

~~9 years later~~

It's been 9 years since I've been reincarnated into this world. So far I've hidden the fact that I have a dragon bloodline so I tried acting as normal as possible(A/N I read your comments on weather or not the roles of abuse should be reversed but I want the Main character to be similar to Harry as possible).

The only part that wasn't normal due to the dragon bloodline were the scales by my ears, and when I turned 8 my eyes changed in color ([M/C]/N {main character notes} I awakened my dragon blood line at the same time as well as being able to transform into a dragon. But I didn't want the ministry of magic finding out so I never really Transformed). They looked like the eyes of Mordor from "Lord of the rings." (A/N I'm lazy and just cause I feel like it. He basically looks like a hotter version of Fafnir's human form from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid). So Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon forced me to have blue contacts so I could hide my different eye color, but whenever she tried to give me a haircut it grew back to the same length the next morning.

Even though I was reborn as Harry's twin we looked very different. Other than my eyes and the area around my skin, I had a lady killing face(A/N basically he is extremely handsome for a young child even with the changes).

Since coming to this world I've mastered wordless and wandless magic. But before I could master both wordless and wandless magic I needed to unlock my magic first. So the first time I used magic it was when I was 7 years old Dudley's goons where chasing me and Harry. Harry climbed on the roof of the school building, while I was still running from the goons.

I yelled "Leave me alone!" After I said that a there was an explosion where the boys were standing. Luckily it was a small explosion not enough to hurt them. Luckily the school thought that the sprinklers blew up.

Today was the day that we went to the zoo for Dudley's birthday.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Yelled Dudley.

I woke up in the broom closet with Harry. (Luckily the broom closet was bigger than the one I took He movie by a lot.) We didn't have beds, so instead we had cheap, hard, and old mattresses.

"Wake up Harry. We gotta go." I Said still Half-asleep.

"Ugh. Do I have to?" He asked.

"Yeah we gotta go cook breakfast for everyone." I Said slightly irritated.

He slowly got out of bed and quickly got dressed. We walked out of the closet and made our way to the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Ask Dudley. It is his birthday." Aunt Petunia Said.

"Boy hurry up! Bring me my coffee!" Yelled Vernon.

"Yes uncle. Here you go." I Said giving uncle Vernon his coffee.

"How many are there?" Dudley Asked his father.

"Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself." He said proudly.

"Thirty-six?! But last year last year I got thirty-seven!!" Dudley Yelled in outrage.

"Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year!" He said with a slight twitch.

"I don't care how big they are!" He yelled.

"Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, Pumpkin?" She insisted quickly before he could throw a fit.

After we had breakfast we went to the zoo. When we got there, we just walked around the zoo the entire day, but the last place we went to was the reptile exhibit.

After Dudley started banging on the window and got bored when the snake didn't move Harry went in an started interacting with the boa constrictor in its case.

The snake suddenly opened its beady eyes. And slowly raised its head till their eyes were level with each other. It winked at Harry. That's when I walked up and joined him.

"Hey bro. What's the snake doing?" I asked from behind him.

"Wah! Don't sneak up behind me." He yelled.

"Right now the snake Is just moving." He said.

The snake just looked at me for a second and then looked at the Dursley's as if to say: "I get that all the time."

"That must be extremely annoying." Commented Harry.

"Where are you from?" I ask.

The snake used its tail to point at a sign on the side of its cage. The sign said Boa Constrictor, Brazil.

"Was it nice there?" Harry Asked.

Under the sign it said: This specimen was breed in the zoo.

"Oh, I see. So you've never been to Brazil?" Asked Harry.

"I guess no-" Before I could say anything more Dudley shoved both me and Harry to the ground. Even though I have the bloodline of a dragon and I was physically strong I pretended to be weak.

"Mummy, dad, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!!" He shouted.

Dudley puts his grubby hands on the glass. When I looked at Harry to see if he was okay he was glaring at Dudley. Suddenly the glass disappears due to Harry's rage.

"Woh! Ahh! Ahh!" He yelled.

