
Here comes the horror


Geez! Shawn gulped a second time as he tried getting up from the tiled concrete floor. 'oh why does it have to be me? Why not tyler?' he thought

Everyone in the hall watched as Shawn's victim clenched the table making him shiver.

'I'm a goner'

The person turned to reveal a girl whose head was bowed, with his food contents muddled on her lengthy hair.

She abrupty brought her head up and he flinched as his gaze met hers.Though a huge part of her hair always shaded her right eye making it difficult to capture her full face. But still Shawn was scared,his legs felt knumb.He had fooded the WITCH - a name the students gave her seeing she always act alone, a loner , strange, doesn't talk to anyone and so on.

'why'd it have to be the witch?'

The witch began to take steps towards who just stood, glued to the spot. He didn't know whether to run,or go on his knees and beg. He was confused. All he could hear was tyler whispering,

"Run for ya life man or she'll get you", then it changed to,

"You're a goner bro", as soon as the witch got to where he was.

He staggered a bit trying to hold his shaky legs. What was she going to do to him?

He'd heard rumours about her - bad ones. He was sure it was one of those high school gossips, exaggerations, but still what if they were true?

She was already infront of him.

'oh momma, please save me', he cried within

For a few seconds the girl stood there gazing at him with an expressionless half covered face which didn't display, whether or not she was angry. Suddenly a smirk curved on her face and shawn was confused.

'why'd she....'

Before he could finish his thoughts,he felt a hard blow to his tummy. Not again,this one's even twice more harder than damian's. What does she eat or do? To make her,a girl's fist as hard as this.

Shawn groaned, holding his tummy as he fell on his knees due to the excruciating pain. An uproar of laughter filled the entire hall.

".....he went on his knees for the witch"

"...what a whim" whispers and mockery were being thrown at him.

The witch walked out of the hall. Shawn was still on the cold floor, he lifted his eyes which caught chloe making fun of him. He was hurt but shrugged it off thinking.

*He'd have done the same if he were in her place*

 He staggered a little bit as he got up and found a seat next to Tyler.

"Does it hurt? She got you good bro"  tyler said

"Like she got y...." The latter stopped when he saw the intimidating glare Shawn threw at him.


A cloaked figure sauntered through a shady alley, not dark, not enough light and picking up pace after sighting a bright light at the end. 

 "Where ya heading old man?", a guy obviously a bandit intercepted the figure. A few other guys propped up as well.

The figure's steps halted, slightly raising the hood to take a look at the jarheads who dared to meddle.

The little runt of a bandit scanned the figure his eyes. Old! He presumed seeing the way the figure moved. He still couldn't get a glance of of the old man's face. The hood over his head obscured his sight. But still, what attracted his attention was a shiny bracelet he mistakenly saw when the figure tried adjusting the cloak.

"Where ya headed to? I can give you directions.

Folks like you shouldn't be walking through these parts of town" he said with a smirk while his gang pals chuckled..

"How dare you mortal?" the figure finally said with a husky,yet dark tone. After a few moments of silence. The figure's hands fisted, slowly raising the hood to look at the victim eye to eye.

"Lookie what we have here boys" the young bandit yelled as his pals came hustling to his call.

"whaddya say old fart?" the bandit supposedly the leader, blurted out as he flicked his thumb and a sharp pointed knife sprung up. He was now serious.

The hood partially shaded the figure's face with a white, silvery beard which would maim the fact - if the figure was poor?!

The bandit was still waiting for an answer from the figure,who was busy doing nothing but ruminating if he'd murder this thing blocking his way.

"Gimme the shiny thing with you and I won't hurt you" the bandit threatened with a tone that seemed assuring but the cloaked old man didn't waver, just another insect. He could take out all of them without breaking a sweat. Suddenly, the atmosphere went tense the sky above them darkened. Useless newpapers started flying, wastebins rolled to the strange wind that appeared to only revolve around them.The cloak of the old figure swayed to the rhythm of the wind. The jaws of the old man clenched.






