
The Rebellious Giant Dragon

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

Having suffered from the level nine magic scroll 'Frost Nova', the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon scratched itself in a bad mood. What should have been a tail that looked like a fine spear was now badly damaged and disfigured, leaving it exceptionally angry. Who knew if it was intentional or not, but its sharp dragon claw flitted across the back of the knight's head.

Its luck in the chaotic fight last night was so bad that it could not have gotten worse. The Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was hit by a strategic-level magic scroll that flew out from nowhere.

Had its knight not burst out his battle aura to dispel the magical effects in time, it would have been frozen into a huge ice lump and fallen from a thousand meters above the ground. Given the body strength that the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was proud of, even if it had not broken into pieces, it would have probably been frozen for a hundred years and held in captivity. Humans had many methods to deal with all kinds of incredible existences.

Giant Dragons were one of the most powerful creatures under the starry sky, and their bodies were full of treasures. In addition to giving their enemies the reputation as dragon-slaying heroes, they would undoubtedly be cut into many pieces and made into a variety of magical weapons. If that had happened, it really would have had nowhere to air its grievances.

Every Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was a master of cold weapons. It ate metal for food, used metal to arm itself, and was a darling of nature that manipulated the power of metal.

Despite not having any magic attack power, every Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was able to evolve itself into a unique combat weapon.

In ancient legends, a Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was the weapon wielded by a god in expeditions and could transform into the invincible legendary Sword of Damocles. They had extremely powerful combat strength, and at the same time, they were also the most bloodthirsty dragons, all arrogant and unruly.

Although dragons and humans had an ancient alliance, there were very few metal-attribute Dragon Knights who could successfully sign a contract without being torn into minced meat. This caused Metal-Attribute Giant Dragons to be one of the few dangerous contract Giant Dragons, and not every Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was willing to become the flying mount of a human knight.

This Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon named 'Gold Coin' laid on his back lazily. What appeared to be a casual movement was recognized by his knight, Molin, as full of danger. If the knight in front of it was unprepared just now, its claw movement to scratch its tail could have cut off his head.

It only needed to eliminate its knight to get out of this damned Dragon Knight Contract. It would not need to worry about being summoned while it was enjoying itself and could live freely without being bound to anyone. What a wonderful thing it would be to enjoy unrestrained happiness freely.

Gods knew why it was so unlucky to have resonated with the soul of this human named 'Molin'. Under the Dragon God's compulsory contract, it had signed the Dragon Knight Contract unwillingly. Therefore, this Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon was always trying to find opportunities to eliminate its knight.

In a remote border town, fighting with wild dogs for food, relying on the occasional charity of kind-hearted people, and selling whatever hard work they could, homeless orphans had struggled to survive.

Ever since Molin could remember, he had never known what was giving up was. A scrap of leftovers often represented the distance between life and death. Having witnessed the helpless death of young friends of similar age in the despair of starvation and illness, he would never let any chance go.

He would rather be like mud in the gutter, unable to be shaken off no matter what, clinging on to others regardless of how annoying he was, taking beatings, insults, and cold shoulders as they came. Nothing could cause him to waver in his determination to find a chance to live.

When the Sland Empire was recruiting soldiers, Molin was discovered to have the potential of a dragon knight and was sent to a cruel training camp. No matter how much danger and how many difficulties he encountered, he was not willing to give up this opportunity to change his destiny.

To survive, you could not give up. This principle was imprinted in Molin's bones. Molin had clenched his teeth tightly and endured. He even sacrificed more than the others and eventually stood out from the many candidates.

Fortunately, his soul resonated with one of the selected Giant Dragons. However, it was with a very brutal Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon known to be arrogant and unruly. Not only that, but it was one of the most dangerous Giant Dragons that were very unsuitable to be mounts.

And Molin's battle aura attribute was light. Their attributes were neither opposing nor complementary, belonging to the type of combination that was awkward and without any kind of gain. It was far inferior to the combination of the same attribute or mutually engendering attributes that allowed the training of battle aura to improve by leaps and bounds.

In the gloating eyes of those eliminated;

The complex eyes of training camp instructors;

The sympathetic eyes of the other lucky people who became dragon knights;

The threatening and murderous eyes of the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon chosen by the Dragon God Contract;

Molin still took the dragon flute firmly, regardless of the problem of matching attributes and the danger of the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon.

He had already known early on in the training camp that he only needed to treat this Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon named Gold Coin as a ferocious, cunning wild dog in his eyes.

All he needed to do was be careful and even more careful, and he would be able to protect himself and become a noble Dragon Knight whose life's destiny had completely changed.

Molin always remained vigilant, guarding against it turning on him, and coupled with the suppression of the dragon flute on hand, all he needed was a thought to force the Giant Dragon into the contract space to sleep.

