


Another Request


A large silver-colored dragon with black colored slit eyes stared down, where a woman wearing a white robe was kneeling.

The dragon was around 20 meters, with all of its scales shining in silver light. The leathery wings behind the dragon were folded, and two thorns stood on both of the wings.

The dragon was none other than me, Akame. A weird name for this world though.

Both of us were inside a cave, with many treasures laying on the ground, from gold to weapons, all types. The treasures that I collected in my life. And the cave is my dwelling since the time I started to live alone. The cave in a place where not even the so-called heroes dared to come near.

"Why are you here again?" I asked, confusedly. At the same time, lowering my head as my height in this form is still quite large.

The woman lifted her head, her pitch-black hair falling down her face, covering her eyes. But I was still able to see those pitch-black eyes from the gaps between her hairs. The eyes that I still remember from the very first time I saw them.

The eyes were the darkness that made light shone in them.

"Please…save my saintess…"

She lightly whispered, but it was enough for me to hear.

Huh? Saintess? Didn't she die a long time ago? My memory may be weak but not that, that I would forget a character as eccentric if she was alive.

And even though I am strong, I can't revive someone if that person was dead for a long time. Only 3 people or more like, higher-level forms could do that.

With my right claw scratching my head, I asked in a confused manner, "Dark Goddess, what do you mean by that?"

It was a habit I got during my travels or more like baby-sittings the so-called big figures during my boring times.

Hearing my question, a troubled expression formed on Dark Goddess, one of the 7 Great Goddesses' face as she looked around, averting my eyes. But after a minute or so, she looked in my direction, meeting my eyes as hers as her bangs also settled down to the sides.

"Please, save my Saintess from her destruction. Only you could do it!"

Saying those words, Dark Goddess again started to kneel in front of me.

Instead of getting an answer, it made me more confused as I know nothing about her request. Gods surely think that everyone knew everything like them, right? Looking at Dark Goddess, a sigh escaped my mouth.


"Care to explain what you even mean?" I asked.

She then lifted her head again before answering me, "My Saintess had already been born…but she is seen as a Cursed Child by everyone around her. I want you to please save her…"

She started to hold her hands in a praying manner with some tears falling from her eyes. It looked like she was quite troubled and pitiful which was true considering what happened to her previous Saintess.

"Is she your new Saintess?" I asked.

Dark Goddess nodded.

"She is the new Saintess, someone born in this era, this world. Someone loved by Darkness." She answered with a loving smile on her face.

I see…A new Saintess…

'Now that's troubling…Saintess is the being like the bane of Evil…but the Dark Goddess' Saintess is the incarnation of evil herself…'

But I also can't neglect the request as Dark Goddess is the reason for me to be still alive. Her favor on me was quite heavy after all.

"I see…then I would try to help your Saintess. In exchange, you need to look out for my dwelling."

"No Problem!! I will do that!!"

Dark Goddess answered in an enthusiastic manner as she jumped from her kneeling position.

I would have never accepted her request if not for the fact that she was my savior and my benefactor.

After all, taking care of kids was quite tiring.

"Then, give me all the information regarding that Saintess of yours."

The information was the most crucial step, after all, I don't want to end up doing something stupid. Like helping her more than necessary or something similar.

Dark Goddess nodded and closed her eyes, a small ray of dark light shot from her forehead and entered the mine, along with that was the information that I wanted.

Sorting the information was an easy step as it was just the information about her history and her present.


I lightly whispered that name, the name of the girl that the Dark Goddess requested my assistance to help. Really, what a pitiful fate…well, not too much but still, it was quite pitiful.

"I will help you."

I called out to the Goddess who was now grinning, to be honest, that looked disgusting but I was not going to say that.

"Thank you!!"

She looked at me and dashed toward me with a speed that a normal person would never be able to see and started to hug my leg.

…I am not feeling anything, neither her breasts nor how soft she was.

Discard the horny thoughts.

I quickly removed her from my leg lest I do something that I would regret and made her sit in the place where she was before.


The Goddess started to breathe heavily with her breasts moving up and down, matching her breathing.

I need to leave quickly…Staying with this Goddess when she gets into this state was the bes…worst choice.

"Then I am leaving,"

Saying that I unfolded my wings, and started to pass my mana onto them. My body started to float in the air.

"Please…Hah…Stay…." Dark Goddess said while rubbing her legs together, and a bright flush on her face. "I..Hah..wanted to discuss…Hah…"

Yup, staying with her is the worst choice. My body started to float towards the exit which was not that far away while ignoring the panting goddess behind me.

Soon, I reached out of the cave, which was in the center of a large mountain. The dwellings that I had been living in for several hundreds of years.

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