
The War

We all got into our warrior outfits and got set. I had to go to the chambers to get my dragon ball. Usually the humans would say "Oooo dragon ball Z!" But I promise you it's not. My dragon ball is teal. I ran up the stairs. As I reached the top Maya, Malani, and Lila was waiting for me. We called the battlegrounds. Xavier had already been there waiting in his warrior outfit. He was also waiting with his buddies. His out was just like ours, just no Cape. His buddies were named, Vixer, Felix, and Quinley. He had his dragon ball in his utility belt so I then entered mine. He was supposed to make an announcement then I'm supposed to make one starting the war.

He started, "Dear. kingdom. We are gathered here today to start the big war. Xiao will now make her announcement."

I said, "Dear kindoms. This war is to show our talents of fighting to the other kingdom. When the dragons get pulled out I will decide if I want to marry the prince and unite the kingdoms or we'll keep being enemy's. I hope both kingdoms respect my decision. If I say no, we'll fight with our chi and dragons. If I say yes, then the war will stop. This war begins, now." Maya and Lila went to my left and Malani went to my right. I was facing Xavier and the girls were facing the enemy's guards alongside my guards. Xavier asked, "Xiao, will you marry me?" I responded, "I'm sorry, but no." I pulled out my dragon ball and threw it on the ground. He threw his. I pulled out my sword and he pulled out his. The war begun. He swung, I dodged. I stabbed him a bit. I got pushed down and my dragon got pushed down too. The guards and the girls were fighting as I just failed my kingdom. "Your mine now." He laughed. He held out his hand as I took it. Did I have a crush on the enemy!?