This arrogant, unruly, and wild Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon could not do anything to Molin. Even while sleeping on his side, Molin was still very cautious and maintained a high degree of vigilance.

If it could not do it in one blow, it was very likely that Molin would rather abandon the dragon flute and the Dragon Knight identity and imprison it forcefully in the dragon flute forever, which was no different to death. A lose-lose outcome was not what Gold Coin wanted to see.

Since the establishment of the ancient alliance, the number of Dragon Knights finished by their Giant Dragons was sizable. Because of signing contracts with Metal-Attribute Giant Dragons, some knights were even so scared that they threw away their dragon flutes and let the Giant Dragons free, becoming dragon-less Dragon Knights.

The strength and dangers of Metal-Attribute Giant Dragons were both loved and hated, but not everyone had a choice. Soul resonance was the crux to the success of the contract.

The so-called contractual symbiosis was something that did not exist at all. Dragons were not so nice as to allow their race to share their long lives with the short-lived humans. It was just a combat partnership contract that ended when either of the parties died. There was absolutely no situation where the death of one meant the death of the other.

This rarely seen war of the century between the Tersi Empire and the Sland Empire, including the battle of Hailar that had already seen both countries lose 1.6 million lives, saw countless short-lived heroes.

However, the cause of the war was extremely ridiculous, not even worth mentioning.

It all started because an envoy group from the Tersi Empire visited the Sland Empire, and one of the envoys had a dispute with a Sland Empire court attendant over half a gold coin. As the dispute intensified among the low-status figures, they started to form gangs and fanned the flame. As it became more serious, the more dignified and important figures got involved until it rose to become a matter of national dignity and interests.

Living on the same planet, the two countries that talked about peaceful development almost simultaneously tore off their masks of hypocrisy and broke out in a bloody national war.

In the end, a decisive battle was held around the Hailar central mountain range, and the five-year war was dubbed the 'Half-Gold Coin War' by historians.

To this day, there was still no result. The war, which consumed enormous financial and material resources of the two countries, left the emperors of both countries helpless. They knew that the national power was greatly damaged, but it was impossible for them to stop halfway.


In the distance, an incandescent white shooting star streaked across the sky with a long flaming tail and a sonic boom. It flew above the icy peak like it had a life of its own.

A massive ladle of boiling water seemed to have been poured over the snow-capped peak of the cold mountain. The thick ten-thousand-year-old cold ice turned into boiling water in a flash and flowed in all directions. Several waterfalls appeared on top of the mountain out of thin air.

A large mass of white mist rose and enveloped the entire peak suddenly. The heat waves rolled as though it were wearing a white hat.

"Aca! Are you trying to roast me?"

Smelling the pungent smell of sulfur in the air, the man in black armor turned around fiercely and saw the white mist covering the summit suddenly burst out. A huge red fireball with boundless heat rushed at him, seeming to want to turn the man in black armor into a roasted chicken.

"Molin! It seems that I can't compare to Brother Gardel. He is the best at scaring people!"

Accompanying the laughter, a giant fireball burst out into fire sparks and emerged as a dragon and a man, who landed steadily in front of the man in black armor.

As soon as it landed on the ground, the land under the Giant Dragon's claw burst with a sharp sizzling sound, filling the air with white mist. In a flash, after evaporating the snow and water, the red and white flames on the dragon's claw seemed to melt the dry rocks into hot magma.

"Haha. Aca, Messiah and you are a Fire Dragon-Knight combination, eye-catching and conspicuous. It can't compare to Brother Gardel's Shadow Dragon's talent in stealth."

Molin put his hands on his helmet and took it off to a happy and laughing expression.

The black pupils and short black hair seemed to match perfectly with the black-and-gold interlaced Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon that was pretending to nap beside him.

Aca's fiery red heavy armor matched his own dragon. Standing next to Molin, he was a head taller than Molin.

In the training camp, Aca was one of Molin's few good friends. He was born in the countryside and had a sister. Compared to Molin, Aca had a much happier time growing up.


The Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon Gold Coin carelessly swept its tail, smashing a huge rock, which was exposed after the snow melted, like tofu.

In its eyes, the little Fire-Attribute Dragon standing before it was younger than it by nearly a hundred years, and one claw swipe could tear it into pieces easily. What could a fire-attribute dragon breath do to it?

It was a Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon that had consumed Liquid Iridium Magic Metal. In addition, it was born with control over the metal element. Although it did not have any magic power, it was impossible for that dragon to try to roast and melt it.

Unless the other party's flames could evolve to the level of a mystic flame above Extreme Skyfire, there would be no effect on it at all.

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