
Neo Aspect (2) (Edit)

Light Academy Third Year Building Rooftop.

Since earlier, his thoughts were on the girl who hugged him. But, it's not like it's a first for him. So why is he thinking about it so much? Haruka sighed deeply, aahhh geez. Haruka doesn't get it; she's messing up his rhythm.

A voice from behind him called out, "There you are; you disappeared for too long."

"Just having a smoke. Oochi-sensei doesn't like it when I do it in class."

"Wow, you're obeying the rules for once? Has someone hit you on the head?" Erika said.

"Most likely."

Erika sighed, "Should you be getting distracted? The boss will get mad if you don't find her."

He understands all too well. But the boss has been somewhat lenient. If she were just some girl, the boss would have intervened by now. 'Other than Terashima Lila, all the other girls are useless, and you are not to get attached to any of them.' He's becoming attached to Ari, even if he hides it. It's clear as day to anyone.

The news has surely reached boss ears too; he isn't exactly subtle about it after all, and yet the boss has not stopped him. In the past, no matter how busy the boss was, he would find a way to intervene. The fact that he isn't doing anything now should confirm his suspicions.


TX Studio. 5:30PM

To get to know her classmates better, she intended to take them all out, but at the last minute, someone called her for a job. In the end, they all came along to watch her though some had to leave mid-way.

Lila stepped out wearing a pale blue gradient top with a variety of light blue musical notes all over it. A pale blue gradient skirt covered in bright blue music notes of varying shapes. The dress is cut at an angle with slight scalloping and adorned by alternating pink and white bows inches from the bottom.

It was her break, but she had to change to the next costume since there were loads of clothes to try on. It's been a while since she last wore such cute clothes. Lila felt embarrassed. It's a good thing Haruka-kun isn't here. She wondered what he would think.

If it were her Kiryu, he would say something along the lines of, ' This is bad, terrible. I want to take you home Lila. Or, 'Don't show that appearance of yours to other men.'

Lila laughed softly to herself, commenting how silly he is. Ah, maybe she can sneakily send a photo of herself wearing this? It will be a waste if he doesn't see it. He's not the type to read magazines either, so Kiryu won't see it.

"You're beautiful!" Yumeko exclaimed.

Others followed in agreement. "Right, right, she's gorgeous."

"Even if you can't sing, your CD will sell," A sharp voice commented.

Her sweat dropped at that comment, the girl who said is Oichi-san. Ever since she came here, the girls have been bitter towards her.

"By the way, Kiku-san, who's your manager?"

"Right, you never mentioned it," Yumeko said

"Manager," she repeated.

Uh, how on earth can she? If she says it's Haruka-kun, Yumeko-chan will blow. Thankfully her break ended, and she rushed back. It's a topic she can't avoid forever, but for now.


Such a naive way of thinking that was.

Lila gets so caught up talking with everyone that she doesn't realize until it was too late. A familiar car drives up, and the doors opened. Inside the vehicle was none other than Haruka. Her face color turned pale. She was naïve; she shouldn't have brought everyone with her, no Yumeko-chan. If he's her manager, something like this will happen. But it was far too late to do anything since she hears a large exclaim behind her.

"Ah, it's you! What are you doing here?" Yumeko exclaimed.

"Uh, you see." Lila was about to explain when he suddenly gently called out her name.


Lila is surprised when she hears him call her name without the honorific although it's not her real name. It's an alternative name; most individuals born in the elite world have an alternative name. Those granted with elite Hanyou status for one go by more than two names.

"Get in the car," Haruka instructed.

"Oh, weren't you busy?" she asked, puzzled.

"I found spare time; I'll take you to the next place."

"He's your manager?" Yumeko mumbled from behind her. Uh.

Lila averted her gaze, and a pained expression appeared on Yumeko's face. Before she could say anything though, Yumeko murmured something about being disappointed and rushed off.

Lila was about to chase after her; however, Haruka-kun pulled her into the car.


The driver nodded and sped off. She could see the faces of the friends she made from the car window. There were mixed emotions, but the majority rushed off after Yumeko. All except Ruka who was waving, an okay sign in her direction. Soon the girls smiling figure was no longer visible, and she slumped in her seat.

"You didn't tell her?" Haruka asked.

"Because it appeared she doesn't like you," she replied.

"That's true; she doesn't. The same goes vice versa."

What is she supposed to say when he acts so blunt about it?

"You, have been asking around about me. That's why you acted that way in the infirmary? ,"

"Well, I knew stuff before I came here," Lila admitted.


