
1: First Dream Travel

I am waking through a familiar corridor with white walls made of some material that I cannot think of, every coner is brightly light and there is no uneven brightness but the strange think is, that the corridor do not have any visible light source, there is many personal waking through corridor those are familiar but also unfamiliar,

I walk throught the corridor to the staircase which goes downward.

I walk down the staircase and I started walking on a familiar corridor where many personal is walking in groups or alone.

I stop at the elevator and enter it but did not press the buttons, as I enter a person in black coat, shoes, white gloves, tie, shirt with pale skin and blue eyes with a beautiful face stands outside the elevator and brought his hand forward inside the elevator and press a button which is numbered 4, after pressing the button he take back his hand and turn towards the corridor and continued to walk.

As he left another man wearing a plane white shirt and black and blue jeans with folds sleeves walk inside the elevator, right after that elevator startes moving but it is moving sidewards to my right, at first me and the man in the elevator was panicked but then I remember that after reaching the end of corridor the elevator will stop since there will be no way that this elevator will go throught walls.

As the elevator is moving I see gates made of iron with locks placed on them whistling past at high speed and another fault in the elevator is that it has not gates I think this elevator is damaged.

I cannot tell but somehow I see through the elevator walls that, the corridor wall has arrived but the elevator go through the corridor wall like the wall is not present, right after the elevator enter the walls, darkness surrounded outside the elevator and the inside of elevator is only visible, I am feeling like elevator is moving at high speed, after few minutes the speed of elevator start to slow down and there many places that I can see but since elevator speed was fast therefore I am not able to see clearly.

Suddenly I saw a huge black room with 4-5 steps leading to a stone floor and a door and suddenly I jump from the elevator but the man who is with me also jump and we finally is out of the moving elevator, the man start to move up the stairs and I am following him and we see a open door and he enters the door and I am entering suddenly my surrounding turns pich pach black, and as I open my eyes what I see is the ceiling.

Then I realization dawn me that everything was a dream.

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