 >]



——(New Skill Info)——

Active Skill - Intimidate ~ Intimidate someone weaker than you to make them fear you or to make them submit to you.

(Cost: 3 MP)

Passive Skill - Tough Skin lvl1 ~ A Resistance type skill that reduces the effects of physical damage you received.

{Reduce physical damage by 5%}

———(To be continued )———

“We will not find the inner strength to evolve to a higher level if we do not inwardly develop this profound feeling that there is something higher than ourselves.”

-Rudolf Steiner

Zodiac_Dragocreators' thoughts