"But, I don't think you're a bad person." She knows how kind he is. Her thoughts broke off when he shifted closer.

"Get some sleep before we get there."

Lila hesitantly leaned on his shoulders; she felt very drained and didn't see the need to argue. She won't let them get any closer than this, "Okay, thank you." she thanked him and closed her eyes.


The following day, Lila found herself busy with work. She didn't even have the time to attend school.

She is drained, completely drained, the only words that she could use, to sum up, her situation. Although this process isn't new to Lila already, it felt like everything has been reset from the beginning, no, that's what the present situation is. Two weeks of not doing any work too, Lila forgot how exhausting it gets. As for her stamina, being locked up in such a place for a long time, it's no wonder she felt even more exhausted. Starting tomorrow, she should jog in the morning and night as she did before.

"Are you still sick?" he asked.

Lila shook her head, "N—no, I'm fine."

"Then, don't be so sloppy. Your attitude reflects on me too," Haruka said, sighing deeply.

T—that's right. Haruka doesn't have to be so cold to her about this situation. Did she do something else?

"But exhausted or not. Your voice is superb." Haruka said.

"Oh, I see, um, thank you."

It's been a while since she last heard praise from him, so she felt happy. Her thoughts broke off when his lips meet hers — a sudden kiss, a passionate kiss that left her breathless.

Wh- Before Lila could react, he already pulled away from her.

"Let's go. You should be fine now." Haruka said.

H—how can she be okay after what he did? Or rather what's with this guy? Lila's noticed ever since she came here, whenever he isn't working, he's fooling around with girls all the time. Last year people said he was a player, and he even told her not to trust him. However, this was her first time witnessing this type of thing; she doesn't know what to do.

It irritated her; why does he think he can do whatever he wants? But whenever Lila thought to convey these thoughts, she would see that lonely look on his face and remember her mission. Just bear with it Terashima Lila as long as he doesn't take things too far. Kissing for hanyou's is nothing anyway, no special meaning.

"Later, I'm taking you out for dinner," Haruka said, interrupting her thoughts.

"But, I have to practice," she informed him.

Haruka shook his head.

"I'll help you. So, stay with me tonight."

He's too straightforward. Lila knew she could not use the she has work excuse since he's her manager.

Lila hurried after him and entered the elevator, "Lunch will be late since we have several interviews to do. There are a few photo-shoots. First, we should finish the recording."

Also, just because she hasn't been in contact with the company doesn't change what her other job is. She told Ameno-senpai that it would be difficult considering her present state. However, she's been granted this perfect opportunity. She can't waste it. But, how does she keep getting close to him without this being dangerous for her?

"Hey, are you listening?"


His forehead brushed against hers, "You really are acting weird today. Still bothered about what happened in the infirmary?"

Lila shook her head, "It didn't...bother me so much."

"You might still have a fever; you're red."

"That's because you're so close."

"Is that so?"

This guy is dangerous. But, she lightly hugged him.

"I'm okay; thank you for worrying."

He really is kind to her; there's no doubt about that. Lila felt his hands on hers, and her eyes widened, "I'll help you down. Lean on me when you get tired."


Just like Haruka said, she could do much better than before.

He really is a kind person, she knows full well, and yet the hate in Yumeko-chan's eyes made her wonder. Why does she hate him so much? When she met them both last year, she thought there was something off. But she didn't know it was this bad.

Lila shook her head; there's no use in getting distracted. She must focus. Still, Lila glanced over at Haruka, speaking to other members of staff. He only became her manager a while ago, but he's already done so much for her. He gathered a crew and places to practice.

'I figured you'd be uncomfortable practicing in your agency, and well mine isn't an option. So, I bought this building.' is what Haruka said to her when she asked why.

Someone who can casually buy a whole building, refurbish it and get it ready in such a short amount of time is clearly rich. But, Lila can't help but be concerned. He throws away money like it's nothing; she would have been fine with a simple place. She's grateful, regardless. He's done so much for her. Does he not know who she is? Usually, managers wouldn't go this far for their artist. Or maybe, it's because he's supposedly interested in her now.

'Senpai isn't seeing many girls lately. Even if he does, he's always in a hurry. Isn't it because of you? He probably knows who you are.'

Stupid, Hamano-kun. She shouldn't have spoken to him about it, and yet she doesn't think she can talk to Kouta-kun about this. Kouta-kun gets un-naturally irritated, no, he gets a scary look on his face whenever she mentions Haruka-kun.

When the staff members ask questions about her singing, Lila didn't think much of it.

Lila shook her head and said, "Ah no, I learned by myself."