Dudley falls into the snake enclosure, sputtering in a pool of water. The snake gets out of the exhibit. As soon as the snake gets out of the exhibit I used wordless magic to erect the glass barrier.

The snake turned to Harry and said "Thankssssss."

"Anytime." Harry Said.

The snake the turned to me and bowed his head as if he were bowing to a king and then left.

As the He left he said "Brazil, here I come."

By the time the in keeper came the snake was gone when he kept saying. "But the glass, where did I the glass go?"

But the time the zoo director got there Dudley was out of the enclosure. He then made Aunt Petunia an incredibly strong cup of sweet tea. But the time Dudley recovered her said.

"Both Harry and Drake were talking to it." He said still slightly scared.

When we got home Uncle Vernon was so angry that he just barely managed to say before collapsing into a chair. "Both— cupboard—Stay— no meals."

"Come on. Let's go before he gets angry again." I said to Harry.

"Okay." He said.

Even though I knew living with the Dursley's would be a pain this was by far THE WORST punishment we have ever received. By the time we could come out summer vacation had started. Sometimes at night Harry would be squirming a lot because he was having a nightmare, so I had to wake him up. He told me about the dream where there was a flash of green light.

It was a week before our birthday. I knew this was when we would get out letters. I woke up first, got dressed then woke Harry up.

We walked into the kitchen, but what meet us was a horrible smell. Aunt Petunia was standing over a pot stirring the ladle. Inside the pot was full with what looked like dirty rags in gray water.

"What is that?" Harry Asked Aunt Petunia. But when he did Aunt Petunia's lips tightened as they always did when either of us asked a question.

"They are Roy new school uniforms." She said.

"I didn't realize they had to be wet." I said jokingly.

"Don't be stupid boy!" She snapped. "I'm dyeing some of Dudley's old things grey for you two. They'll look just like everyone else's when I've finished.

That's when Dudley and Uncle Vernon came in, they immediately wrinkled their noses due to the smell of our uniforms. Uncle Vernon goes to the living room and opens his newspaper as the usual.

That's when we heard the click of the mail slot and the flop of letters dropping on the floor. I knew in the bundle of letters it was our Hogwarts acceptance letter, the reason why they get their acceptance via letters in the mail is because all muggle born or orphans who are witches and wizards whose guardians are muggles don't think it's weird that an Owl is flying around during the day(A/N sorry don't describe this all to well, I did the best I could).

"Get the mail, Dudley." Uncle Vernon Said from behind his newspaper.

"Make one of the twins do it." He whined.

"One of you, go get the mail." He growled from behind the newspaper.

"I'll get it." I Said.

I walk towards the front door and grab the letters. I see the normal bills and letters from families, when I see two letters with that were thick and heavy made of yellowish parchment, and the address was written in green ink. It said.

Mr. D. Potter

The cupboard under the stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


On the back there was a purple wax seal that has a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H. I quickly put my letter and Harry's letter into our Cupboard then grabbed the fake letter I made for the Dursley's telling them that they won the lottery and need to get to Manchester immediately.

"Uncle Vernon you have a letter saying you won the lottery." I Said handing him the letter.

"What! Everyone hurry up and get ready, we will be leaving for Manchester in 30 minutes." He shouted after reading the letter.

~~30 minutes later~~

"Okay we are leaving. You better not burn down the house while we're gone." He said before leaving.

When he left I activated the spell on the lottery that he and Harry were accepted into a boarding school and I created a fake memory of them copping us off at the bus station. As soon as they rounded the corner I went to talk to Harry.

"Harry here. I hid this from them, but this is for you." I Said handing him his letter.

After he read the letter he looked at me and said. "What? What does this mean?" He asked.

"We're wizards Harry." I Said grinning.

I then told him to quickly pack his things in a suitcase and meet me here in an hour. Since I had the Dimensional inventory I don't need a suitcase. An hour later Harry came out of our cupboard with his suitcase, and we waited for an hour by the stairs when we heard a loud Boom from the front door.


Sorry I have not written in a long time. I can’t promise just quite yet but hopefully I will be more frequent on chapters once summers starts.

Diamonddog9227creators' thoughts