
Life starts(Unfortunately)

Today is 30th October 1998. A skinny, wheatish child with a face that could be considered the epitome of monkey-ness [I know there's no word like this] was born in the City Hospital of a small town named Partia.

After that, I don't really have much info on him except some crappy stories about his sickness and unbeatable ability to poop and cry.

Time passed as his jaundice, diarrhea and everything else faded away. By the time he turned three, a weak and pitiful body was all that was left out of him. [Bear with me, I swear I won't take long]

His family? They weren't too well off either. Grandpa(who had four sons and two daughters) was a plumber and Dad(the second son) was still graduating.

Vir, the dad(at 18) was a brown handsome young man who was married a bit too early with May(a fair and beautiful 16-year-old lady).

By the way, Vir was 19 when the son was born.

[This is the last paragraph. I promise.]

The family of three weren't doing that well in the town; as the support from Grandpa had been cut off a year ago, due to some issues with the eldest uncle. Although May's family helped them out a bit, Vir was having a hard time doing home tuitions for their daily necessities and rent. The medical bills of his son weren't doing any favor as well.

[Yeah, go ahead. I am done with this. Btw the kid is three years old.]

A small room with a bed by the side. No other furniture with the exception of a table on which a little cake was placed. The walls had black patches near the ceilings and a small table-fan was kept in the corner. It seemed like a run-down place but the atmosphere was pretty sweet currently.

"Yaay! Happy birthday, mama. Happy birthday, papa." I was jumping around the little beautiful cake.

"Yes, my boy happy birthday to you."The couple said cheerfully while clapping.

After, a while mama May cut the cake into three parts. Two small ones and a big one.

"Eat it, baby." She handed over the big piece to me.

"Mama eat. Papa eat."I said while waving the cake towards mom and dad.

"Don't wave the cake. It'll fall like last year. We'll eat ours. Okay?" She said to me while softly rubbing my head.

"Mmm... Yeshh mama."I said and nibbled on the cake allowing it to stick over my nose and cheeks.

Soon, the little party of the three of us ended. Mama gave me bathe and tucked me to sleep. Well, that's what she thought but I could still hear mom and dad talk.

"We can't even give a proper cake to my child. Your brothers won't even allow my son to have a good birthday." Mom said in a weak tone almost on the verge of crying.

[I guess, she held it in to not wake up the child may be. Ok, I'll go. You guys continue]

"Don't worry May. This is the first and last year that our child will celebrate his birthday like this. I promise."Dad said with an affirmative tone.

After that, it went all fuzzy.

Next morning I ate the other two pieces as well after mom said she got another cake for me when I was asleep. Although I knew it was the other two pieces, I didn't say anything. I am a human child, not some stupid puppy, okay?

The days went by with my mom nagging me all day for my naughtiness and unbeatable ability to make trouble. I mean like once I literally got myself hanging out of the window with one of my legs wrapped in the curtains.

I was beaten till my ass burned but that's okay because I caught the firefly.

One day when I was being washed by mom after getting a body full of mud stains. Agitated, continuous and loud knocks were heard on the main door. Mom told me to sit still and went out of the bathroom to open the door.

"Honey! May! My love! I got it." A loud voice of my dad rang out.

"Got what?"Mom said in a nervous tone.

"The Job. I'll be an officer now. Sub-Inspector Vir Senile reporting my lady." My dad laughed out.

"Ah! Really?"

After that, something fell from the table and a while later mom came back in with a big smile to wash me( who was still stuck in the tub).

A/N- [ ]= Author randomly saying things

( )= Author saying things to let you know

Although it's not my first novel IRL. I don't have a lot of experience so help me out if there are mistakes in the chapters.

Please read and add it to the library to keep yourself up to date with the story.

Supreme_Bloodcreators' thoughts