
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 23

Having gained a general direction to head towards Clay decided to go to sleep for the night. As he was sleeping Clay found himself in a sea of stars aimlessly floating. The stars seemed different from the ball of gas he knew about in his previous life. These stars felt excited as if they were alive or conscious. Clay continued to float around as the stars pulsated with light like they were trying to communicate. Although he wasn't sure what they were saying, he could have a strange connection with them.

"Well, would you look at that it has been some years since someone tried to communicate with the stars," a powerful voice boomed.

Clay checked his surroundings, trying to find the voice's source but no matter how hard he tried there was nothing. The voice laughed at his antics causing its voice to ring out from all around him. Whatever was talking to him was amused by his failed attempts to find it. Slowly Clay was starting to get frustrated and the voice noticed this.

"Alright kid no need to get mad okay I will tell you who I am. First, though let's explain how you ended up here" The voice then went into further details.

Firstly Clay was still psychically in the palace however his consciousness had somehow drifted. It eventually ended up here within the cradle of stairs. According to the voice, it was a unique space where star cores were born and died. it was where the purest form of Starforce could be found. Secondly, it was normally only accessible to members of a certain bloodline.

"Wait you are saying I have that bloodline" Clay questioned.

"Of course, you do otherwise it would be possible for you to come here even spiritually. The fact you are here is already proof enough. Still, I am surprised that you have both the Star-born bloodline and the incomplete dragon bloodline" the voice further explained.

Clay paused for a moment thinking about the voice's words and remembering what Eve told him. If he thought deeply about what they said then one conclusion can be made. His Royal dragon bloodline was a weaker incomplete verse of another. The problem now was what it was missing to be complete. Clay was about to ask the voice but he suddenly felt a pull.

"Looks like our time is over since your bloodline is still sealed. However, I will help you out although removing the seal is dangerous I can loosen it so you can use some of its power" said the voice.

Clay saw a single light beam pierce through the star-filled void entering his body. He suddenly felt a new form of connection. Before it was to the elements all around him and now to something he can't put his finger on. If he had to label it then it was as if distance and direction no longer mattered. Even time felt a little less obscure and a thing he could control.

"Just a heads up unlike your dragon bloodline's elemental affinity your star-born bloodline requires practice " the voice explained.

Clay nodded in agreement sensing how hard it was to manipulate space yet alone time. After receiving the heads up Clay once again found himself in his bed. Of course, he already knew that his experience wasn't a dream because of the feeling in his body. Curious he attempted to teleport one of his swords but ended up falling. It gave him the sensation of lifting something heavy. Having failed he tried something lighter and smaller before succeeding. Eve was shocked beyond measure at what she was seeing.

"This should even be possible there has never been a star-born with an additional bloodline," Eve said secretly.

As a being from a higher plane, Eve has seen a lot of things some could even be said to have been impossible. However, there was one thing that was granted to never happen which is a star-born with another bloodline. The name Star-born was not made for fun instead it was given to them due to their creation. A Star-born can only come from a star core. Now that doesn't mean they can't have an extra treat based on the core. Clay having that bloodline was not something she had expected. A chill ran down her spine imagining how much she didn't know about Clay's body.

"That bitch said he will be a lot stronger this time but this is ridiculous. Could it be there is more to this than we know" Eve thought.

As that thought went through her mind Eve took a glance at one corner of her room. Pressed against the wall was a black sinister-looking longsword fused with a spear. Floating around the blade was an aura of sin that constantly shifted. At the same time, it almost felt lonely as if waiting for something or someone. Eve could understand how it felt because was also waiting for a certain day. Taking a breath she looked at the screen where she saw Clay practicing and began making adjustments to the system. Since his potential is nearly impossible to predict she made it so the system could accommodate.

As Eve was working the figure from before appeared again but this time remained silent as if in deep thought. it watched both Eve and Clay working hard with several thoughts in its head. Slowly the shadows began to fade revealing a woman as beautiful as Eve. Her long flowing black hair was tied in a ponytail adding a sporty sex appeal. Her amethyst eyes seemed to both shine and blend into the darkness.

"Eve I know you want to make things easier for him, especially after his last life. but we can do too much" the woman said quietly.

She didn't say it loud enough for Eve to hear because if it weren't for the deal she made it would have been her instead. Thinking about that entity an expression of fear flashed across her face. Even now, she could feel its monstrous presence. She still couldn't understand why that being would help with their plan and it didn't even ask for much. The only thing it asked for was that they place Clay's soul in a dragon egg. That as well as promise to let him walk his path on his own with minimal help.

"Regardless of where you may end up, you will be the only man for me. Even if the world turns against you I will never do that. My dear husband Nyx misses you so much", saying that the woman faded away.

Unknown to Clay or even Eve the woman had plans of her own that would shack up the world.