
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 1

For as long as he can remember Clay has spent his entire life in a hospital bed. Ironic his parents name him Clay in hopes he would grow up strong and healthy. Sadly life had something else planned for him. When was six he developed an immunal compromise. He was able to live a mostly normally life he caught a cold. With his immune system that was a death sentence. One infection was all it took for him to need to be hooked up to a ton of machines.

From that day on he spent more time in the hospital than his own home. By this point he could even list more than half of the hospital staff by heart. Truly it could be said that he never really lived at all. As he was spending yet another day going through tests Clay heard a voice.

"Quite tragic that such a strong soul never got the chance to experience more" the voice mocked.

Sigh escaped his as he felt annoyed that his list of symptoms just got longer.

"Now that is rude how could you think this beautiful voice is imaginary. You know what I will let it go if you tell me your deepest wish" the voice responded.

Thinking for a moment Clay decided to just do it. Afterall what harm could it be to be honest with with his own delusional fantasy.

"I want a strong body that is not afraid of anything" ,he replied.

Silence prevailed for a moment ,before hysterical laughter filled his head.

"Very I shall grant your wish, I hope you can live up to my expectations, my son" the voice said.

Clay on the other hand didn't even get a second to think about what he said. Before he knew it complete darkness over took him. Clay remained in that darkness until he felt something bumping him. He tried to open his eyes however there was still only darkness. Panicking he tried to move however he couldn't move. It was like something had completely restrained him.

With no other options he just gave up waiting for something to happen. Chances were he became brain dead so that really was his only option. After an unknown amount of time he finally heard something.

[Overlord system now installing.....1%...14%...46%....100%]

[System Installation now complete. Activating system support.]

"Finally I can at last get away from that old man and be with my dear husband" a feminine voice said.

Clayton felt a level of confusion that he has never felt before hearing the voice. His previous assumption that he became delusional seemed to have been reinforced.

"Great now I am imagining a girl calling me her husband. Seriously I know an entire life of being single can make you crazy ,but this really takes the cake" he said embarrassed.

"Geeze darling no need to be so mean" the voice wined.

After hearing the voice again he started to think maybe it is real.

"Of course I am real besides you are no longer like you were before. It is just that you have not hatched yet" the voice explained.

As it was speaking he could see a transparent screen in front of him. Reading it, his previous confusion completely vanished. First off he had died in his original world so he was reincarnated here. Second the voice he heard previously was a god from this world. As for why he was brought here it did not say. Third the God gave him system to make his adjustment to this new world easier. Meanwhile the support was an extra function to make it even easier.

"Okay I got that I am still alive but that does not explain where" Clay questioned.

Giggling the voice responded, "Currently you are on the continet of Gaia in the forest of Grim. More specifically in an egg parched on a ledge about to fall off."

Instantly he began to panic thinking about what he should do. The voice's reaction was instead one of absolute calm.

"Don't worry darling I already know a way to fix our current predicament" the voice informed.

She then went on to explain that the solution to his problem is simple. In her words he just needed to rock his egg. It should fall away from the cliff thus making things- alot safer. Since he didn't have a better idea he followed her plan so he started shifting. Not long later he could feel himself fall onto a flat surface. Now with that done can he focus on getting out of his prison. Using all of his will power Clay forced his body to move. Seconds went by without any real movement. Until he felt like what should be a hand make contact with a shell. Excited he continuously pushed against it until final there was a cracking sound.

Mere moments later he was finally free to see a beautiful blur sky. Amazement washed over him as he looked around. He was on an absurdly tall plateau. A simple peek over the edge revealed a boundless sea of trees. The view reminded him of his previous conversation.

"So this is the forest of Grim a little bigger than I expected" he said warily.

"Don't worry husband even though the forest of Grim is extremely dangerous it is also a land of opportunity" the voice cheered.

Clay had to admit her words did have a fair bit of reasoning behind them. Thanks to him having the honor of spending alot of time in the hospital. He has read alot of web novels and one thing is true for all of them. That is wherever there is danger there is opportunity. That thought soon brought another one to his mind. Earlier the voice said something about a system.

"That's right darling not only do you have a system but as a beautiful system support" he responded arrogantly.

As it said that another screen popped up in front of Clay.

[Name: Clay

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 1

Racial level(s): Dragon-1/10. ????-????

bloodline: Not awakened

Mana core: rank 1

Health points: 500

mana points: 100





Status points-0

Skill points-0]

"Welp I know you should have guess it from the whole egg thing ,but actually seeing it written down drives the point home. After spending my life in and out of the hospital I died. Not only that but I was also reincarnated as a dragon in another world" ,he said in a monotone voice.

Clay may not have had a way of knowing but his new life was going to be alot more than he was expecting. He go from a weak sick kid to the Overlord of all dragon kind. Of course with that there will be pros and cons.