
Chapter 1: The announcement

Hermione Granger had just gotten to the hall in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as she entered she saw her two best friends Harry, and Ron she smiled when she also saw Ginny Weasley hanging onto Harry's arm since the war Ginny and Harry had gotten together, her and Ron didn't happen though as they both decided that the kiss was a mistake and to move on. Hermione sat next to Ginny surrounded by table lengths of food.

Suddenly McGonagall's voice echoed through the lengths of the hall, "And now boys and girls it is time to announce the new head boy and girl and deputy head boy and girl" "firstly head girl, Hermione Granger congratulations, secondly head boy Draco Malfoy" the hall suddenly erupted into applause as the new head girl and boy are announced. "Quiet! , Now for deputy's for the girls Luna Lovegood and for the boys Neville Longbottom!" " Congratulations to you four I shall expect you in my office in 15 minutes" as McGonagall left Harry and Ron congratulated Hermione on head girl " you'll have to put up with Malfoy now" sad Ron. Hermione rolled her eyes "Mione can take care of herself can't you?" Asked Harry " of course I can". Secretly she glanced across the hall to the Slytherin table only to see Draco Malfoy staring at her. Quickly she turned back around and stood up "I better go to McGonagall's office now, see you boys later!" "Bye Hermione" replied Harry and Ron.

As the names were announced for head boy and girl Draco realised Granger and him were going have to work together how awful a pureblood working with a mudblood his parents would be ashamed if they could see him now but his dad was in Azkaban and his mother was killed by an aura. Draco wanted to be alone in the house so decided to free all his elf slaves and get rid of the ancestral paintings. Draco was deep in thought when he suddenly realised he was staring at Granger he only noticed when he saw her turn round to seek a look at him but when she saw him looking she quickly turned round in embarrasment, he found this amusing and decided to make a mental note to casually bring it up in conversation some time to embarrass her further.

As Hermione reached McGonagall's office she saw the others standing outside waiting she also saw Draco do that sly but charming smile he always does, wait did she just call Draco charming? No of course not nothing about that boy is charming! As she was deep in thought the door to the office suddenly opened. All four of them walked in to see McGonagall sitting at what used to be Dumbledores desk.

When they entered she stood and walked to the front of the desk, "good morning children now as you know this is a big responsibility and it will not be taken lightly if you do something stupid during having this role, heads will share a dorm up on the 3rd floor whereas deputy's will share a dorm on the 4th floor. Deputy's you will be on duty in the courtyard and halls on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Heads you will be on duty in the dorms and main hall every day you are aloud to award and take away points from houses if you see fit, but if any other punishment is needed you come to me and I will decide weather or not they should be punished further. You are both aloud 1 accomplice to help you with your duties they must be a year below you as whoever you choose will be put forward for head boy or girl next year. (Hermione made a mental note to herself to ask Colin Creevey if he would be happy to accept the role).

As Neville and Luna left the office McGonagall called to Draco and Hermione to stay. "I want to show you two your dorm now ready for you to get your stuff. There are a few rules to sharing this dorm, 1- don't break anything, 2- if there are arguments you must sort them out and not go sleep in another dorm, 3- you are not aloud to wonder after hours unless on duty. Is that clear to both of you?" "Yes McGonagall" said Hermione and Draco in unison. As they entered the dorm on the 3rd floor Hermione's eyes widened their were two double, four poster beds with silk curtains dropping down, an on suite with a toilet, sink, bath, and shower, a kitchen, and a lounge area with a fireplace and a big long table. It was massive... Way bigger than the Gryffindor common room dorms. Draco had the same amazed expression on his face, Hermione saw his eyes light up and mouth turn up into a smile she thought he almost looked.... No impossible she thought nothing of the sort not of a Malfoy.

McGonagall left the dorm leaving Hermione and Draco together. " So Granger looks like we are stuck with each other for the year" " yes looks like it Malfoy and if we are going to get along I have a few rules for one no spells on me for two no snidey remarks and for three no name calling" " alright Granger calm down, look I know I've been horrible to you for the past 6 years but I'm hoping for a fresh start and I wish I hadn't been mean to be honest so maybe we could be friends?" Hermione looked dumb founded at the boy standing Infront of her, was Draco Malfoy being nice? Was he asking to be friends? "Granger?" " Oh erm yes, of course, yes, we can be friends" Hermione told herself to stop being so stupid what was up with her? She felt so nervous all of a sudden, and she was going red...

Draco looked at Hermione as she demanded some rules loud and clear to him. As he waited for her to finish he thought about sharing a room with Granger and thought it not so bad after all. When she had finished babbling he asked her to be friends and found it amusing when he saw her standing there confused and flustered it almost made her look h.... No shut up Draco shes muggle born your a pureblood you need to stop and get your head straight, he finally tried to snap Hermione out of her day dream and she agreed to be friends and for some reason that made Draco Malfoy really happy to know that Granger was his friend at last.



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