"Really? That's amazing."

She blinked in confusion, and the eldest staff member quickly clarified for her.

"Just, we're thinking of not using many edits for the CD. Normally, even with good singers, we do a bit of alteration, to make it sound smoother when listening on headphones."

"I see."

Haruka interjected, "You need not to edit it at all; keep it the way it is."


The others seemed hesitant and one by one voiced out their thoughts. "Is that okay?"

"Not all good singers can pull it off; only Terashima Lila can."

"It's fine, she's capable," Haruka said confidentiality.

That's like saying she's on the same level as well herself. But, she supposed it's natural. Haruka-kun is good at spotting talent.

"Since she's here now, is it okay to bring it up?"

Haruka nodded.


"We already signed you up to the screening of a music award. We know you're entering the Dream Star competition; however, by competing for a music award, you'd be proving your abilities."

Music awards. Oh, come to think of it. Previously she had to drop out of the one Haruka-kun signed her up for, since it overlapped with an outstanding job for the band.

"What do you say?"

"Um, I've never really competed for a music award before. Is it that important?" Lila asked.

Haruka spoke up, "To break into the international market, it's important."

"Wa—wait, the international market--"

"Are you saying with a voice like that, your company hasn't tried it before?"

More like her company is just a front so that guy can use it as a base of operations without anyone suspecting him. But, it would be a lie to say she isn't interested in the international market. It's part of the reason she's entering the dream star tournament too. She wants to see the same sights Kiryu has, to properly achieve their dreams together. To do that, she needs to break into the international market.

"I'll do it," Lila said.

A sigh of relief passed the staff members lips.

Working with an artist who wants to break into the world market helps them out too. This isn't just her decision alone now. It'll affect everyone here, all these people Haruka-kun gathered for her and Haruka-kun himself. She has to do her best. But, entering the world market. It seems difficult to do.

"Ari-chan, come with me."

"Ah, yes?" she said puzzled.

He said nothing else and left the room. Lila hurriedly followed him. After a while, they arrived at an isolated, looking place at the edge of the floor. For a split second, she's worried, but that vanished once she saw what was inside.

"All right, in here. Take whatever you want."

Lila looked around, so many musical grammar books and CDs, the instruments too.

"I wrote everything on those shelves, and the ones in the bottom are covers. The scores are arranged on the shelf beside the CDs too. You already have a song for your debut single, but, you can use these to practice."

Songs composed by Haruka! Uwah.

"What's with that stupid face."

"I'm so happy to sing one of your songs!" she said happily.

He extended his hand out and caressed her cheek. The sudden contact surprised her as she shyly asked what he was doing.

"Very similar," Haruka muttered.

Lila cursed.

Didn't she say the same thing in the past? To her relief, he quickly lets her go. Haruka walked over to the couch where papers are scattered everywhere. From his actions alone and the state of the room, Lila could tell that he came here often to compose.

She made her way over to the CDs. Something catches her attention immediately. These are the songs he made her sing in private before when he was tutoring her English. She convinced him to use one for the band. But, from the start, she could tell he wrote it for one person only. Instead, when she first laid eyes on them last year. It felt nostalgic somehow.

Haruka wrote them solely for one person, for her. He said he's known about her for a long time and is her fan. But, even then. It felt strange that he could write a song for her with such a deep understanding of her feelings and emotions. He's Ren-san's son, so does that mean they met each other in the past? She can't erase that possibility, especially after looking at these songs again.

"Did you decide already?" Haruka spoke up, disrupting her thoughts.

"Y—yes. " she stammered.

"Which one is it?" he asked her.

Haruka picked up his guitar and Lila eyes light up. Ah, is he going to play alongside her?

When she says the name, she couldn't miss Haruka's eyes go wide.

"Come over here for a sec."

Eh? Lila does as he says, and he buried his face in her breasts. She frowned, what is he doing? "What are you," Lila started angrily when she hears his soft voice.

"You really are too similar, but even then. I like having you around. You even chose this song…"

He said to her that these songs were unique to him, especially this one. She had forgotten which one he said was the most important until now that is. Perhaps there's a thread here too. A different fate was binding them together.

Haruka looked up and cupped her cheeks, "Will you, really not stay with me tonight? I want to be with you."

Only a week has passed since she came here and yet he's already entering her heart again so quickly, "Will you promise me not to do anything strange?" she whispered.

As long as he does not step over any boundaries.

"I promise." he murmured.

Haruka voice sounds so fragile, so lonely. Haruka seemed to tremble in her arms. As she thought, she really can't leave this person be.

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