
Dragon shall roar

what will the formal human do when reborn as the shame of all dragon's the white dragon of five colored dragons with the system to absorb any dead things and gain its qualities, power, lifespan all you could think of come and find out on "Dragon shall Roar ".

Basabaka · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Elf village

After Riku left that place two human looking people came they had pointed ear's and with bulge on their chest any one could tell they we're Women or to be more specific eleven women.

Both of them we're wearing black green masks on their faces to cover themselves.

They looked at the claw's print's on the ground and they looked at each other in horror after all this was the largest foot print they had seen in their life's.

"Sis let's go back and tell the elders about this!"

Other one didn't say anything but just gave a small nod .

Both of them went towards the way they came from as fast as possible.

After running for a time they came at a small village consisting of at most 100 houses.

Seeing both of them running towards the village in panic.

The villager's who saw them had a bad feeling and started to follow them to the village head's home.

They saw the two girl's enter village head's home.

"Children what are you doing here?"

Asked the village chief.

Both girl's looked at each other and they started to tell about the foot print they saw in forest a little away from the village.

Hearing what both of them said he had a suspicion of whose those print's might be.

But before he could think ge started to hear the voices of villager's who were outside and had started talking at some time.

He signaled the girl's to follow him outside.

Looking at the villager's who had questioning looks.

"Okay! Everyone stop discussing among eachother"

After a while the quite down.

Then he told the girl's to tell what they had saw.

After hearing them villager's faces became pale and started to panic .

"Okay everyone don't panic I have a suspicion that that prints should be left by a dragon."

Hearing this they became more frightened after all they were just normal elves not some fighters.

"Everyone! I have a proposal how about we become the dragon's dependent?"

Hearing this the villager's felt that this might be a good idea.

"But village head what if the dragon is one five colored evil dragon's?..."

Hearing this village cheif actually laughed.

"Have you guy's forgotten how we were thrown out of the elf forest just because our former chief had a relationship with a evil human! Even if she had a relationship with that evil human why should we suffer i think it's better we became dependents of evil dragon!".

Hearing this the scene became quite after all they weren't kids the youngest in the elf village was 25 year's old and they have been standing in this hell like forest for 3 year's.

Whenever a intelligent monster came they would suffer especially when a goblin village had attacked their village in past.

Even thought they won their population of 7 hundred village became of 5 hundred and many men and women died while bringing food.

"Yes! I agree with this!"

As soon as this voice came many other voices came .

"Yes! I agree with this!"

"Yes! I agree with this!"

"Yes! I agree with this!"

Everyone in the village agreed to becoming the dependent of the dragon.

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Everyone please tell me how is novel going so far and please save it in your library

See you next time bye-bye.